Kings Plate 1921 Entries: Historic Race Receives Forty-Six Nominations This Year.; All Prominent Breeders in Canada Represented--To Be Run Saturday, May 21., Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-29


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KINGS PLATE 1921 ENTRIES Historic Race Receives Fortysix Nominations This Year All Prominent Breeders in Canada Represented To Be Run Saturday May 21 TOPOXTO Out March 2S Fortysix nomina ¬ tion were received for the historic Kings Plate tin oldest itake run continuously on the continent and which will be decided this year at AVoodbino Park Saturday May 21 The chief nominators this year are Mrs L A Livingston Thorncliffe Stable and Hrookdale Stable each with five entries the Seagram stable with four and G M Hendrlo and M Hrenner three each eachThe The rouditions weights and entries for the Kings Plate are as follows followsThe The Kings Plate 50 guineas the gift of His Majesty King George V with 7500 added by the club The first horse to receive the guineas stakes and 4500 the second horse 150 and tin third horse 1000 The breeder of the winner to toceive ceive 500 A sweepstakes of 5 payable at time of entry and 10 additional to start For three yearolds and upward foaled raised and trained in the Province of Ontario that have never won a race either on the flat or across country other than a race exclusive for twoyearolds have never loft Canada and have never been for a period of more Hum oiie montJt out of th lroviiie Winners t carry five pounds extra Death of nominator docs not Vender entry void One mile and a quarter A piece of plate will be presented by the club to the winner To l e run Saturday May 21 21The The Ontario Jockey Club reserves the right to cancel this race upon the repayment of all entrance iVrs paid in advance advanceBoardniore Boardniore Geo AV Apple of Sodom 110 b in 5 hy Bowling Brook Adeline M MHeardmore Heardmore Geo W Lively Sleeper 119 br in 5 py Stanhope II Adele Harding Hardinglloyle lloyle I A Canadian 105 eh g 3 by Gala II lift Helen AVinter AVinterHrenner Hrenner M Royal Visitor 113 ch c by Hearts of Oak My Honey HoneyHrenner Hrenner M Chief Sponsor 110 ch jj 3 by Hearts of Oak Widow Wise WiseHrtnner Hrtnner M Heath Hell 108 hr f 3 by Hearts of Oak Hurdette HurdetteHrookdale Hrookdale Stable Herendesy 113 br c 3 by Heresy Depends DependsHrookdale Hrookdale Stable Itesarf 113 b c 3 by Tip1 ppcanoe r Heresy The Helle of Mayfair MayfairHrookdale Hrookdale Stable Xomis 10S b c 3 by Tip pceanoo or lied Fox II Elfain ElfainHrookdale Hrookdale Stable AVar Canoe lOS b c 3 by Tippecanoe Grandma II Hrookdale Stable Reconnaissance 108 blk f 3 hv Heresy Flying Hess HessClancy Clancy E H Donald T 10S b c 3 by Heresy Agnes For ForCowdrill Cowdrill S Host Richmond 110 ch f 4 by First Sight Rose Lawrence LawrenceDeline Deline C K Kniled 103 b f 3 by Plaudmore Mater MaterDoane Doane Jos H Hloor 105 ch c 3 by Plaiid more Ilriiloun IlriilounFletcher Fletcher J C Steeple 103 b f 3 by Gulntine Church Hell HellFOJC FOJC Head Mews Carry On 122 ch m 5 by Stanley Fay Skipi er Gorman J G Martha Collins 103 ch f 3 by Howling Hrook or Kingship Calumny CalumnyGorman Gorman P Hlarney Hoy 113 br c 3 by Gala tine Sweet Colleen ColleenHammall Hammall AVm Marie Freeborn 122 b m 5 by Hen Hodder Euranie EuranieHendrie Hendrie Geo M Orient Hay 10 b c 3 by Charles Bdward Miccosukee MiccosukeeHemlrie Hemlrie Geo M Shoulder Anns 108 ch c 3 by Charles Kdward Shimcnese Shimcnesellendrie llendrie Geo M Over Seas llt b f 4 by Charles Edward Miccosukee MiccosukeeLivingston Livingston Mrs L A Flea 103 b f 3 by Stanhope H Flagging Spirit SpiritLivingston Livingston Mrs L A Moll Cutpurse 103 br f 3 bv Stanhope II Missing Link LinkLivingston Livingston Mrs L A SpearHalf 105 b g 3 by Stanhope II Shnlah Livingston Mrs L A Ragged ISobin 103 ch f 3 by Kingship Aurora Haby HabyLivingston Livingston Mrs L A MouseEar 103 ch f 3 bv Galatine Marylmd MarylmdMaple Maple Leaf Stable Gay Kap 10R ch c 3 by Anmcr Gay Dora DoraMaple Maple Leaf Stable St Inson 10S blk c 3 by Hnlfling Ismalian IsmalianMead Mead P Voltage 121 ch g 4 by Martinmas Aollla AolllaMontgomery Montgomery It A Alice Ann 103 h f 3 by Anuier Alice K KNewell Newell Kohl Greybourne 10S gr f 3 by An mei Grey Nun NunPhehin Phehin T P AVahasso 105 br g 3 by Anmer AVidows Mite MiteKyMlale KyMlale James L Drnmmond Hill 127 ch h bv Charles Kdward Aileen C Seagram Stable Crown of Gold 121 br g 4 by i Galatine Crnche dOr dOrSeagram Seagram Stable GallouHerry 110 h g 3 by Galatine Kate Kittlcberry KittlcberrySeagram Seagram Stable War Tank 110 b y 3 by In ¬ ferno Galicia GaliciaSeagram Seagram Stable Gallipot 10S b f 3 by Gala tine Iloyiil China ChinaSimon Simon L Francis Hritain 108 b c 3 by An mor Puritan Lass LassRmiiUman RmiiUman J E OHryan 10S b c 3 by Charlie Gilbert Orion OrionTliorucllffc Tliorucllffc Stable Witoli Flower 10 eh f 3 hy Calgary Gold Hud HudThornnllffe Thornnllffe Stnble Heljoy 10S ch f 3 by Cal gnvy Fair Annie j jThorncliffe Thorncliffe StJtble Fuse 103 ch f 3 by Cal gary Sky Rocket i iThorncliffe Thorncliffe Stable Ilroailvloir 105 ch g 3 by First Sight Loupania LoupaniaThorncliffe Thorncliffe Stable South Shore 103 br f 3 by Orme Shore Southern Maid

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Local Identifier: drf1921032901_1_2
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