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FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming March 27 1921 1 52 5 117 CORK b g 6 99 By Harrlgan Flarney by Or en Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Farion Farion5S4S5 5S4S5 Tijuana 1 11G l48Jffast 1C 111 3 9 S S 7i 21 P Martinez 0 Pierrot GMhlebach IiIncenee E344S IiInceneeE344S Tijuana 1 181 insurant 4i 103 7 7 7 7 7 7i O Willis 7 Bardora Runecraft LeDosaure 53435 Tijuana 1 11G l4XMfast C 109 5 f C C E1 3 O Willis 8 PttoPoint Runocft AudreyK AudreyKSASIN SASIN GoldcrestTrainer b h 8 111 By The Picket Queen by Goldcrest Trainer W Block Owner C Buxton BuxtonH34S6 H34S6 Boreas543G Tijuana 1 11G 1 4Sfast 5 115 8 2 2 2 2 = 22 M Buxton 8 Deckhand PrincoDircct Boreas 543G Tijuana 1 11G l48fast 1 110 2 2 S 3 21 23 E Joslah 7 Bardora Minniell PrinccDirect 53382 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfast 73 115 1 2 C 4 31 2 K Josiah 9 Point toPohlt Bardora Cobritn 53337 Tijuana 1 11G l48fast 35 110 354 3 21 3 E Josiah 7 Christiellolters GenHyng Cork 53307 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 32 IK 1 4 4 3 11 1 E Josiah 9 VonLady MissSedalia BenLevy 532G7 BenLevy532G7 Tijuana Im70y 149 hvy 32 113 1 4 3 2 I1 121 M Buxton 9 Mount Girl Dickie W Cobrita ijuana Cobritaijuana 1 l45slop 1 113 G 2 3 3 22J 21 M Buxton 10 MaudM PatsyMack MdBacon MdBaconBABY BABY SISTER br m 10 102 102Trainer By lord Esterling Annie Lauretta by Emperor Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B 53337 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 43 104 7 7 7 7 7 7 D Hum 7 CliristioIIoltcrs GenByng SasJn 53250 Tijuana Im70y l49slop S 10S 12 12 11 11 95 42 D Ilurn 12 TGoose MlitnGirl GMhlebh GMhlebh5S024 5S024 Tijuana 1 1S l55i4fast 7 113 7 7 7 7 C2 483 P Martinez 7 GMhlebaeh JndgeDavid Cork 52970 Tijuana 1 11G l49fast 8 115 G G C C G21 5s P Martinez 7 BFavorite FShaiinon JDavid 52920 Tijuana 1 1S l5S slop 12 112 7 G 3 4 2s 1s P Martinez 7 Rutland Arms Cork Sadie D D52SC4 52SC4 Tijuana 1 1S l5fast 13 107 G G f C 44 P Martinez G Reydo VerdiLoon Clara Martin Martin52S51 52S51 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfast 14 115 7 7 7 7 5 G2 P Martinez 8 Sweet Apple Plielan Dioue Dioue52SOS 52SOS Tijuana 1 11G 149 fast 13 112 43J P Martinez S BeesWiug LitGiuk AudreyK AudreyKNEPPERHAN NEPPERHAN br h G 117 By King James Price by Matt Byrnei 534S4 Tijuana ImTOy l45 fast 1 Ha 1 1 1 2 = X 22i D Powell SalReorgc Baby Faust Zetetic 3454 Tijuana 51 f lOTfast 4 IIS C 5 G 51 54J P tMartinezll Shoreacres MEuretta Delancey 51550 Tijuana ImTOy l44fast S 115 53 C Duggan 9 Tlistorm TSNPass Franklin 51S07 Tijuana 1 11G 148 fast 3 11G IK C Duggan S TlieySNotPass Anzac Piedra 51551 Tijuana 1 11G 148 fast 1910 114 lh G Duggan 5 Reydo Piedra The Desert 51514 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 2 IOC 1i C Duggan S Anzac The Desert Great Hawk 50S93 Kwrth Im70y l43fast 41 102 5 2 2 2 2 J 2J J Grune 5 MayHouse UncleJohn EdStone 30744 Kwrth Im70y l45Mfast 5 IOC 5 3 3 1 22 2 ° C Duggan 8 Pierrot Blaise Dragoon Dragoon50GS9 50GS9 Kwrth ImTOy l46fast 75 114 G 3 4 2 3l 6TJ J Dreyer 10 Refugee Philistine Frank F FSADIE SADIE BymoniTrainer D ch f 4 102 By Ormondale Ballynahinch by General Bymoni Trainer A Brent Owner A Brentl or Ardoon 53459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 4 IOC 9 9 9 7 73 79 J Htamer 11 TokMarch BenLevy PatMack 63423 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast G 95 5 3 3 G 7 771 J Htamer 7 Little Gink Cork Dickie W 53393 Tijuana 1 11G 150 fast 175 103 11 G 3 1 I2 I2i J Htamer 12 MLevor LJosephine EPrince 53348 Tijuana Im70y l46 fast 19f 98 G 4 3 2 I1 2i J Htamer 10 Prince Direct Bardora Cork 53293 Tijuana ImTOy l47slow 93 98 9 G 3 3 2 = i 33i J Htamer 12 King Agrippa El Roy Dfihra 53215 Tijuana 1 l45slop C9 9G C 5 5 G 54 58 J HtamerlO Maud M Sasin Patsy Mack 53023 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 32 95 9 S 10 9 92 8 J Htamerll Ostentatious MSedalia MaiulM 52920 Tijuana 1 18 l5Sslop 43f 97 1 1 1 2 4l 4 4 J Htamer 7 BabySister RutlandArms Cork Cork52SS7 Lady52SCO 52SS7 Tijuana 1 l12fast 7Gf 100 9 7 S S 82i 78J J Htamer 12 J J Murdock Viva Von Lady 52SCO Tijuana 34 l14fast 43t 97 12 12 12 12 10J3 J HtamerlU HasansHcir ApJack Lewislt Lewislt52TC9 52TC9 Tijuana 55 f l07fast 95 93 913 J Htamer 12 ThriftyThree EdLeVan Mistake MistakeSAM SAM HILL b gr G 104 By Solitaire II Bremerhafen by Sandringham Trainer SandringhamTrainer E F Wright Owner G Kelly Kelly53IC3 53IC3 Tijuana 1 116 11S fast 9G 4 7 C G C2i C1 E Josiah 7 Piedra Trophy Reydo 53423 Tijuana 1 1S lr5fast S 105 3 G 7 7 G 4 = 1 II Rowe 7 Little Gink Cork Dickie W WL3397 WL3397 L3397 Tijuana ImTOy lir l15fast f ast Gf 103 2 5 G 9 7l 713 R Lowe 10 Trophy WMttOinery Dkhand 53348 Tijuana 34 l14fast 72 119 5 35 4i G3 A Xeigler S 9 La U Noire PMtin MStlieiu 53310 Tijuana 34 l14 fast C 114 1 4 G G1 Ci B Marielli 8 DancGl Kplphanes MStathem MStathem52S91 52S91 Tijuana 1 11G 147 fast 3910 107 444 4 31 34 C Gross IrishStd OavdourlL EvUsan 52775 Tijuana Im70y l45VnfaHt 13 109 G N Koilen 7 Louis HoraceLercli CluraMartlu CluraMartluf2173 f2173 Tijuana 1 3 If 202fast 9 10G G3 N Fodeii G TSNPass HorLercli MissOrb MissOrb520GU 520GU Tijuana 1116147 fast G 10S 4 = 3 K Cliiuvta S Piedra MissOrb Mister Mark 52022 Tijuana 1 141 fast f 103 33i C Yeargin G Sea Way Piedra Water Willow Willow513S2 513S2 Tijuana 118154 fast 119 107 22 F Chiavta G Regreso TSNPass UceLerch UceLerchSTANLEY STANLEY S blk g 13 102 By Jack Point My Gem by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity GarrityG32G3 G32G3 Tijuana 1 l4GLhvy 10f 112 11 11 12 12 11 10 B Parke 12 ChMaster DandyVan LJphtne LJphtne52S11 52S11 Tijuana 1 1S 154 fast 4 IOS 711 It McCrnn 7 ItMntn CavTdourll ByCal ByCalE2GS8 E2GS8 Tijuana 1 31C 204 slow n2 104 G83 II Jones G Le Dinosaure Lit Gink Cork 52558 Tijuana 1 150 mud 15 115 98 R McCrnnlO Canute LJoscpliJne BleFlower BleFlowerE2336 E2336 Tijuana 1 18 l5Shvy 100 111 7 R Dority 7 BySister BMountain Honolulu 62240 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 65f 110 12U J Clements 12 Slienandoah Sauer Baby Sister 52019 Tijuana ImTOy 140 fast 221 111 10l R Dority 11 AudreyK MDaly Bof tbeKlt tbeKltLADY LADY INNOCENCE b m 10 109 By Salvation Mi Reina by Santiago SantiagoTrainer Trainer J A Morgan Owner J A Morgan Morgan534S5 534S5 Tijuana 1 116 l48fast 11 1101 7 5 5 5 4S H Rettig 9 Pierrot Cork Geo Mnelilebach 53455 Tijuana GJ f l07fast 21f 110 12 12 11 11 7 J II Rettig 12 JohnJr Hars Heir Ike Mills 52750 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 2J 110 I1 H Rettig 9 Mary Fuller Viva Buckhorn II 52705 Tijuana 118150 fast 12 112 3 = 1 II Rettig 8 AudreyK LeDinosaure Plunger C09 Tijuana 1 11G 1 51slow 11 110 110524S9 4J J Htamer 11 FSliaiinon Von Lady Horynut 524S9 Tijuana 1 18 158 mud 49 110 8 N Foden 9 Viva Cuba Baby Sister Cork 52316 Tijuana ImTOy 14G fast SO 115 115C2212 4i N Fodeii 7 JudgeDavid LewisB Nashotah C2212 Tijuana 1 l42fast 32 113 3i N Foden 10 Esamiuer TFMMhu VLady