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TIJUANA pie horses which eem best in Tuesdays races are Tijuana Mexico March 28 1921 1 It Sample Emma Williams 2 Ruth Ilarrigan Careen Tom Caro 3 Lady Harrigan Rosellis Mannlkiii II 4 TAWASENTHA Stanley H Celebrate 5 Jo Goodman AVild Thoughts DC Land 0 Judge David Peerless One Woodio Mont ¬ gomery 7 Bardora Runecrnft Dickie W WG G W Schilling SchillingNew New York Handicap 1 CAPTAIN GREET It Hal Wright Helen Major HelenMajor 2 Review Emma Wellcr Little Orphan Last LastChance Chance 3 Rosellis Fairy Prince Blazer July Fly 4 Helen Hayes Stanley II Tawasentha George James GeorgeJames Joe Land DeLand Goodman Wild Thoughts Herder De C Viva Cuba Sweet Apple Woodio Montgomery MontgomeryJudge Judge David 7 Cork liardora Dickie W Audrey K KChicago Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps 1 It Captain Greet Emma Williams Tabloid 2 Cobalt Careen Ruth Harrigan Review ReviewS S Rosellis Lady Harrigan Fairy Prince July Fly JulyFly 4 Georse James Tawasentha Celebrate Firu Firupliite pliite HERDER De Land Joe Tag AVild Thoughts C Walk Up Sweet Apple Peerless One Woodie WoodieMontgomery Montgomery Bardora Cork Ruuecruft Audrey K Observer Handicap 1 It Emina Williams Captain Greet Hul Wright 2 Careon Ruth Harrignn Review Cobalt 3 Blazer Rosellis Manniklu II Lady Harrigan 4 Tawasentha Celebrate Trulanc George James 5 HERDER Joe Goodman Phrone Ward Jpe Tag TagC C Peerless One Woodie Montgomery Sweet Ap ¬ ple Viva Cuba 7 Cork Runecraft Bardora Dickie W WConsensus Consensus of Handicap 1 IT Captain Greet Emma Williams Hal HalWright Wright 2 Review Ruth Hariigan Cobalt Careen 8 Rpscllia Lndy Hardcuu Blazer Vnlry Prince i TCaWiSsduthn Gcorgrt Jaiuca Helen Hayew HayewStanley Stanley H 5 Hxrder Joe Goodman Wild Though ts D i iLaud Laud C Judge David Viva Cuba AValk Up Peerless PeerlessOne One 7 JJardrjra Cork Runecraft v Dickiu W