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NO LICENSE MARYLAND RULE Racing Commission Adopts Those Lately Agreed Upon by 2 to I Vote BALTIMORE Md March 23 The Maryland Uacing Commission bus formally adopted a code of regulations which will govern racing iu this state The code adopted is that without a jockey or trainer license provision which was tentatively drafted some days ago subject to approval by the attorney general generalThe The commission decided to adopt the code without thi approval Specific questions put to attorney general Armstrong a few days ago when the tenta ¬ tive draft of the rules was submitted to him were x xThe also withdrawn The questions were wereHas Has the commission poAver to adopt a general code of rules governing racing in Maryland S SHas Has the commission power to appoint a steward or stewards as set forth in the rules rulesCommissioner Commissioner Timanus also propounded a question indorsed bv the other two commissioners and to this effect effectIs Is not the licensing of jockeys and trainers mandatory upon the commission commissionBy By unanimous vote of the commission secretary Hayward was directed to advise attorneygeneral Armstrong that all these questions were withdrawn by a vote of two to one chairman Olivier and commissioner Kennedy voting in the affirmative and commissioner Timanus voting in the negative The tentative draft of rules was then formally adopted adoptedThese These rules contain no provision for the issuing by the Maryland commission of licenses to trainers iiiul jockeys This is the provision that Mr Timanus has insisted upon and which accounts for the diverg ¬ ence of opinion in the board boardThe The form of license which the commission will issue to the tracks has been prepared and will be submitted to the attorneygeneral for his approval The spring racing season in this state will begin April 2 at Bowie