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SECOND EACE 1 116 Miles 3ycarolds and upward Claiming June A 1916 1 45 3 110 BOREAS br g 6 112 112Trainer By Zeus Yuletree by Hastings HastingsG Trainer V Cloud Owner B Warmn 53152 Tijuan i Ini70y l40Vffist 9 117 4 2 4 G 61 78 P Martinez 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot 5509 Tijuan i 1 142 fast 13 117 1 1 1 1 1W3S2 1s 1 C WhittnlO BnFavoritc Argento Plylliins W3S2 Tijuana Im70y l4fifast llf 114 S 8 S 8 85334G 8 S P Martinez 0 Point to Point Sasin Bardora 5334G Tijuan i Im70y l461frast 1JC 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 = II Rowe 10 Prliieliro t Jsidie I Bardora 53002 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 145 1 T 1788 8 71 4 = 1 B Marielli S Prince Direct Maiidie Ben Levy 52751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 195112 2 P Martinez 10 Mayworth Von I idy Propliecy 52670 Tijuana 1 l4SVfhvy 28 112 11252G09 2J H Rowe 8 Weinland Bernice K Frivolous 52G09 Tijuana 1 116 l51slow 13 112 112SASIN 55 C Whittonll FSliannon Von Lady Horynut HorynutBy SASIN b h 8 115 115Trainer By The Picket Queea by Goldcrest Trainer W Block Owner C Buxton Buxtonrr436 rr436 Tijuana 1 11G lylSlifast 1 110 2 2 3 3 3533S2 21 23 E Josiali 7 Bardora Minniell PrinceDInct 533S2 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 75 115 1234 4 31 2 E Josiah Point tiiloint Bardora Cobrita 53337 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 35 110 3543 3 21 3 E Josiah 7 Clirjstiellolters GcnByng Cork 53307 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 32 112 7443 7443532G7 3 11 1 E Josiah 0 VonLady MissScdalia BenLevy 532G7 Tijuana Im70y 149 hvy 32 113 1432 2 I1 1 = 1 M Buxton 9 Mount Girl Dickie W Cobrita rpijuana 1 l45slop 1 115 G 2 3 3 3ijuana 221 21 M Buxton 10 MandM PatsyMack MdBacon ijuana 1 1S l55fast 2 112 4 5 5 G U3 5 ° M Buxton 7 GMlilebach Judg David Cork 52818 FGnds 1 11 207 fast 41 110 8331 1 2 = 2 M Buxton 13 Capital City Lottery Simonitc PRINCE DIRECT b g 5 110 110Trainer By Hey Hindoo Directa by Vinctor Trainer H C Smith Owner H 0 Smith 53161 Tijuana 1 11G 149 fast 4110 110 1 7 7 C 6 = 43 J irtamor 8 OMaid AudrcyK GMlilebuch GMlilebuch5l 53430 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 175 115 4777 5l 4i C Whiffn 7 Bardora Sasin Minnie H 53346 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 3710 112 1187 31 11 C WhittnlO Sadie I Bardora Cork 53311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 28 112 G 9 8 32 4 c Whiftonll GoIdKoso LBNre HansHr 53002 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 45 115 4533 I1 11 R Carter 8 Mawlie Ben Levy Boreas 52903 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 1C 114 2 G 4 3 22 2nk R Carter 8 Audrey A Sauer Mike Daly Daly7l 52859 Tijuana 34 l14fast 19 117 11 11 11 7l 651 R Carter 11 OlWood JJMurdock Sislolly 52704 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 111 41 R Dorlty 0 Little Gink GcnByng Saner 2673 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 21 116 116ITDREY 23 R Dorlty 0 MissParnell BillyJoe DickicW DickicWBy ITDREY K b m G 110 110Trainer By Ballot Captivity by Goldfinch or Star Ruby Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin 534G1 Tijuana 1 1IG 149 fast 11 115 5 5555 5 5 5 4l 2 ° P Martinez S OMaid GMhlcbach P Direct 53448 Tijuana 1 1S l53fast 10 112 5 6 G G G2 431 P Martinez 7 Bardora Runecraft LcDosaure LcDosaureC2435 C2435 Tijuana 1 1IG l4Sfast 15 110 7 7 5 G 43 4 D Hum S Pt toPoint Runecraft Cork Cork533G5 533G5 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 6 110 2 6 G 6 61 G3 P Martinez S LitGink MntnGirl MlkcDaly 53347 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 10 110 10 10 10 9 6l 5 D Hum 10 Dickie W Ilumma Cobrita CobritaE3323 E3323 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 36 110 7 G G G 6 C1S D Hum 8 Dickie W Moun Girl Modiste 53041 Tijuana 1116151 hvy 5f 115 5 6 3 4 43 4T P Martinez 11 Salgeorse BcnPaync Cilloltcra PERFECT LADY blk f 4 104 By Dick Walles Floral Day by Nasturtium NasturtiumTrainer Trainer C Deitz Owner Diotz Owens Owens524G1 524G1 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 1C 101 G 2 3 3 G1 I Powell 8 OMaid AudreyK GMlilebach GMlilebachC3435 C3435 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 12 109 3 4 4 4 71 8t5 C Whif tn 8 Pt toPoint Runecraft Cork CorkE3381 E3381 Tijuana lm0y 147 fast 2110 111 4 2 2 2 11 13 W Taylor 12 TokalonMarch ClJunia BLcvy 53317 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3 106 2 2 3 2 2l 4l W Taylor 10 Dickie W Hnmma Cobritii Cobritii5S311 5S311 Tijuana 34114 fast 191 108 9 77 7l 5 W Taylor 11 Gold Rose LBNre HansIIr 53041 Tijuana 1116151 hvy 5r 107 31011 11 11 II23 W Gargan 11 Salgeorgc BcnPaync CHolters 2992 Tijuana 1116149 fayt 6 102 4 2 2 2 3t 4J E Josiah 8 Modiste MtnGirl GMhlebacU GMhlebacUBEN BEN LEVY b g 10 109 By Salvado Miss Alice III by Racine RacineTrainer Trainer V E Olsen Owner Shank Bryan Bryanrr49 rr49 Tijuana 1 l42fnst 20 112 854 4 4i 25 D Powell 11 TokMarcli PMack BabyFaust 53381 Tijuana Im70y 147 ftst 15 109101110 10 G2 43J D Powell 12 PerfLady TokMarcli ClJunia 53307 Tijuana 1 116 I4Sfast 142 112 4 1 1 2 21 4 i D Powell 9 Sasin VonLady Miss Sedalia 53002 Tijuana Im70y l47sfast 31 105 522 1 21 31 D Powell S Prince Direct Maudle Boreas 52914 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 125f 112 7765 52 52 D Powell 10 AVMBaker Dione Pink Tcnny 52630 Tijuana 118156 slow 25 112 775 D Powell 7 BDchman WM Baker Canute 62336 Tijuana I 1S l5Shvy 40 110 4 1 C Whltton 7 BySistcr BMountain Honolulu 52128 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 100 113 9 R Dority 11 AudyK Ilumma GMuehlebcb GMuehlebcb519GO 519GO Tijuana Im70y l4Cfast 21 113 712 R Dority 9 Al Wick Gen Bynz Gift GiftDECKHAND DECKHAND br g 7 117 By Joa Owey Afeunada by Duke of Montr w Trainer B A Jones Owner B A Jonos JonosrM4S rM4S Tijuana 1 1S l5fast 1U5 1 1 1 1 lii Cl C Whittn 7 Bardora Runecraft LeDosatire 53197 Tijuana Im70y l45faat 7 111 1 4 4 3 Z S1 C Wlilftn 10 Trophy WMontgomery LGink 53297 Tijuana 1 115 l4Sslow 6 115 232 1 lh 43i C Wlilftn 7 Ycrmak Salgeorge Short Stop 53047 Tijuana 34 llfihvy G 10S 9 9 G G1 4 C Whif ton 10 V Welles OrcIiidKing IHarvey f283LTijuaua 51 f l07iffaHt 8 113 7 G 5 4l 4 N Foden 0 Walter Mack Little Beach Neg NegE26S5 E26S5 Tijuana 1 1IG l49slow 145115 43 C Whif ton 7 Ola Lee Horace Lerch Yerinak 52565 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 2910 110 12J G Whif ton S CavlcadotirlL Midia MConnoll 52529 Tijuana 34 117 slop 45 112 I1 C Whltton 7 Ola Lee Yukon WMontgomery 52462 Tijuana 34 l15slop 175 109 1s C Whltton 7 Yukon BsWlng WMtgompry WMtgompry523S5 523S5 Tijuana 1141 fast 1S5 114 3s N Foden G Baby Cal OIIolters Ptto Point PointEVALYN EVALYN HARRIGAN ch m 5 105 By Harrigan Vancona by Batten BattenTrainer Trainer E F Wright Owner G Kellv Kellv53WJ 53WJ Tijuana 1 l41fast 53 100 6 3 4 4 S = S R Toslih 0 Bardora CliTtonlan LaBNoiro 53154 Tijuana fij f l07fa t 21f US 5 S D 11 ll K Josiah 11 Shoicacres MKuretta Dilancev DilancevCH21 CH21 Tijuana rJ f 1OS fast 22f lor 2 22 9JIO P Parke 10 Thirty Sivcn Billy Joe HooytV 3S63 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast rf 112 13 11 11 13 13 W Hinphy 13 TliirtySovun Hoover GertUeB 53311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 25 105 2 13 4 8 1 H Jones 11 GoldRose LBNre HansIIr C2993 Tijuana 34 113 fast 11 112 1 11 1J 21 W Hinphy G OllieWood MissParnl Delancey 52S91 Tijuana 1 116 147 fast 53 100 2 1 1 2 421 4 W Hinphy G IrishMd Cavdourll SamHill 52683 Tijuana 1 145 slow 05 107 1J B Marldll 8 Apple Jack Cliautress FNurs MIKE DALY br g 7 107 By David Tenny Dewinne by Green Trainer G W Billorman Owner Lawless Murphy 53452 Tijuana ImOy l46 fnst IGf 112 11 11 11 11 5 = 1 55i E Josiah 11 Minnie II Fannio Nail Pierrot 63436 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 18 107 7 C 2 2 4 710 J Htamer 7 Bardora Sasin Minnie H HE3365 Ilickoryinit6334G E3365 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 13 102 7 5 4 4 42 33 B Marielli 8 LGink MntnOirl Ilickoryinit 6334G Tijuana ImOy l4G fast G 107 S 9 9 9 ° S J B MaricllilO IrincDirtct Sadie D Itanium Itanium6295S 6295S Tijuana Im70y 147 good 5 112 2 6 C 6 521 C5 M Slghter 8 Saner Rutland Arms Modiste ModisteP2920 P2920 Tijuana 1 18 l5S islop 9 100 G 3 C 7 7 7 M Slghter 7 BabySistcr KutlandArras Cork 62903 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 125 112 1 S G 4 4l 41 M Slghter 8 Audrey A Prince Direct Sauer B2S50 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 1710 112 5 6 G 4 32 2J M Slghlcr 8 John Jr Pink Tenuy Honolulu