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PROBABLE DERBY STARTERS Field for 15000 Closing D y Feature of Havana Meeting Yesterdays Ordinary Program Marked by Close Finishes and Spirited Racing HAVANA Cuba March I With tin end of the one hundred and ten days meeting of the Gubii Amorican Jockey and Auto Club scheduled for next Sunday March 7 the interest of racing followers is centered in the running of the Cuban Derby the lfOOO added feature of the closing day The pro ¬ spective starters coininjse the pick of the thrce year olds here and include Hilly Barton Aiken Gen ¬ eral Menocal General 1 M Gomez Dr Charles Wells Kama lluonee Plus Vltra All Kight Sir Whippet Boseate and IHack Top The only filly in the lineup is Rotate ISilly Barton and Aikeuare regarded as the most formidable of those name although General Menoeal on the strength of his recent excellent races will not lack admirers admirersBilly Billy Barton the ruling favorite for the big race will have u last work Thursday afternoou between the first and second races when lie will be sent thiv full Derby route by Bert Kennedy who has been engaged to ride the colt in his final trial General 1 II Gome and Aiken ran a mile and iiu eighth between races this afternoon the former beating Aiken by four or five lengths the frac ¬ tional time being 1 1 IS1 114 140 1M 1MDeMite DeMite the absence of any particular feature todays card provided some good sport The con ¬ testants in the different races were weRmatche l and tin finisl es ii n majority oC thcnicliij iv uster for the jnost exacting This was particularly true in the third race in which Winall lioseate and Talent raced through the stretch iu almost perfect alignment and at th end the proverbial blanket would have covered the threes Xot until the judges announced tleir decision were the spectators cer ¬ tain as to the result They were placed in the order mentioned above aboveSeven Seven Seas won the opener with War Tax press ¬ ing him hard at the end The latters race was a good one and with better luck in the early running might have reversed the decision decisionItamcaii Itamcaii and Molincro put up a great fight for honors in the second race and the former was victorious only after a stubbornly contested stretch drive with the result in doubt until the final strides stridesThe The mares llora Vision Little 1auchiti and Sirs Langdon recently purchased by Milton and Wallace have been shipped to Kentucky to be mated to suitable stallions stallionsG G Fields one of the best jockeys developed here this winter goes to Kentucky to ride for the William Dondas stable stableMrs Mrs C II Gilroy owner of Mayor House and others in charge of George Sherman left Wednes ¬ day for her home in Buffalo X Y accompanied by her mother Mrs C Bostwick BostwickThe The stables of William Dondas T J Brown and S T Baxter will leave Friday morning for Latonia At the same time Little Indian and Elizabeth M owned by II W Hay member of the Kentucky Stale Racing Commission will be shipped to Ken ¬ tucky to be retired to a breeding farm farmHappy Happy Go Lucky will be transferred to Latonia along with the other W Dondas horses and return to Cuba next fall