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FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 34 1916 145 3 110 110EL EL REY ch g 7 117 117Orainer By Peep oDay Lady Strathmore by Btrathmow Btrathmowr ScullyK3 Orainer A P Yoeman Owner L Scully K3 13 Tijuana ImTOy l47sslow C 111 1 0 9 7 r 2 O Yoargln 11 King Agrippa Sadie I Dohra 3 Tijuana 1 l16ihvy 1 119 1 8 r f f i 53J K Carter 12 Cli Master DandyVan LJphinc 03023 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast GOf ill C 10 5 5 C2 4J n Carter 11 Ostentatious MSedalia MuudM 52963 Tijuana Im70v l4Gfast tf 110 12 12 12 12 10l IO15 11 Carter 11 VonLady Cli Court Ostentatua 52888 Tijuana 1 lllfast 46 110111010 10 10C2733 Si C5 P Martinezl2 RarSlilllIng Ely MtvLever C2733 Tijuana 1 11C llSfust 93 110 11052GSI 7 It Carter 7 Cavliloiirll ByCal TGalbint 52GSI Tijuana 1 145 slow 9 117 7 ° II Carter 11 Horviiut Brown 15ce 15 Slliug 52609 Tijuana 1 116 l51slow S 107 S S i M SIghterll FShaunon Von Lady Horynut C24S4 Tijiinna 1 l463 mud 7 110 62 ji sighter 11 Prevaricate Honolulu AiicaStar OZARDOM h h 5 109 109Owner By Royal Realm Zoara by Matchmaker Owner United States Breeding Bureau 53334 Tijuana 1 l42fast i 115 S C 5 2 I2 2U H Marielli 8 KuxyPird Pat Mack Runecraft 53321 Tijuana 31115 fast Sf 10710 S S 751 Marielliir Kof Pythias Rosellis Lantern 52956 Tijuana 51 f 108 good 112 lor S it S13 II Howe 9 Perch Mex Clear the Way Way52GS4 52GS4 Tijuana 1 144 slow 39 113 fi93 W HInphy Irish Daisy Busy Bird PDlaa 52558 Tijuana 1 150 mud 9 113 6T B MaHellllO Canute LJosephine RleFlower RleFlowerB2523 B2523 Tijuana Im70y l50 slop 9 IIS 8 W Hinphy 10 Coinmnnder VonLady Prophecy 52458 Tijuana ImTOy l48slbp 19f 118 9 J Murray 10 Modiste Honolulu Busy Bird Bird225S 225S Tijuana 1 l42fast 7f 115 5 3 B MaHelH12 Gila T F McMahon Blazer Blazer5210G 5210G Tijuana SS I01fi3t lf 108 10 G Yeargln 11 Kittle Jake I Brigade Daisy N N51S07 51S07 Tijuana 58 l011 fast GOf 108 9 3 II Jones 11 Fireplace LadySmall Gtrudelt GtrudeltDEHRA DEHRA b m 8 107 By SirHuon Rosemeade by St Gatien GatienTrainer Trainer J Greenhow Owner J Greenliow Greenliowf293 f293 Tijuana ImTOy l47 l47islow islow 62 107 11 10 S 6 fl2 I12 B Tosiah 12 Kins Agrippa El Bey SadioD SadioDFifcIO FifcIO Tijuana 118150 alow ir10 102 C5i M Slghter 7 RDYhman WMMaker Canute 52561 Tijuana 1149 mud 27 103 r 3 II Jones 7 Honolulu Frivolous Von Lady 525 IS Tijuana Im70y l5imud 10f 102 7i II Jones 10 PDrapu Nasliotnh GMiiehleh 52483 Tijuana 1 l45mud 13f 113 10 N Foden 11 Bahy Girl Audrey A VonLady 52403 Tijuana 1 18 l51fast lit 100 i D Powell 11 Cork Our Maid Honolulu 52258 Tijuana ll42fast 1J 110 11 N Fouen 12 Gila T F MoMahon Blazer Blazer520CO 520CO Tijuana 34115 fast 83 111 II J Shilling 12 LHPncess AnJackson Prairie PrairieLITTLE LITTLE POINTER ch f 3 87 87Trainer By Heno Stiletto by Star Shoot Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk 34 l144ffast llf 00 12 12 9 71 fJ P Parke 1 ° AuntAnnie Tawtha Shoreacres 5T2G4 Tijuana 51 f l104fhvy 161 10T 2 2 4 52 f P Parke 7 OJames Jaekfedi Tawasentha Tawasentha5324G 5324G Tijuana 5S l03slop llf 90 1 4 0 302 32 D Hum 12 MadPyns JSInncliita Ap Jack Jack524r 524r Tijuana 51 f l12miid 21 7 GJ3 13 MarielillO Nasiedovati Review Ooma Ooma5K45G 5K45G Tijuana 58 l03slop C 100 7 ° M Slighter Camflagell OcoJames AnnS 5242 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 5J 95 G i B Marielllll MabelKiile BeesWing SlsPollj 52337 Tijuana 58 l02hvy 2G2 99 8 U Post 8 CYutter JEIlsorth JGoolman 52203 Tijuana 4i f CSfast 4M OG 91Z P Hum 10 Joeltlalr JuitaKdrick Corncti CornctiLADY LADY JOSEPHINE br m 6 110 By Jack De Mund Donna Ehira by Ethelbert EthelbertTrainer Trainer F Martin Owner F Martin MartinH2305 H2305 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 45 110 S 6 S 1 4i 3J n MaritlH 0 BabyFst LitOrplian HrDrloy 53253 Tijuana 1 llfihvy 3710 110 S 9 8 C r 3i 1 Powell 11 TliMaster DandyVnn Prplicoy 53002 Tijuana ImTOy It47fast 14 30S 2 G G G fi2 7 C Gross S Prince Direct Maudie Ben Levy 52931 Tijuana Im70y 1 52 mud 30 310 543 2 3 2 k D Powell S Maudie Tours Mighty Lever 2861 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfast 10 110 11011 11 10J 8 12 Taylor 12 Mountain Girl Maud M Ely 52558 Tijuana 1 150 mud 13 333 23 J Glass 10 Canute BleFlower Centerville 52504 Tijuana GS l04hvy 57 305 fi J M Slghterl2 IndBgade MEurta JJMrdk 52298 Tijuana 1 l42fast G 109 Gx P Marielli 12 Tamilian AnJackson Prophecy 51959 Tijuana 34 l14fast 36 115 82 R Cartfr 11 Lobelia Harrigans Heir Gila Gila5178S 5178S Tijutua Im70y l47Vifast CO 101 741 E Taylor 10 SrockGrcen Cobrita BabySIster BabySIsterMIKE MIKE DIXON br g 5 101 By Banrsdale Baby Dizon by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham 53317 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 22f 107 9 4 2 3 T1 O3 J Majestic 10 Dickie W Humma Cobriln 53335 Tijuana 34 l144ffast llf 107 31 10 11 91 Ssl J Majestic IS AuntAnnie Tawtlia KlicreairnK KlicreairnK5206S 5206S Tijuana Im7fly l4Gfast 33f 107 30 9 I 11 12 1223 J Clementsl2 VonLady Ch Court Ostentntus OstentntusK953 K953 Tijuana 34115 good lOf 10 10 9 11 315 II15 J ClementHl2 Xamloch LitPnepss AnntAiirile 52931 Tijuana ImTOy 152 mud 29 107 1 2 2 4 Gi 61 J Clements 8 Maudie Lady Josephine Tours 51S9S Tijuana 1 l414ifast 12 112 T2 E Haywd S PDripeau MikeDaly Salgeorge 51802 Tijuana 34 l fast IT 312 9i2 E Haywd H Mex Chandelier Revelry Jamu 51T63 Tijuana 58 l02V fast 8f 111 Gs E Ilaywrdll Velvet Little Gink Lavaga 51654 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 60 112 T1S C O Taylor 10 Tom Goose Yukon Honolulu HonoluluFAIRY FAIRY SpendthriftTrainer PRINCE ch g 5 104 By Olambala Glass Slipper by Spendthrift Trainer W Mikel Owner W Mikel 53321 Tijuana 34115 fast Sf 10432 32 34 31231D Prible 1 Kof Pythias Rosellis Lantern 2S47 Tijuana 58101 fast 245 109 9 99 S21 S11 R McCrnn 0 Ed Lo Van Crispie Fireplace Fireplace5234T 5234T Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 83f 110 T14 C Whitton J Uiposta Tillotson Geo James 52526 Tijuana 51 f l15 slop 106 110 S14 H Itettig It Our Leader Lewis I Velvet 52402 Tijuana 58 l01fast S5 109 914 W Hinphy 9 LitJake IIMcCirty EdLeVan 51935 Chagrin AbaS l01fast 21 316 T71 E L Brnes S Juauitalll DrHall StanleyH 50854 Chagrin Ab38 l05J5good3310 112 1 J Schlessr 8 Dengro Vulcainus PantherSkin 50847 Chagrin Ab5S l05Hslow 6 108 44 C Undwd S LEyesIL OLitlcAnn Easttide 50836 Chagrin Ab5S l044islow 125 112 4Ti J Drnlnick 0 St Just Participle Dairyman DairymanSADIE SADIE D ch f 4 M 103 By Ormondalo Ballynahinch by General Bymoni Trainer A Brent Owner A Brent or Ardoon CorkI 53346 Tijuana ImTOy l4G fast 19f 98 643 2 I1 2 J Iltamer 10 Prince Direct Pardfira Cork 53293 Tijuana ImTOy l4TWlow 93 9S 9 G 3 3 221 3 i J Htamcr 12 King Agrippa El Rey Delira 53245 Tijuana 1 l45slop 69 9G G 5 5 5 o4 5s J Htamer 10 Maud M Sasin Patsy Mack 52023 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 32 95 9 8 10 9 93 S11 J Htamerll Ostentatious MSedalia MaiidM 52920 Tijuana 1 18 l5Sslop 43f 97 1 1 1 2 4 414 J Htamer 7 PabySister RntlandArms Cork 52887 Lady52SGO Tijuana 1 l42fast TGf 100 9 7 8 8 SJ 71 J Htamer 12 J J Mnrdock Viva Von Lady 52SGO Tijuana 34 l14fast 43f 97 12 12 12 12 lO3 J Htamer 12 Haganslleir ApJack I wisIJ wisIJ52TC9 52TC9 Tijuana oi f l077sfast 95 99 O13 J Htamer 12 ThriftyThree EdLeVan Mistake 52544 Tijuana 5i f 111 mud 64 98 9 J Htamerll J Hoshor Lavaga Perfect Day 52504 Tijuana 5S l04hvy SO 1 K5 11IS X Foden 12 IndBgade MEurta JJMrdk JJMrdkTOURS TOURS HimyarTrainer br g 9 108 By Out of Reach Ethel Thomas by Himyar Trainer L A McDowell Owner L A McDowell McDowelli 5 293 Tijuana ImTOy 3 47siow 32109121212 32 IO4 S2 D Hum 12 Kim Agrippa El Itev SadieD 5245 Tijuaan 1 l455slon 9 102 7 G G G 6 G M SlghtcrlO Maud M Sasin Patsy Mack 53023 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 21 107 S 9 S 7 72 T10 G Yeargin 11 Ostentatious MSedalia MaudM 52931 Tijuana ImTOy 152 mud 8 107 S S S S 41 SJ G Yeargin S Maudie L Josephine M Lever Lever52X28 52X28 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast GS 109 12 11 11 11 101 6 = 1 P Martinezl2 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudie Maudie52S06 52S06 Tijuana 1 l42Vsfast 28 104 10452T50 GT M Slghter 0 Mary Fuller Jim Winn Ely 52T50 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast CO 112 7aJ W Hinphy 9 L Innocence Mary Fuller Viva 52683 Tijuana 1 l44iislow 13 112 2s W Hinphy 10 Audrey A Rifle Ster AStar 52560 Tijuana 1 l50mud 4310 103 4ZJ B Marielli J Argento Ethel Anna Star 52314 Tijuana 1 l43Vifast 36 115 115EMELDA 8 J W Hinphy 10 TokalonMarch CCourt Maudie EMELDA ch m 9 94 94Trainer By Salvation Armadora by Gano GanoII14 Trainer J B Clark Owner Toppenish Stable 52298 Tijuana 1 l42 l42sfast = sfast 14 109 II14 Rowe 12 Tamilian AnJackson Prophecy 51858 Tijuana 34 115 fast 158 113 S92 ProphecyS92 F Baker Delancey Oendourtl TJMock 47963 Tijuana 5J f 108 fast 24 111 1114TS34 54 J McBride 9 MerLass AJackson Murielslet 4TS34 Tijuana 51 f l07faat 14 111 1114775C 23 C Tlipson 10 Minstrel Commendation AStar 4775C Tijuana 7S 1 29 fast 5if 112 1124T594 7 J P Martinezl2 Dinah Argento Commendation 4T594 Tijuana 78 133 mud 4 112 6 i P Martinez S WMPaler SisMallory Prophy ProphyBy LINKS LADY br m 8 M 97 By Golden Link Fleeda by Long Fish FishTrainer Trainer T Kindle Owner T Kindled Kindled52SG1 52SG1 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 32 ins 2 10 10 Irt 9 = TJ T Kiriille 11 Helmnn LitOrplian YkLassie YkLassie5S305 5S305 LJpIiine532G5 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 32 110 9 7 7 7 Tc 54J T Kindle 9 BabyFst LitOrphau LJpIiine 532G5 Tijuana 1 l4Ghvy 82 110 6 T 9 8 S Si T Kindle 12 ChMaster DandyVan LJphine 52681 Tijuana 1 115 slow 53 103 8 = T Kindle 11 Horynut Brown Bee B SMling 52609 Tijuana 1 116 l51slow ISf 105 77i T Kindle 11 FSIiannon Von Lady Uorynut 52559 Tijuana 1 l49mud 70f 104 5 T Kindle 10 BerniceK AndreyA PatMack PatMackB2523 B2523 Tijuana Im70y l50slop 81 103 7 T Kindle 10 Commander VonLady Prophecy 52381 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast of 103 9 9o o T Kindle 11 Madrid Humuia Gift 52279 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 97 103 7 T Kindle 7 Cvalcadourll Honolulu Boreas 5 T Kindle 11 OurMaid RedWilliam MaudM By Zeus Black Pearl by Frankfort Trainer W M MeClintock Owner F Patterson 53293 Tijuana Im70y l47sslow 16f 100 7 7 T 10 12 12 H Taylor 12 King Agrippa El Key SadieD 51695 Tijuana 5J f l09fast 19f 110 7s E Haywd 10 BlackWing DoraStar MFullei 51537 Tijuana 5i f l08fast GSf 108 10 B Ilaywrdll Weinland ThirtySfcven Stelclifl 46542 Havana 34 l15good 10 101 7 77 Gl 510 G Mangan 7 Sherry Mary Fitzhugh Drusillj 46527 VirgleLet4G501 Havana 5i f l10slow 5 104 6 G 5 51 411 W Brown G Lucie May Donatello VirgleLet 4G501 Havana 34 l22ihvy 15 98 3 4 3 2l 2J F Wilson 9 Sherry VainChick FlyingDart FlyingDartMIGHTY MIGHTY LEVER br g 4 M 105 By Ildrim Supposition by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer A Morgan Owner A Morgan 53203 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tysslow 21 105 G S 10 9 S3 614 H Rowe 12 Kins Agrippa El Key SadieD 53023 Tijuana ImTOy 14T fast 13 102 5 G 9 10 10to 9 = ° H Jones 11 Ostentatious MSedalia MaudM MaudMT2931 T2931 Tijuana ImTOy 152 mud 8 105 311 1 21 41 AV Hinphy 8 Maudie Lady Josephine Tours 52SSS Tijuana 1 l41fast 19 107 2 2 3 3 3J 3 W Hinphy 12 BShilling Ely RedWilliam 526S1 Tijuana 1145 slow 24 112 44 W Hinphy 11 Horynut Brown Bee B Slling 52647 Tijuana Ei f 112 mud 10 112 33 W Hinphy 7 Dots MaudBacon SatsumaBello SatsumaBello523S1 523S1 Tijuana 1 l44good llf 10G 9 J R McCrnn 11 OFlush Brownltee ChatCourt 52277 Tijuana 1 l43fast 22f 108 3 W Hinphy 12 May worth Maud M Mistake MistakeJIM JIM COFFROTH HandcuffTrainer blk g cM 114 By Colinet Marie Hyde by Handcuff Trainer J M Hukill Owner J W Fuller 53005 Tijuana 34 lI4fast 32C 109 0 S S S fit C VanDun S ClaudoAVeaver BPayno JohnJr a 2 Tijuana 34 l15 = slow 125 111 C O Willis 11 Mainiehen John JrNeg