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FROM A PRODUCING FAMILY Neva S G W Wingfields Recent Purchase Has Distinguished Blood Relatives LKXIXGTOX Ky March US In announcing Iho purchase of Xeva S threeyearold daughter of Astronomer and Xeva W from the estate of Theo ¬ dore Winters bv George WIngfield to be mated with Hand Grenade F L McKinney had little to say of Xeva W other than that she is a daugh ¬ ter of Hey del Sierras he a brother to Yo Tam bien and a half dozen or more stakewinning sons and daughters of the famous mare Marion Key del Sierras also was a brother to Yo Kl Key Marion was a most remarkable producer the com ¬ bined earning of her sons and daughters being over iMOOQO to which sum Emperor of Xorfolk was a large contributor he having won twentyone races Others were Kl Bio Key Key del Key and The Czar all stake winners and King of Xorfolk Duke of Xorfolk Duchess of Xorfolk and Princess of Xorfolk Marion and her sister Rosaline foaled sixteen winners of liCO races and 75000 Xow Xeva W is the property of E F Simms having been purchased to bo a mate of Theo Cook and is at Xalapa Farm in Bourbon County Her two yearold is Hcphaistas by Vulcaiu and if nothing happens him he will be her second representative on the turf She never raced herself and h y first foal Dayton by Ferole did not race Xext she slipped twins and then came the good horse Sunny Slope by Astronomer He ran a mile iu l3Gt at Saratoga and a mile in 137 at Laurel equaling the track record as a threeyearold The same year 1918 he won the Municipal Handicap nt Bel tnont Park one and onehalf miles in i337f with 122 pounds up In 1916 Xeva W was barren in 1917 nhe had H dead foal by Astronomer and in 1918 she foaled Xeva S which wns injured in transportation and is not to be raced Last year she foaled a bny colt by Theo Cook and is due to foil to him again next month Neva Ws dam Fonsette by Fonso Laura T by Lelaps was a splendid producer as also was her dam but she has no number in I he Bruce Ixjwe figure system She goes back to a mare by Jacksons Pacolet Since it is not in the English Stud Hook it must be American and the same applies to the female line of Key del Sierras for Marion runs quickly tn tluv vjooils ttawuilMnggUv Mttcli llChiiWie Iteiejr Malorie mare by PbtOmae mUrc by Dio med mare by Pegasus So also does the female liue of Joe Hooker ire of Key del Sierras run to no tap root that is distinguished by a Bruce Lowe figure system number for Joe Hookers dam was Mayflower by Eclipse dauv the great producer nennie Farrow which goes back to an imported mare from the stud of Harrison of Brnndon Figureless though it is it is running blood and those that have it have stamiufi also alsoRECRUIT RECRUIT FOR RACING RACINGSpeaking Speaking of this mare from the stud of Harrison of Brandon brings to mind that Hunter C Moody noted local trainer of colt trotters is intending to make his debut upon the running turf at the forthcoming I xiiigtou meeting of the Kentucky Jockey Club with a no figure colt tracing to that marc This colts name is Complimentary named so because John E Madden gave Moody a season to Hessian which produced him from Xora McKemiH and kept Xora McKeuna at his Ham ¬ burg Place without cost to Moody until Compli ¬ mentary was foaled Then bred thp mare back to Hessian again last year after she had missed from the service in 1920 Xora McKenna is by Handsel A M J by Boanerges E S J by Hanover and so Complimentary carries two infusions of Hanovers blood combined with that of Water ¬ cress son of Springfield and Musket sire of Tren ¬ ton A M J is a sister to1 the winner Lieu ¬ tenant Lester but she was not herself a winner She raced a few times as it twoyearold in 190S and then became a prompter for trotters at Moodys stable Her work was to gallop in har ¬ ness to cart or sulky and make pace for the trot ¬ ters when they were wanted to be exerted in their work and she was a wonder at this Moody re ¬ lates that she knew better than her driver what the horse at her side was doing and that she could he depended upon to regulate the pace accordingly She put in eight years in that service before she was retired to the stud Her owner says she in one morning galloped nine miles with trotters going from 202 to 209 Complimentary has been broken to harness and has galloped to cart as well as under saddle He has never had training any ¬ where except at the local trotting track but he will go to the running track next week to begin schooling at the barrier