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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA MEX TUESDAY MARCH 22 192L Eightyseventh day Lower California Jockey Club 5 days Weather dear temperature 70C Presiding Steward Francis Nelson Associate Stewards J AV Coffroth and Leon A ing Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary Leon AVing FIRST RACE 3 12 Furlongs Feb 12 1917 42 2 112 Purse 400 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSti i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt r3249lT w 110 5 4 1 4 i 1 H Sahiliii AV D Millard 210100 210100r r xnnuA T w 1002 1 1 1 2 12 Tosiili San Dieiro Stable LriOIQo nil S 4 2 C AVliifln A Jones 70UM 5324 EMMA AVILLTAMS W IOC 1 2 2 k 21 4 H Rowo V Cloud IMOlOO IMOlOO532G31IEL10X 532G31IEL10X MAJOR w 101 7 7 fiji 51 fi = J D Priblo K K Major 2140100 2140100COKEXEE COKEXEE w 102 5 0 S1 I1 h B Msirielli Nevada Stock Farm KSOlOO 53021 HAL AARIGHT W 113 3 3 7i 711 1 AV Alclnte Bronx Stable WO100 53332 DEWY FIELD w 110 4 S S 8 S C Grow F Hoover 770100 770100Time Time 12 37 43 Track fast 2 mutnels paid It OSO straight 520 place 340 show Dora T 340 place 280 show Captain Greet 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds It 240 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Dora T 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Captain Greet 00 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch c by Norito Bemay by Albert trained by W I Millard bred by Mr AV H Millard MillardWent Went to post at 200 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving IT hard ridden from the start and saving ground when entering the stretch outstayed DOHA T in the final drive The latter showed the most early speed but came wide when entering the stretch forcing EMMA AVILLIAMS out with her then linished gamely CAPTAIN GREET ran a good race anil finished gamely EMMA AAILLIAMS showed much speed but was forced back by DOHA T when she swerved oat oatScratched Scratched 53318 Little Florence 107 53332 Midnight Stories 102 53332 Aleso 107 107Overweights Overweights Captain Greet Jl pounds C Q 5 i SECOND RACE 1 Mile Juno 17 1916 13S 3 95 Purse 400 3yearolds anil J OOO JL upward Claiming Net value to winner S300 second 65 third 35 Index Hors AWtPPSt Vi Vj 7i Str Fin Jockeys Enniv Odds Strt r3321HELMAX w f 115 S S 2l 2i 1 AA Taylor Toppenish Stable 33052LIT ORPHAN ws 7 110 4 fi 2 J XobK 13 10 liuchanan 53310 YORK LASSIE w I 100 11 12 12n333oo Ml R Post T Cry H tier n333oo ox ws s ti no 12 10 10T3305 Sh 7 Ok S 4 D Powell E A AVintors T3305 LIXKS LADY ws vs S 10 r 2 10 = 10 10 = 1 9 = 5 T Kinetic T Kindle it0lCO 532 i DAXDY VAX vs 4 IU fi 3 3T3305 I 9 t SI M Hi AV Perry J Kane iJO100 iJO100r3305 T3305 DOC DOOULEY wi i 5 HP II 7 1 = 11 H 41 71 A Zeifjler H P Aarian ICMlOO 53333 ROYAL IRISH w 6 113 1 4 3 Si 7 71 V J HtatnerI Rico t t53333SHP 53333 53333SHP SHP SQUIRREL w HO r 1 11 nk 54 pj 9 A Uantner J 10 Lewis 1910100 53265 PROPHECY ws 5 115 P K 9 2J 41 101 10 = J B Pinnegr D Denrison 450100 4501005i305 53305 HYXDLA A wn t 10 113 7 5 II1 11 11 ° 11 II5 P Martinet W A AAells + 53319 KATHXE CAREA w 6 113 5 11 12 12 12 12 12 II Rowe Moody Garrity 13710100 13710100tMutucl tMutucl field Time 25 49 49s s 116 143 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Ilelman 1140 straight 020 place 400 show Little Orphan BOO place 480 show York Lassie 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Helnian 470 to 100 straight 210 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Little Orphan 230 to 100 place 140 to 100 show York Lassie 120 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch h by Fireman Helen Scott by ConteMor trained by J H Clark bred by Mr J B Clark ClarkWetnt Wetnt to post at 230 At post 1 minute Start goexl and slow AAon easily second and third driv ¬ ing HELMAN began slowly but moved up steadily throughout and finishing fast won going away LITTLE ORPHAN iiteadily improved his position and was a fast going Mconel YORK LASSIE away poorly raced into the lead when an eislitli out but tired near the end GO ON raced in improved form LINKS LADY made up ground DOCTOR DOORLEY showed the most early speed but failed to stay Overweights stayOverweights Sharp Squirrel 2 pounds tCQ ° i THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs June 28 1916 105 ft 3 118 Purs 400 3year tJOOvFA olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second S65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt J4 L i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiiiv Odds Strt 52562 MACK GARNER w 3 300 12 1 IS IJ I1 11 C WhRtn B A Jones 220100 53047 FANNIE XAIL wnSlll 8 C I1 22 2i 2s T McCulh J S McDanlel 700100 533072MISS SEDAL1A w 3 110 012 11 U 31 R Low ALuml WV Jfli Jfli5iDH 5iDH VIVA w 1 110 10 4 ft U 4i O AVillis Iolo Stable 52G27 CAJCVASBACK vn 4 110 1 r fJ 5 3 i AV llinphy J AA Tate tSSO100 tSSO10052930LADY 52930LADY HARRIGAN v 4 KM 7 11 Sh SI XI C D Prible E B Major t 53023 T BRECKRIDGEwi 3 11311 7 fit 6J 72 71 I1 Martinez X AA Burkhart 22CO100 53240 BROLASKI IVB 1 101 2 21 32 fil Sh Li Oaugel M Buck t 52081 DOC ICEXDALL ws 10 112 2 9 10ilO5 C1 A Xeigler 7 Barnptt CSOtOO 52885 AXX S w u 110 r 7i 71 P2 102 O Yeargin J Costello t 52930 MONTGMERY JR w 7 112 310 101 nTjU6 1I B Pinnegr Plainer 07C 10 52 184 ARDENCIA wn 107 I S 12 12 ft V2 R Post K Wilson t tMutuel field Time 24 4S1S 102 103 = Track fast 2 mutuels paid Mack Garner ii40 straight 1SO place 300 show Fannie Nail SSO place 320 show Miss Sedalia 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mack Garner 220 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place SO to 100 show Fannie Nail 310 to 100 place CO to 100 show Miss Sedalia 50 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Seth Flarney by Greenan trained by B A Jones bred by Mr F A Hreit HreitAVent AVent to post at 243 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MACK GARNER began fast from the outside and setting a good pace drew away in the last quarter FANNIE NAIL was close up from the start and linished gamely MISS SEDALIA began slowly hut closed a huge gup and linished with a great rush VIA A had no mishaps and ran a good race LADY IIARRIGAN was poorly ridden BROLASKI showed speed for a half halfScratched Scratched 52917 El Sabio 112 52SSI Oklahoma Irish 100 5204S McCroan 107 107Overweights Overweights Mack Garner 2 pounds Fannie Nail 1 Miss Sedalia 1 Canvashack 4 Hrolaski 2 CTO tfJO FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs June 28 191G 105 3 118 Purse 400 3year OOOOO olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AAVtPPStA = 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 240filTIIIUTY SEVEN s S 100 t 7 21 21 I1 Il 13 Josiah P Morris SSO1CO J324filIOOAKR w 4 10G 11 l ti 1 sV 22 D Powell TVnddell Bros tniOIOO i53295GERTUUDE M10100i53295GERTUUDE B w n 107 K 1 Si Sk 0 = 3k B Marielli U Parton 13W KM KM533113HAUGAXS 533113HAUGAXS HEIRwt i 113 S 12 7J 7 4 42 O AVillis F Wiillhfiuser lfl100 5325 = 1HLLY JOE wit 9 112 12 t fi1 r k 3J r L Gauge 1 II Schaefer 010100 53020 TRULAXE wnl 112 7 S 10 0 = i = M Buxton II ttlpley 4 SO 100 100532953EXGLISH 532953EXGLISH LADY ws 7 110 r r 1J 41 S1 7 P Martinez V Cloud t t525053DIALAXD 525053DIALAXD wr C 112 3 2 1 = I1 21 S1 r AAhlttn 1 Humbreclit 24M100 24M100529X9 529X9 3QUID XUXf wsn 12 112 2 fi Cl 10 10 9 B Pinnegr Matthews t Dunlap WOl WOl5324JiBLAXCHITA 5324JiBLAXCHITA s S 111 1 3 j 9 10 = AV Taylor AV Gargan 1120100 1120100530i3OSTEXTTIOUS 530i3OSTEXTTIOUS w 12 106 fill 13 13 11 = 11 II Rowe R Wilson t 52955 XAMLOCII w 10 117 10 10 122 11 12U121 AV Perry Polk t Askey t 53311 EV HARRIOAX w 5 112 913 11 Ill 13 13 AV Hinphy GKelly t ttMntuel tMntuel Held Time 24 48 101 108 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Thirty Seven 100 straight 7SO place 520 show Hoover field 4SO place 340 show Gertrude R liSO show showEquivalent Equivalent Ixiokinj odds Thirty Seven aO to 100 straight 20 to 100 place HIO to 100 show Hoover field 140 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Gertrude H 240 to 100 show showWinner Winner H g by Abe Frank Kiamesha by Clifford trained by F Morris bred by Mr John F Newman NewmanWent Went to Kist at 315 At post 1 minute Start straggling and slow Won easily second and third driving THIRTY SEVEN was saved close up until an righth out whore be was rushed In the front to win going away HOOVER bejran slowly but closed up fast through the final eighth and outstayed GERTRUDE H The latter was outrun early but made up ground when called en and finished fast HARRIGANS HEIR away poorly ran a go d race closing a big gap HILLY JOE loomed up men ¬ acingly midway of the stretch but tired DIVLAND showed the most early speed but was done after turning for home BLANCHITA ran well for a half EVALYN HARRIGAN was all but left leftScratched Scratched 52943 Prince Douglas IP r3 i h viniirntft nvr nvrOverweights Overweights Ostentatious 1 iiouud FIFTH RACE 58 Mile May 20 1920 59 4 107 Purse 500 3yearold and upward Claiming Net value to winner 370 second 80 third 50 Index Horses AAAtl Str Fin Jock 4 = 11 I1 1 = 1 AV Hinphy AV O AVeant 532ii JOE OOODMAX w 104 4 32 1 10 Josiah AV M Mikel 1040100 1040100533533SHIFTY 533533SHIFTY w 3 On 1 2 1 2s ink 15 Parku A E Stokes H10100 53350 PHRONIO AVARD wl 11 2 21 Ini 1 = 41 P Martinez C U Irwin H70100 H7010053320ORACE 53320ORACE M1XARD v 3 J2 45 u 5 r r G Yeargin AV C Gooclloe C30160 C30160Time Time 23 5 47Ji l00i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Top o th Morning 400 straight 280 place 220 show Joe Goodman 5itO place 320 show Shifty 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Top o th Moraine 100 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 10 to 100 shfw Joe Goodman lSO to 100 place UOto100 show Shifty 40 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch g by Peep oDay Ehdy Balgowaii by The Commoner trained bv AV C AAeant bred by Mr Charles D Clay ClayAVent AVent to post at 340 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily secorid ind third driv ¬ ing TOP TH MORNING was away fast and was shut oft while rounding the far turn but came around on the outside and won going away under a gentle hand ride JOE GOODMAN was a forward contender from the start and finished resolutely SHIFTY set a fast early pace but tired PIIRONE WARD outpacedScratched quit after racing into the lead GRACE MINARD began slowly and was always outpaced Scratched 51700 Mars Mouse 110 110Overweights Overweights Grace Minard 1 pound CCOOTer SIXTH RACE 118 Miles March 20 1921 15244 3 116 Purse 400 3year tf OO LPtJ olds and upward Claiming1 Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses 2 9i Str Fin Equiv Odds Strt i HHi7 LlTTljK UtJNK wit 8 lOi 022 2 1 J IS larK 1 IcPllerson r00100 53323 = MXTA1X GIRL wn 1 4 4 = = i 2 23 E Josiah B H Schaefer ll lOO 5334 OMIKE DALY AVS 7 102 7 53 41 4 = 1 = 15 Marielli Lawless Murphy 12CO10Q 53337 H1CKORYXUT ws 7 y7 1 5 rJ 11 1 l 4 P Hum G F Hum 31PO100 31PO1005S207 5S207 BERXICE 10 102 i II 7 721 71 0 = C3 J Htnmer A Lund Jri0I00 Jri0I0053347AUDREY 53347AUDREY K ws s t 110 S 2 G t 1 fih h i Martinez C 15 Invin HCOlOO 53025 LE D1XOSAURE 7 117 7 1 S S S 8 7 G Yeargin G R Allen 54C100 54C10053323G 53323G MUEHLEIJH w t t107i 5 41 r k 53 7J 8 H Rowei L A McDowell 3140100 Timo 3140100Timo 24 49 1141S 141 154 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Little Gink 1200 straight 400 place 340 show Mountain Girl 300 place 200 show Mike Daly 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking oddsrrLlttlft Gink 500 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Mountain Girl 50 t 100 place 30 te 100 show Mike Daly 110 to 100 show showAAinner AAinner H x by Tim Payne La Poeta by Heindiiras traiued by J J McPhcrson brod bv Jlessrs Lawrence Comstock ComstockAArent AArent to post at 404 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same LITTLE GINK raced in elosest pursuit of the hader anil catching her tiring after entering the stretch raced to the front with a rush and held MOUNTAIN GIRL safe at the end The latter seemed the winner when an eighth out but swerved in which erost her the race MIKE DALY made a fast finish 11ICKORYNUT showed speed in paccmakim but tired badly in the last epiarter HERNICE E made up ground SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AAVtlPS Ji i 94 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt i uk 21 lh p Pinngr Trowbridge tt Officer 350100 lii ji 22 c Gross Ballinger Coffman 2000100 53043 FRAXKLIX wu S 10G 910 y 71 7 = 32 B Marielli H Polk 220100 52991 SEA AVAY vvsr 5 110 B 7 4 4h 411 41 AAr Hinphy AV C AAeant 3fiO100 53324 IKE MILLS w 6 111 7 f fin itt fi = TA A XeiRler J E Rainboth 1720100 3350 MYRTLE A war S 10G 3 0 7i 9 9 G P Martinez C B Irwin 1140100 114010053310DAXCIXG 53310DAXCIXG GIRL wna 111 4 4 C u B1 71 M Buxton J Eckert 900100 9001005i8fi3DARXAY 5i8fi3DARXAY v 114 10 S Sh SS SJ S H Rowe D Kearney f21GO100 53298 MISS ORB w 5 lOti 1 5 10 10 10 fl G Yeargin J A Parson t 53349 OL UDE AAEAAER w S 11G 52 12 2 = 2i 10 C AVhltfn J S McDaniel 2140100 tAIutuel 2140100tAIutuel field Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Orchid King 000 straight 440 place S320 show Miss Manage 1140 place 620 show Franklin 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Orchid King 350 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place CO to 100 show Miss Manage 470 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Franklin 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Cimard Arline by The Commoner trained by C AAr Ollicer bred by Mr C C Patrick PatrickAVent AVent to post at 432 At post 7 minutes StaH good and slow AVon driving second and third the same ORCHID KING raced forwardly from the start and challenging MISS MANAGE when an eighth out outstayed her in a game finish MISS MANAGE raced CLAUDE AVMAAER into defeat and finished gamely under hard riding FRANKLIN closed a big gap from a slow beginning SEA WAY was hard ridden and had no mishaps IKE MILLS finished well DANCING GIRL was forced to race on the out ¬ side speedScratched throughout CLAUDE AVEAAER quit after showing the most early speed Scratched 53349 Gwendola 91 5334 S Sam Hill lot lotOverweights Overweights Dancing Girl 3 pounds long uud hard stretch drive MOMNKKO savnl ground on all the turns and linishcd resolutely BEX UUTLKR was always a pnmlmiit ontender TVKXT1 SEVEN and UKAXItM finished fast EDDIE MtBRlDE iiit after setting a good early pace Overweights Molinero 3 pounds CCQQTCI THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3year OOO tf olds Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 I 1ml ex Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vs iStrFin Jockeys O II O P S ii33J7AVINALL wu 10S 5 5 5wii 4 G 5 1 H Rob sonC Mlitdleton MlitdletonG 3327 RpSKATH wii 10 42 42w G 5i 3 2 It BrydsesA C Niehaus iiHStfi TALENT w 11 1 4 4w 1 1 = 1 oi R LcasterT Hodgo ri335G DISTURBANCE w 101 S 1 1w 2 2 2 = 4k J Smith A D Worley Worley5l 38308s CIGALE w 98 G G Gw 5l 4 4 k 55 J Poretto E Cebriitu 53314 = AOORIX w 112 2 3 3U 34 G U B KenrdyJ H1 Moody 222 4525 4525Time Time 23 48ys I01i4 107 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Winall 1300 straight SoGO place 380 show Roseate 50 place 400 show Talent 3JO show showEquivalent Equivalent tracking odds Winall rrO to 100 straight 180 to 100 place JO to 100 show Roseate 175 to 100 place 100 to 100 sh6w Talent CO to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Lord Rock Sand Princess Cog by Caughnawaga trained by C Middleton bred by Mr H P Garner GarnerWent Went to post at 5L5 At post U minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third tho same AV1XALL made up ground and finishing with a rush on the inside won in the last stride ROSEATE came wide when entering the homestretch but finished with a rush TALENT set a fast pace and only succumbed right at the end VOORIN was fractious at the post and ran a bad race DIS ¬ TURBANCE ran well FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt ± StrFiii Jockeys Owners O H C P S C8320CAArAX BOY w G 10S 4 5 5f ink 41 4JJ iij j Smith 1C G AVoods 12 12 12 21 f 3358 = FLYING FROG t 4 110 5 S S7332fSCAHPIA 91 Si 61 21 AV Kelsay C I yrtecker 31 31 31 fi5 25 7332fSCAHPIA II 7 108 D j 5 i 5l 31 R LcasterFlorida Stable 444 85 43 3326 ED GARRISON w 7 115 G 2 = 3l 31 4 B KentfdyAV Feuchter 15 15 15 G 3 53259 3259 LANGHORNE wu i 9 110 1 4 7 Gk 7 = 5 O Eames T Hodgo 20 20 20 S 4 4i322CCURRENCY ii322GCURRENCY wli i 6 114 2 21 2 2i GJ G Fields K J Sullivan 222 71013 5325 325 = PERIGOURUINE w G 111 7 1 GU 8 7 j Dawron Ktmuro Fm Sta 444 85 45 3342MERRY FEAST wr 7 7113 113 3 7 7r33r 1 I2 11 S1 C OMuhyJ Costello 3 331 12 12S3358 r33r S3358 WAR LOAN v 5 110 10 10 10 10 9 = 9s A Tryon P Burton 30 30 30 12 G GB32S B32S 32S QX OF TRUMPS w 3 SS S 9 SI 71 10 10 F Poretto E Cebrian 12 12 12 5 2i 2iTime Time 23 47 l07 i Track fast fastS2 S2 mutuels paid Cavan Boy 54iO straight 1540 place 80 show Flying Frog 880 place 5SO show Scarpia II 010 show Equivalent booking odds Cavan Boy 1G30 to 100 straight l 70 to 100 place L40 to 100 show Flying Frog 340 to 100 place 1IO to 100 show Scarpia 11 203 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Moelick Naughty Ijuly by Esher trained by H G AVoods bred by Mr G H Coy If IfAVent AVent to post at 3 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVoii driving second and third the same CAAAX BOY wore the leaders down in the stretch and finishing fast Avon going away after swerving FLYING FROG closed a big gap and finished with a rush SCARPIA H finished fast on the inside CURRENCY was in close quarters at the eighth post and tired ED GARRISON ran well under a good ride MERRY FEAST set a great pace but did not forget to quit today todayScratched Scratched 0333S Nepc 113 ii33i8 Jill 10S FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 AAVtPPSt U Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 5 21jSsBRXABUEFXA wit 4 102 11 71 4 21 2s Ink A Tryon J Reatle 7 7 7 21 G5 G53X30 3X30 SENTRY wsu 4 1119 3 2 5k 2 I1 11 2 AV Kelsay HI Morro Stable 10 10 10 4 2 233339tAELIE 33339tAELIE wr 4 102 7 11 s 9 = SJ G Ml R LcasterAA Cedar 12 12 12 5 21 21T3330 T3330 SIR AAM JNSONwit 1 10 5 G 4i 3i 4 1 41 4i J Smith 1 Baxer 85 S5 S5 35 13 3330 = EL CORONEL AVS 5 108 12 7 fi 51 5nt ri fut j Davson O Tugglo 777 21 G5 t 4 96 1 1 3 7 7t 7 61 B ScheffelG AVanviclc 8883 S3 S3r38032 r38032 HELEN LUCAS v t 3 97 10 12 10 = 10 101 S1 71 S Lowe T Silverio 31 31 31 G3 35 S2 14 SENTOR JAMES wi 11103 S 1i 1 3 31 S1 G Fields H AAr Plant 12 12 12 a 21 21r r 3284PLANTAGKNKT v 10C1 S S4 S 4 9 9 = 9 = G BulcrltS Burnshie 15 15 15 Ii 3 33339f 3339f LITTLE DEAR v 3 87 2 10 12 111 11s 10 = 104 F Poretto T Hodge 444 S5 45 4553339s 53339s POKEY 15 nTil03 d 5 2 k Gl 6l 11s IIs T SimmonsC H Gilroy 12 12 12 5 il ilr r 32MiSAY AVHEN ws 5 10G 4 4 H112 12 12 12 H RohionC R Smith X 3Q 30 12 G GfMutuel fMutuel field Time 24 49 114 141 144 Track fast mutuels paid lolierNaBreena 2180 straight 830 place 770 show Sentry 900 place 041 show Arclie 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds I5olierXaBreena 990 to 100 straight 313 to 100 jilace Sentry 350 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Aelie 90 to 100 show showWinner Winner It f by Uivetie Lillie Hoy by Reliable trained by J Reatle bred by Mr AVilliam Hogan HoganAVent AVent to post at 420 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third tiie same I50HERNABREENA wore SENTRl down in the stretch and outgamed him in the final drive TlH latter tired after racing to the front cm the last turn AELIE closed a big gap SIR AVILLIAM JOHNSON raced gamely SENATOR JAMES set the pace to the far turn and quit quitScratched Scratched 33334 = Iixie Flyer 94 53273 Leinster 103 103Overweights Overweights Helen Lucas 4 pounds Aelic 3 Plantasenct 31 CCQQTQ SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Feb 3 1918 144 3 92 Purse 700 3yearolds 3O t O and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 i3345 FIREAVORTH wit 4 107 7 G 1 2 21 2 = 1 B KenndyK E Davis 2 II 2 71013 3345 = J ELLISON w G 110 4 4 21 Ink I1 11 c Eames O L Foster 31 Jl 31 G5 35 53344 = CHIMERA ws 5 103 5 Si 4 31 31 3 R LcasterK A Herold 12 12 12 5 25 25327JDOLPH 327JDOLPH w 4 103 2 2 5 k 51 ft fi 4nk G Fields R B Allen 7585831214 53304 DISCORD w H 104 8 7 fi 7i 71 G4 51 J SimmonsS Burnsicle 10 10 10 4 2 2533313CL1P 533313CL1P wit 5 110 1 1 71 6 4 41 fi ° AV Kelsay L Crist 3 3 1 12 12u33443SEM u33443SEM STALAVRTws 8 102 5 3 4 = S G 71 71 C Parrish J C Eaton 12 12 12 5 21 2153273PLANTAREDE 53273PLANTAREDE wan 5 108 5 8 S S 8 S 8 J DomickK W Plant 20 20 20 S 4 4Time Time 24 48 114 141 147 Track fast S2 mutuels paid FJreworth 1300 straight 000 place 430 show Jcllison 4t 0 place 3SO show Chimera S450 show showEquivalent Equivalent liookiiig odds Flreworth 550 to 100 straight IOO to 100 place 113 to 100 show Jellison 110 to 100 place 0 ti 100 show Chimera 1U3 to 1K show showAVinner AVinner Br g by Fireman Koseworth by AVadsworth trained by J AV Plunkett bred bv Mr J B Clark ClarkAVent AVent to post at liO At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing FIRKWORTH raced under slight restraint to the stretch turn then camt fast and outstaying J ELLISON in tile final drive won going away JELLISON raced into a clear lead but tired when hard pressed CHIMERA ran well but just lasted long enough to oiittinish DOLlH The latter finished fast on the inside insideScratched Scratched ri5357 = Allsmokf 10S r3342 = I Bilifre 110 r3344 Homain Utt 33202 Sol Gilsey 108 108Overweights Overweights Firewortli 1 pound Plantarodo 1 Jellison