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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA MEX SUNDAY MARCH 27 1921 Njnetyhecond day Lower California Jockey Club Win ¬ ter Meeting of 125 days Weather clear temperature 70 Prisiding Steward Francis Nelson AssQciatc Stewards J W Coffroth and Leon Wing Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary Leon Wing Racing starts at l55 p ui Chirago time 155 p in W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parenthfses following he distance of each indicate race date track record age of horse arid weight earned Indicute apprentice allowance tO OO FIRST RACE 58 Mile May 20 1920 59 4 107 Purse 400 3yearolils and Cf O JbOO upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vs viStrFin Jockeys Kduiv Odds Strt 53324 PERCH wr 107 74 4 = li 1 = I11 K Parke 7 ISarnett ISarnetti i 340fiEL SAIJIO W 11 102 1 4i 4 UH o Yeargin J A Parson V1CO V1COn338 n338 SMILING MAUGIK w 107 4 i 1 2 = i K Josiah N AA Uurkhart 210lfO 53421 TEMPY DUXCAX W 10 7 r 1 L1 ti 4i I Hum C B Irwin fi210rt 533 3 MISSOULA w 4 99 2 a C 5J B L Gaugel AV K Hunter ufirflil0 3S85CAPERS wrR 95 6 C C f l C1 P Poiuer J J Fecney iK10ij 53405 YORK LASSIE wi S 9 c 7 7 7 7 7 J Htnmer T Crystlcr aiCOlW Time 23 i 48 4 101 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Perfli 940 straight S520 place 300 show El Sabio 4 SO place 2SO show Smiling Maggie 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking vdds Perch 870 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 50 to 100 show El Sabio 110 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Smiling Maggie 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner B in by Ivan the Terrible Skeptical by Himyar trained by Barnett bred by Mr E S Gardner Went to post at 158 At post 5 minutes iStart bad and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing PERCH forwardly placed from the start raced to the front after rounding the far turn and taking a long lead easily held the race safe EL SABIO finished fast and nosed out SMILING MAGGIE in the last stride The latter tired after Betting a fast early pace TEMPY DUNCAN ran well to tlje stretch CAPERS leftScratched swerved sit the start and was away badly YORK LASSIE was all but left Scratched 52901 Lewis B Ill 5243S Milda 10S SECOND RACE 58 Mile May 20 1920 53 4 107 Purse 400 3year olds and upward Claiming JJet value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Hornes lAWtPPSti i viStrFin Jockeys I juiv OddsStrt 53425 COL MURPHY Wai 4 10 2 3 27 23 ji V C GroHij J Arthur 53318 NEG w C 112 0 G GJi8435sDELANCEY 61 4i 2l H Rowo T O Morris Ji8435sDELANCEY W S 112 S 6 7 714 G S T McCulh B K Graham GrahamI1 52847 STANLEY H w II 109 I 1 I1 11 21 4U C Whitfn B K Major 53380 LITTLE POINTER v 3 S3 3 7 3J Major3J 3 31 S J Noblo S Uolk 33391 MISS DUNBAR w S S3 6 3 5 5 C H K Bwer W It Mpore 53004 HONOLULU w C 07 1 4 Sto MporeSto gls SIo 71 K Jopiah V Manhalp 53385 LITTLE JAKE wri 11 113 41 fl 78 S B Plnhogr E M Lyvel 53333 HEADMAN w 4 11 9 9 99 G Yeargin A M N Singer L Time 231i 48a 101 5 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Col Murphy 37SO straight 1800 place 6 10 show Neg 3CO placo 300 show Delancey 4SO show Equivalent booking odds Col Murphy 1700 to 100 straight SOO to 100 place 220 to 106 show Keg SO to 100 place 50tolOO show Dttlancey 140 to 100 show liani Winner Garth B g by TIioo Cook Harvest Queen by Peep oDay trained by J Arthur bred by Sir WU Wont to po t at 124 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second aiul thirii the same COL MURlILY raced STAN LEY H into do real and taking Uie l tl wlien an olahtu oilt With stood the holated challenge of NEG The latter closed n gap and finished fast and gamely DELANJniJY made up much ground on the outside and finished with a rush STANLEY II set a fasi pace and tlrM MTTLK POINTER tired in the linal eighth HEADMAN took three strides then pulled up and Wfii d to race raceOverweights Overweights Col Murphy 4 pound Little Pointer 2 Stanley H 5 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Juno 24 191G 146 3 110 Pufs 400 3yoarolds and upward Claiming Net valu to winner 300 second 05 third 35 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 14 i StrFin Jockeys Owners K IIIIV Odds Strt 33382 PNT TO POINT wn 7 110 3 6 3J 2JJ I1 1 = 1s J Htamer A Brent Brent53405RUNECRAFT 53405RUNECRAFT wn 6 109 S 1 1 I1 2 2 2 G Yeargin P L Short 53423 CORK wsi 6 109 1 5 01 65 6 5 3 O Willis J 1 A Parso Parson 53365 AUDREY K WHK C 110 r 7 7i 51 oh 4 = 4 D Hum C B Irwin 53382 MODISTE w t 101 2 4 Fv rl rl 1 AV nr A A TVVJ AVright 52851 A L AVICK ws S 104 7 2 L C C Richards 53409 MARY FULLER w 7 10 C S S S S S 71 R Lowe A Lund 53381 PERFECT LADY w 4 109 1 3 42 4l 4 7i S C AVhlffll DeiU Owens 1240100 1240100Time Time 25 49 i 114 141 148 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Point to Pniiit i40 straight 520 place 240 show Uunecraft S2SO place 240 show Cork 20 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking xlds Point to Point 220 to 1K straight CO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Kune craft 40 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Cork 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner It g by lack Point Gold Ten by Golrtcrcst trained by A Brent bred by Mr Anthony L Aste AsteWent Went to post at 251 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing POINT TO IOINT was saved close up and racing into a lone lead on the last turn won in a can ¬ ter IttNECKAFT showed the most early speed but readily siicciimheil to the winner COHK made up ground and tinished fast AITDRKV K ran well AL AVICK and PKKFECT LADY quit C QIQ FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles June 24 1916 145 3 110 Purse 400 3yearolds cfOTcOO and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Eirmv Odds Strt rS382aBAUDORA WB 4 IOC 2 1 I1 I1 I1 1 = J 1s E Fator S Polk i 010 53382 = SASINT wn S 110 C 2 2H 37 3J 2i 2 = 1 E Josiah C Iluxtnn 100100 3382 MLNXIK H w 5 105 5 5 m 4J 4 3 = 3 H Rcwv U H Good 9OI1CO 9OI1CO53345PRINCR 53345PRINCR DIRCT ws 5 115 147 7 7 S 4 = i C AVhiffn HO Smith 3401001 33812TOKALX MARCH w 7 1 W 4 4 53 r G f C VnnPun AV C AVoant 1020100 53382 COBRITA w i 10 7 3 Sh u r j 7 P B Parke Coour ilAlene Stable 1110100 1110100nSSfisVMIKK nSSfisVMIKK DALY ws 7 107 2 7 CU 21 2 411 7 r Htiier Lawless Murphy 1810100 1810100Time Time 25 49 114 141 148 Track fast 2 mittuels paid Itardora 21180 straight S40 place rJO show Sasin 310 place 2SO show Minnie H 4 0 sliow Kquivtilent booking odds Itardora 1390 to 100 straight 1120 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Sasin CO to 100 place 40 to 100 show Minnie II 130 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Bar 1 of Hope Isidora by Isidor trained by S Polk bred by Mr P M AValker AValkerWent Went to post at 312 At post I minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BAKDOKA began fist and showing the most speed set a good pace and won easily all the way SASIN was a forward cm tender from tin start and finished gamely MINNIE H ran well but tired and barely sstyeil third plaee mder vigorous riding PltlNCK DIRECT was running fast at the end MIKE DALY quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 53109 Rutland Arms 100 CCQIQT FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 Purse 400 3yearolds and OOTcO upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 13408 CREEN MINT w T llf rt f f 4 41 2 H C Gross Los Angeles Stable 1SO100 33380 3 MISS STATHEM A 4 111 4 2 2 13 IX 2S O Willis Xorth Rowe 670100 13043 EAST IXDIAX 4113 5 4 45 3U 3 = 3 M Ituxton GJ Miller IJOlOO 53348 PAHOL 4 113 3 1 1 2J 4 4 P Martinez AV F Poison 710100 53408 MARIXE CORPS 103 13 3 V 5 ° C AanDun AV O Goodloe 2500100 51901 AFTKR XIGHT w i S llf 2 J C 6 6 6 H Farrow F Cooper 31150100 31150100J J Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 muttiels paid Jiven Mint stiiight S300 place S240 show Miss Stathem rSO place 280 show East Indian 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Jrcen Mint ISO to 100 straight TjO to 100 place 20 to KM show Miss Stathem 100 to 100 place 40 to 100 show East Indian 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner It g by Spearmint Sreeuvale by Hamburg trained by G W Dodge bred in England by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyAVent AVent to post at 334 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same I It KEN MINT moved up steadily and iinishing fast took the lead when a sixteenth out and out ¬ stayed MISS STATHEM at the end MISS STATHEM improved suddenly raced forwardly and taking llie lead hung on gamely in the liual drive EAST INDIAN wss hard ridden and finished with a rush PAHOL showed the most early speed but tired bildly MARINE CtHtlS showed speed brictly brictlyScratched Scratched 13408 Franklin llfi H3338 Toumbeola 115 SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles March 20 1921 152 3 116 First Running U S GHANT HOTEL HANDICAP Value 10000 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 7750 second 1250 third 750 fourth 250 Indox Horses i StrFin Jockey Equiv Odds Strt 53045 AAAR MASK w S 117 2 2 3s 3 2J lll 1J M Buxton J Dundee 23010 aanr VVXXEWOOD wn r 102 4 2i l l1 2 = 2 G Ytargin F Dahnken t440100 t440100i i 0 = 1 51 3i 33 C Gross H AV Hoaff 1220100 122010052809BE 52809BE FRANK w S 131 0 3 7J GJ 6 63 4J AV Mclnre Bronx Stable 1 X100 X10053390SAETERAX 53390SAETERAX wr f 104 1 3 5 41 t1 l O AArillis F Dahnken f 53309 SAILOIl w r 102 S S 2 h 7 7 0 II Rowe AVhatcom Stable 2630100 53395 RIFLE w 6 101 4 1 11 21 3 = 1 4h 7 D Hum C B Irwin 3960100 53408 FRANKLIN wn S W 10 U 6 = i 7 = S SI S1 J Majeseic S Pollc ril5 100 53309 VULCANITE w u S 6 7 10 93 9 9 = 91 H Jones AV F Poison L340100 53045 THE DESERT wit 98 7 10 SU10 10 K 10 B Parko II W Barnes 131010 131010tCoupled tCoupled in l tting as F Dahnken entry entryTime Time 24 24s s 48s 113 l3Bl 152 new track record Traok fast 2 mutuels paid War Mask C 50 straight 3 0 place 42 lJiIiovv F Dahnken entry 3 50 place j2SO show Paddy Whack S320 show K iuivnlent looking odds AVar Musk 230 lo 100 straight 80 to 100 place 110 to 100 shoVF Dahnken entry SO to 100 place 40 to 100 show Paddy Whack 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Star Shoot Miss Kearney by Planudes trained by AV Block bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenAVent AVent to post at 4O4 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing AVAR MASK was saved close up in the early running and moving np fast on the last turn and tak ¬ ing the lead with a rush in the stretch drew far away ami won as his rider pleased but pulled np lame Itehind AVYNNKWOOD raced 1MFIE into early defeat and taking the lead made a fast pace but wsis no match for the winner when the hitter challenged PADDY WHACK made a fast and game finish II B FBAXK did his Ixsr underpins crushing IniM st and ran a good raw VETKKAX had no mishaps SyiLOU closed a big gsip in a fast linish IMFLE set the early pace suid quit badly in the linal quarter quarterOverweights Overweights Anlcanite 1 ixiund KkQfQQ SEVENTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs June 28 1916 105 3 118 Purse 600 3year OOTCOJ7 olds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 AAVtPPSt i Ji Str Fin Jockey Equiv Odds Strt Il 1i 1U G Ycaririn Xevtula Stock Firm v UTXS ALLYws t fi H 1 i 2U 2 R Lowe H AV Barnes t720100 53364 T O Til MOHGw I 9 115 2 4 47 4 4 = 1 F Chia ta AV C AVeant IHOinO 53364 PHROXE WARD w i 5 lit 3 r 2i 2H 3i 4 = i I MarlitK C B Irwin 700100 53383 SEDAX 7 lOfi 4 r f 3 5 5 5 D Hum C B Irwin t 33349 = BASIL 7 103 1 7 6J 61 O Willis AV F Poison 530100 53251 SEDGEGRAHS v4 13 C 7777 R Psirko 1 1 AV Barnes t ttfoupled tfoupled hi betting as II AV Parnes entry JP It Irwin entry Time 23 47 59 106 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Anna Wood i20 straight 440 plaee SJ20 show H AV Barnes entry S520 place 240 show Top o th Morning 220 show Equivalent booking odds Anna Wood 210 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 10 to 100 show II AV Barnes entry 100 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Top o th Morning 10 t 100 show showWinner Winner it f by Honeywood Anna May by King Eric trained b W S Heath bred by Nevada Stock Farm Went to post at 42 At post 1 minute Start good and slow W in easily second and third driv ¬ ing ANNA WOOD sprinted to the front at once and setting a fast p ce held BRITAINS ALLY safe in the final drive The latter wsis a forward contender from the start a id finished gamely TOP TH MORNING did his best and finished fast PIIKONE WARD tired after racing in closest pursuit of the winner BASIL had a rough race raceScratched Scratched 53338 Wild Thoughts 101 r33tf4 = Joe Goodman n S r232Hollield 103 103Overweights Overweights Phrone Ward 2 pounds Britains Ally 3 EIGHTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 1 1920 143 6 122 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 StrFin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 533843WATEU WILLOW s v 105 4 1 21 2J 2J 1J 1J D II urn C B Irwin 53337 CHR HOLTERS 106 5 4 Ci f 53 21 E Tosiah J W Tatc 53352 PEERLESS ONE w 6 112 a f 4 3 ink k 3 3J 31 31 E Fator S Polk 53384 REYDO s711ii 8 2 3J 4 = 4 = J B Pinnejii J Humbrecht 53384 VI VIVA A A ClBA w 4 102 2 0 5s 3 = 1J J 6 = D Prible B A Jones 1120100 53384 PIEDRA w lio 3 S S 7 7 = 7 ° fi5 II Rowo J Eckerl 1200100 120010053410CHARLESTLVN 534103CHARLESTtIAN w ww 1ft 110 7 3 1 1 11 1152X29 21 7 W Mclnre ajronx Stable 4 100 1005K29 52X29 JAKE SCHAS w fi 11 112 t 7 7h S 8 S S O AVillis J A Parson 1510100 1510100Time Time 24 48 114 141 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Water Willow 3000 straight 1100 place 580 show Christie Holters 7 0 place 480 show Peerless One 3C 0 show v vEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Water Willow 1400 to 100 straight 450 t 100 place 100 to 100 sluiw Christie Holters 2SO to KM place 140 to 100 show Peerless One SO to 100 show showWinner Winner B m bv Rapid Water Icaria by Sanders trained by It Irwin bred by Mr George AV 1 Bissell BissellWent Went to post at 454 At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing WATER WILLOW away fast and saved behind the pacemaker to the last turn took the lead after entering the stretch and easily outstayed CHRISTIE HOLTERS The latter saved ground by a close stretch turn and finished fast next to the rail PEERLESS ONE began none too well and ran a good race REYDO ran a gann race under his big weight PIEDUA and JAKE StUIAS Avere almost left CHAHLESTONIAN quit after setting a good pace to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched i340SGreat Hawk 107 5329S Midia 107 107Overweights Overweights Charlestonian 2 pounds NINTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs June 28 1916 105 3 118 Purse 400 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt4 StrFin Jockeys Kqulr Odds Strt 53300 ORCHID KING wn C 113 47 77 fi IJ B PinnegV TrowhriiiRo t Officer fiiO100 53353 CORXCTTTER ws7112 fi 2 li I1 3 2 D Hum C I Irwin iXXMOO iXXMOO533iO 533iO DAXCIXC GIRL wn 5 IOC 1 5 4nv CJ 0 3 O AVillis J Eckert 1020KW 1020KW534083PIZARRO 534083PIZARRO w 5 111 2 I 5 3h I I1 M Buxtnn Ransom Frances tXKf100 53383 LONELY w 4 HM fi 1 2 2J 1 5U J Htsimer F Dahnken 320100 32010053349SETHEL 53349SETHEL BROWN wn 3 9t 3 6 6J 4J 2t fia C Years AX Holler 170lfH 53306 CLAUDE AYE AVER v S 109 7 3t 5 7 7 K Rnwo J S McDaniel 1C 10100 10100Time Time 23 48 100 107 Track fast fastS2 S2 mutuels paid Orchid King 1400 straight JfliOO place 500 show Corncutter 740 place 580 show Dancing Girl tiO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Orchid King COO to ICO straight 200 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Corn cutter 270 to 100 place 1 0 to 100 show Dancing Girl 230 to 100 show showWinner Winner Cli g by Cumird Arline by The Commoner trained by C AV Olticer bred by Mr C C Patrick PatrickWent Went to post at 51 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ORCHID KING away slowly moved up with a great rush on the last turn and coming fast through the stretch won going away ORNCITTER made the pace fast and hung on gamely but tiring DANC ¬ ING GIRL closed a big gap in a fast finish PIZARHO raced well LONELY tired in the last quarter ETHEL BROAVN away slowly worked her way up on tins outside into forward contention and tired sud ¬ denly CLAUDE WEAVER quit quitScratched Scratched 53130 Sedgcgrass 100 53408 Madam Ilyng 103 53410Iuc do Guise 91 53349 Carrie Moore 109