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TRAINING GALLOPS AT BOWIE TRACK 536 BOWIE Md March 27 Sundays training gal ¬ lops over the Prince George track included the fol ¬ lowing Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile470Fairly 470Fairly 42 528Pastoral Swain37 Swain37520Mad 520Mad Neil 40 533The Boy 37 37188Mary 188Mary Belle 38 38Half Half Mile 534 End Man 51 I 19Mary Head 51 51 Ina Kay 51 531 Panaman 52 5252SLittle 52SLittle MaudieG2 f rl9Rosecliff 4t57Lady Luxury SO 514Tracksfar 51 51HveEighths HveEighths Mile Mile5tOAnticipate 5tOAnticipate 107 52CPueblo liOJ i IGSGallagher 107 524St Isidore 105 D10Kirih lOC 453 Sandy Beall07 451Leoti Fay 105 105490Meduna 527SoctaI SUir 490Meduna 103 10352SP 530Sunduria 52SP Connelly 105 470ouave Three Quarter Mile 25Alors 122 122535Amackassin 4 73 Lads Loe 535Amackassin 119 520Mary Erb r23Bwmrkill 118 118r 4f 2P6lyganiist r 36Ettahu 122 122520Galiot 49SPilsen 520Galiot 119 119279Hackamore 534Sugannint 279Hackamore tlS D25Speedster 520 Iron Boy 120 33TiiigaLihg iOlJjiddn 110 4G4 Toadstool 531Kingling II 119 483Wilfrcda 120 120522LKiijoleur 522LKiijoleur 119 One Mile Mile529Alma 529Alma B 149 524 David Craig 147 147520Bombast 520Bombast 149 249K Chaiii i6ul51 i6ul51270Crumpsall 270Crumpsall 153 273Waterproof 153 Mondays workouts were as follows Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 509Balarosa r i5Miss Filliy 523Brink KTMazie 444CIean Cone 535Smart Guy 281Fprt Bliss 524Spparleiie 514vTaek Reeves Reevesr35K rOlSiesta r35K yiali 472Tuitiilus 28Little Mam 520Anna Gallup 52 535Moroni 4S 4S513Austral 513Austral 52 Margaret White50 White50535Alheiiii 535Alheiiii 52 2j7Social Star 53 Cloy 5053 52flSt Maurice 51 51524Dolly 524Dolly Varden51 519Sagamore 48 Forge 48Forge Ahead 51 Tho Cigarette 55 55022Grace 022Grace E 50 520Toss Up 53 53Marion Marion Cooppr 50 r27AelIed Colleen 51 51526Morning 526Morning Face 53 491Willdo 53 53Five Five Eighths Mile 52 5Chevalier 105 493Louise Wynnel03 Wynnel03470Fairly 470Fairly 110 492I 492IaiIy uIy Stella 103 10313GenernI 103rl3GenernI 13GenernI 104 = i 3 52SMidiaii 105 1051154King 1154King John 100 SiPropaganda 100 100ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile327Arrah 327Arrah Cottagel23r2i5Benevolent Go Onll Onlif f 223LittIe Cottagel23 r2i5Benevolent 11 23 521Mandalay 118 1184t 118ItiOChasseur 4t ItiOChasseur 120 531Mickey Moorell MoorellP MoorellP4S5Comacho 4S5Comacho 119 478Night Raiderl20 Raiderl20491Double 491Double anl19 rK7RuniUoi 115 = 523Jock Scot 115 535Ultra Gold 110 110521Jcan 521Jcan Bulhmtl21 520Viilcanize 118 4S2Ixrcna Moss 121 121Seven Seven Eighths Mile 524St Isidore 137 One Mile 535Frogtouii 1 49 r27The Archer 1 5f 491Nebraska 150 535War Club 149 5i50renzo 148