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BOWIE BOWIE I have just received word on two REAL GOOD THINGS that go for the money THURSDAY and SATURDAY next They are both fit and ready and I nm advised that with an even hreak both will WIN and pay a good dividend Terms for these two FIVE DOLLARS for both and I GUARANTEE both to finish first or second or give you the bal ¬ ance of meeting FREE Those that subscribed for tho meeting get these Watch me I will deliver the goods this season and you get one horse only which I filo with this paper and I am not con ¬ nected with any other concern whatever This is in answer to numerous requests by mail that I re ¬ ceive I returned from LEXINGTON by way of LOUISVILLE last Thursday and while away gath ¬ ered somo real INFORMATION which my patrons will get later As I stated in my ad of SATUR ¬ DAY MARCH 2G my information from BOWIE and HAVRE DE GRACE comes from a wellknown horseman who is a rood frierd of mire who sent me KUKLUX 1185100 WON SLIPPERY ELM 1070100 WON and others from CANADA last year What you get from mo is genuine track information and I employ the best track man in the business who is at LEXINGTON EsJOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E J 413 Sandard Trust and Savings Bank Bldg CHICAGO ILLINOIS