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HAVANA The horses Which Siim UISM in XIIULBUII iiiii iiiiinre nre Havana Cuna March 23 1921 1 Pinnacle Oslelle Navisco 2 Loys Drapery Koyat 3 AVhippet Natural Perhaps 1 The Pirate Mess Kit Os ood 5 Jose de Aales Seven Seas Sol Gilsey 0 GEORGE C IK Ava R Rhymer RhymerT T K Lynch LynchXevr Xevr Yorlc Handicap 1 PINNACLE Foul Weather Lotta G Hycres 2 Frivolity Orderly Loys Double Eye 3 Gratian AVhippet 1crhaps Vic Miinoz 4 Osgood The Pirate Cubanita Darnley 5 Homam Miss Hilarity Jose de Aales Felix M BiVrman Rhymer George C Jr AVhippoorwill Chicafto iinl Buffalo Handicaps 1 PINNACLE Lotta G Ilyeres Hitter Hiting 2 Doublu Eye Loys Drapery Orderly 3 Gratian Natural Aic Mnnoz Perhaps 4 Byrne Osgood Mess Kit Darnley 5 Timothy 1 Hogan Homam Felix M Seven SevenSeas Seas 1 AVhippoorwill Bierman Fireworth George C CJr Jr JrObservers Observers Handicap 1 PINNACLE Hyeres Navisco Ostelle 2 Loys Nobleman H A Jones Royal 3 Gratian Perhaps Aric Munoz AVhippet 4 Darnley Byrne Osgood The Pirate 5 Jose da Aales Timothy J Hogan Seven Seas SeasHomam Homam G Bierman George C Jr AVhippoorwill Ava IS ISConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 PINNACLE Lotta G Hyeres Navisco 2 Loys Frivolity Double Eye Drapery 3 Gratian AAhippct Perhaps Natural 4 The Pirate Osgood Byrne Darnley 5 Jose de Aales Homam Timothy J Hogan HoganSeven Seven Seas 0 Bierman George 0 Jr AAhippoorwill AvaR