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SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nov 25 1915 148 4 116 INDOLENCE b e 10 103 103Trainer By VcGee Princes Orna by Ornament Trainer O Pons Owner Ponsetta Stable 53500 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 14 106 2 5 5 5 4l 5i R HolwaylS Iar One Orenzo Warlike 52031 Jefson 1 11G l49fast 10 110 7553 7553E1120 3 3J 22 J Ileupel 10 Aztqc Colonel Lit On High E1120 Laurel 1 11G 1 49f ast 7 113121110 30 0 8s S1 R Barnes 13 Itagnarok Sunrose Stir Up 50701 Laurel 1 14 2OSMsfast 2110 100 4 1 2 4 4EOC5G 41 40 F Keogh 0 Rugrcso CapCity KlngCeorge EOC5G Laurel 1 14 208fast 21 103 6 9 G 5 2k 25 F Hunt 31 Austral MLuckett Capital CapitalG05S2 CapitalCity 50582 Laurel 1 14 210 slow 5 98 1 1 1 2 21 E 5J J J Callahan 5 LEmmeline KenBoy MisP MisPE0467 Mislolly E0467 IIdeGe ImtOy l47fast 2110 1101 7 G 5 4 3J 21 J Rodgez 9 LCotge It to Pt NorsCh NorsChoice NorsChoiceBy ARBITRATOR b g 7 103 By Statesman Apprentice Girl by Buddha BuddiaTrainer Trainer A H Vivell Owner M F Mount MountG3500 G3500 Bowie 1 1T1G 151 fast 100 111131311 12 122 12 C Jackson 13 Bar One Orenzo Warlike WarlikeG2S1S G2S1S FGnds 1 14 207 fast 12 110 4 G 4 6 Gi Slc C Jackson 13 Capital City Sasin Lottery E27GS FGnds 1 11G l50hvy 12 111 9 9 9 5l Gcl C Jackson 12 OldMcICna Yaphk CapHurns E2C45 FGnds 1 116 148 fast S 112 4 G 3 4 1 4 = 3 C Jackson 8 Bengali CBurns WalTurnbow f2C72 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 50 109 9 10 S C1 51 C Jackson 10 Corson Colonel Lit Iwiniwiu KILKENNY ch g 7 113 113Trainer By Celt Fairy Sprite by Voter Voter3l Trainer M Smith Owner M Smith r3471 Bowie Gi f l23V slov G 3l 4 L Ensor 14 PCnelly Amkassin Clnpsall E12S9 Pimlico 34 115 fast 22 104 11 13 14 13 1211 J Heupel 14 Philippic LeGaulois NancyAnn 50403 HdeGe 1 11G 151 fast 15 102 1 1 1 1 4 4 L Morris S AttyMuir ThistleQueen Lariat Lariat4S612 4S612 Windsor 1 11G l4Gfast 19 110 S 10 10 11 G 7 3 W MorseylS Neprhan Point to Pt Veteran Veteran4955G 4955G Windsor 1 18 l55slow 25 105 2 S S 9 11 10 F Cltilettill Biddledee GeoDuncan Verity 49437 FtErie 1 31G l58fast GO 105 5 5 5 7 7 9 R Romelli 9 BubLouder CapCity Handfull HandfullWARLIKE WARLIKE ch g 4 103 103Trainer By Ivan the Terrible Rebellion by Star Shoot Trainer W Livingston Owner S Louis 52500 Bowie 1 11G 151 fast 11 10G 10 9 9 4 C 3 J F CltiletttlS Bar One Orenzo Tan II 52728 FGnds 1 11G l52hvy S 110 5 4 3 S SE2C92 3 G 5 C Robson 8 Bluebnock Thunhird LhtWine E2C92 FGnds 1 14 202 fast 12 103J 7233 3 5i 5s F Smith 9 KichardV CCity WTurnbow 52522 FGnds 1 11G l47J4fast 20 10a 2 5 G 7 7E2482 3 5 L Morris 9 Plenty LorenaMoss Big Idea E2482 FGnds 1 11G l4Gfast 12 10S 9 S 10 7 7E2346 7i 7J L McAtee 12 TPgnese Richelieu L Moss E2346 FGnds 1 14 207fast 10 tU S 7 7 fi 51 3 ° L McDottlO Solid Rock On High Austral 52275 FGnds 1 14 2OSgood 20 10G 2 3 3 5 5HELLO 42 4 1 F Smith G Dahahiah II CapCity Austral AustralBy HELLO PARDNER b c 4 111 By Marajaz Ma Wee Dear by Love Wisely Trainer W C Kennedy Owner S C Denham 53499 Bowie Im70y l47fast 27f 103 7 3 G 6 9l 915 M Schwtzl2 MadgcF AmerBoy Antoinette G1616 Bowie 1 14 215 hvy 13 99 4 1 1 1 1J 21 M SchwtzlO JISceves Spcarlcnn Light Wine E1587 Bowie Cl f 123 hvy 25 103 5 25 5 G3 562 T Jarvis 7 Manoevre JBullant SEinblem G14S7 Bowie Im70y l50good 9 105 3 3 3 3 G 6t2 T Jarvis li MAntnette GdeCause Pcant G1439 Bowie 1 116 156 slop 225 102 C 2 1 1 Il 1J T Jarvis 10 AmerBoy Wilfreda Arbitrator LUCIUS ch h 7 111 111Trainer By Isidor Rozane by Perblaze Trainer R E Watkins Owner R B Dwyer 52398 G239SFGnds FGnds 1 116 14 l4Sfast Sfast 25 lift 6 CSS S S S 7 = 7 ° 1 J Heupel 9 Kohinoor WkUp Bluehannock BluehannockG235ll G235ll FGnds Im70y 14G fast 12 108 41010 11 12l 12 = s J Ileupel 14 Salute Wild Flower Ior Moss Moss5227C 5227C FGnds Iin70y l4Ggood 40 110 4 9 12 12 12 = 123 J Ileupel 14 On High Salute McAdoo McAdooC2072 C2072 Jefson ImTOy l49hvy S 111 G 7 7 7 GJ G = 8 M Buxton 7 Medusa ISetsy Kirstlcs Cub CubGS030 GS030 Jefson 1 11G l49fast 25 1JO 7 7 G 9 81 5 = J Heupel 10 Alliena LorenaMoss Kiuglingll E1971 Jefson 1 18 158 hvy 20 110 14 14 14 14 14 14 = J Heupel 14 Sundtiria Ijiil Ix rena Moss 51889 Jefson 1 112 fast fastTOM IOC 4 5 G S M Buxton 10 LtPerkins SdyMac LadyWard TOM BROOKS ch u 5 113 ByBrummel Resignation by Ben Strome Trainer H Roseacher Owner W Robinson RobinsonG1CSO G1CSO Jefson Iin70y 1 GOmud 12 110 G G G 5 5G632 4s 4I C Ponce 7 SusnnM BBrumuielll Dancer Dancer2U G632 Jefson 1116148 fast 12 111 554 3 2U 41 C Iohce S Mab Alhena Sea Urchin Urchin5s 51625 Jefson 1 116 149 hvy 4 104 3764 3764B150C 5s 5s C Ponce S Cockroach Fr Waters Krkland B150C Jefson Im70y l46fast 20 109 895 5 5D1070 7 7U1 C Ponce lli Nominee Uouibast U C Basel D1070 Empire 1 14 209fast 20 112 6 1 1 1 3 341 C Ponce 7 GreatGuIl Challencer Almab 51026 Empire Im70y l47hvy 20 115 S C G G GBEN 75 7 = 4 T Rowan 8 Berlin Gueland Keziah BEN HAMPSON br g 7 11G By Ben Trovato Margaret Hampson by Nasturtium Trainer W A Burttschell Owner J R Blanker G239S FGnds 1 11G l4Sfast 12 110 2 4 G 61 H Thurber 9 Kohinoor WkUp Bluehannock EJ25G FGnds 1 11G l51hvy G 112 G 5 C Gs J W Mphy 7 Bond Arerity Tiger Kose E2154 Jefson 1 18 l55fast 12 107 C 7 7 3 31 H King 13 LadyWard High Lad Brookld E209S Jefson 1 14 210slow 8 110 3 1 2 2 351II Thurber S Lad Sasin Dottas Best 52031 Jefson 1 11G l49V5fast 25 103 1 2 G 5 7i C i II Kirc 10 Aztec Colonel Lit Indolence GEORGE WASHINGTON ch g G 106 106Trainer By Celt Sallio Washington by Eon Trainer A G Blakely Owner B Williams C347C Bowie 1 11G l52Vfcslaw 5f 10S 11 C C 5 5 5 9J F CHilettiH Kohinoor J Reeves GDawn 52232 FGnds 34 l18hvy 30 110 10 9 S 7 = 5 3 II Kins 13 ItiirKoyne Keziah Mickey Moore E1844 Jefson 34 l18hyy 30 107 9 78 78C0921 8 ° 81S J McTagtlO DouhhsVan Optunity DrCphell C0921 Kwrth 1 1S l54V fast 52 108 3 3 4 5 41 4 ° F Chiavta Dukeltuff JKeeves SolidUock SolidUockC51 EC411 Thcliffe 1 31G 200fast 30 103 C51 F Chiavta 7 Dottasltest Ituiicrana 1 of Arc EOOS9 Dufrin 1 11G 157 fast 2710 10 4 = 1 F Chiavta Concha Kamona II Margery MargeryI COC35 Dufrin 1 11G 153 good 10 104 I F Chiavta 7 LadyWard Margery Contestant PINDAR b g 4 M 108 By Froglegs Pun Io Cross by Order OrderTrainer Trainer J M Booker Owner J M Booker Booker52S14 52S14 FGmls 34 113 fast 100 103 12 12 12 12 124 R Romellil3 Herald AAlexder lIBurgoyno 52119 Jefson 1 31G 202fast 60 99 10 12 12 12 1C2 9 W Lancet 12 Spectacular Girl Tugs Aztec Aztec5209S 5209S Jefson 1 14 210slow 20 104 2 7 7 5 G2 G14 E Pollard S Lad Sasin Ben Hampson 52025 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 7 108 4 5 4 6 G1 57i If Aron 8 Old McKenna Royden Old Rose 51947 Jefson 1 l44hvy 40 104 5 C 9 9 g 721 E Pollard 9 HeySmnrr OMeKenna Galway GalwayJUDGE JUDGE PRICE b g 7 111 By Waldo Ethel Pace by Toubadour ToubadourTrainer Trainer C Hawk Owner H Field 53146 Shport Im70y l4Sfast 20 107 C G C 7 7 ° 7 L McDott 8 PG King Cockroach IL Smnrr 53063 Shport 51 f 117 hvy 12 108 4 4 Lost riderII Gregory 5 ValWest CleanUp MGingliuin 53014 Shport 1 110 205hvy 20 110 5 4 4 G G1 C25 H Gregory 7 Corydon Thumlerbird Sundurla 52255 FGnds 1 116 151 hvy CO 103 7 4 4 5 74 7 H Gregory 8 George Duncan Betsy Serbian 52119 Jefson l 116 148 fast 20 105 8 8 8 8 8 7 E Anthony 8 Sandy Mac Bengali Mab 51727 Jefson 1 1S 203 hvy 15 106 5 4 5 7 7 721 J Roberts 7 Spearlene Bar Smarr Warllka