Second Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-06

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SECOND RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 YORK KilmarTrainer LASSIE br f 3 M 107 By Yorkshire Lad Lady Kilmarnock by Kilmar Trainer T Crystler Owner T Crystler nock nockG3477 G3477 Tijua a 4 l14fast 9 109 2 G 4 3l 3 O Willis 14 Capers Cobalt Brown BPH CS433 Tijua a 5S l01fast M 1 777 711 Htamer 7 Porch KISabio Smiling Maggie G340T Tijua a Im70y 147 fast 3V10 Kl7 11322 41 G9 G Yeargin 11 Rmiecft LOrnhan ChutCoiirt G33G1 Tijua a 1 l43fast 14510912 522 I1 33 R Post 12 Helman Little Orphan Go On OnC3310 C3310 Tijua a 34 l14 fast 73 103 4 11 21 S9 li Post 8 DaiuGl Kpiphanes MStathem LETTY SainTrainer REE br f 3 93 By Jim Gaffney Penance by Sain Trainer J J Quinlan Owner Heigel Quinlan KMC5 Tijuana 58 102 fast G 7 71 7ni B Parke 13 Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish E3407 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 9 2 21 21 B Parke 13 Lantern Cal Cnrn Roscllis R3321 Tijuana 34115 fast 10 97 2 1 2 2i 52 B Parke 15 Kof Pythias Rosellis Liintern E2SS5 Tijuana 51 f l08fast 9 G 101 10 i B Marielli 12 CoIMiirphy Volinia Maiikinll G2C07 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow 185 94 G8J G Yeargin 12 Chrome Knnitana Clover Jtmia ELY gr g 4 104 By Leonid Hands Around by Serpent Trainer W M Mikel Owner W M Mikel E2988 Tijuana 34 115 fast 14f 102 S 93 CJ D Powell 10 AuntAnnie Dioncro MabelRule E2957 Tijuana 51 f l07good 44 100 G G C 52 52 J Clements 7 DlyFashn GruduB SmilMag E2SS8 Tijuana 1 l41fast 7r5 102 544 2 2 2 M SlghterJ2 BSliilling MLever RWilliam E2SG1 Tijuana ImTOy l4Rfast C310 107 811 1 I4 3J O Willis 12 MntnGirl MaudM WMItaker E2S28 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 19 107 S 4 4 4 4i 5 = 1 O Wills 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudie G2SOG Tijuana 1 l42fast l42fastCANVASBACK G 103 33 E Taylor 9 MyFuller JWinn BarSliilline CANVASBACK VoterTrainer ch g 4 104 By Greenback Coronis by Voter Trainer F W Ritsch Owner J W Tato TatoC34J5 JamesG340G C34J5 Tijuana G f 1OS fast fit 111 7 44 Gl C O Willis It Celebrate Stanley II G James G340G Tijuana 5S I02 faat 42 108 G 33 Gi G5 W Hinphy 12 Maid of Ansol Kl Sabio Viva E33G2 VivaE33G2 Tijuana Gi f l08fast lJ5f 101 G 5 G 3 Si 5 J W Hinphy 12 MkGarner Fan Nail MSedalia 52627 Tijuana 51 f l09V slow 21 107 83 R McCrnnll ApJack ColMatt JJMurdock JJMurdockSEA JJMurdockSEA SEA ShootTrainer BEACH b g 8 113 By Marta Santa Sea Spray by Star Shoot Trainer J Reese Owner F Sully Sully534C5 534C5 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 235 115 11 11 S S = C B PinngarlS Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish 53244 Tijuana 5 f l10slop 1S5 115 1 22 22 21 W Hinphy 1t Annabello Celebrate BrownPee 52930 ValLadyG2S26 Tijuana GS 105 mud 2110 105 4 22 22 225 O Willis 9 TDtincali WCDooly ValLady G2S26 PythiasC2545 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 4710 107 2 2 2 2J 2n O Willis 13 Shoucres Rosellis Kof Pythias C2545 Tijuana 51 f l12mud 135110 42i R Dority 10 Nasledovati Review Ooma OomaOOMA OOMA blk m 10 104 By Cesarion Sneerwell by St Blaise BlaiseTrainer Trainer J L Crawford Owner Ruth Farton FartonG2929 G2929 PrincessG2S27 Tijuana 5S l04mud 14f IOC 7 7 S 10 10 E Taylor 12 Eng Lady Ilumma IT Princess LanternG2GG8 G2S27 Tijuana Gl f lOSfast 27 10311 11 11 II1 9 II Rowe 12 OidHonuStead KISabio Lantern G2GG8 LitJakeC2COS Tijuana GS lOIhvy G2 IOS 9 E Taylor 10 CamflagelL DFshn LitJake C2COS Tijuana Gi f l10slov 43 105 S8i II Rowe 10 K Harrigan M Kuretta DotH DotHG25SO G25SO Tijuana 5S l05aslow 33 104 7 ° J II Rowe 10 Tillotson KngLady Nledovatl NledovatlFRENCH FRENCH KeyTrahi2r NURSE b m 6 104 By Rey Hindoo Trained Nurse by Yo el Key Trahi2r H Bell Owner Millerick Bros BrosG3479 G3479 Tijuana 1 l43fast 19f 103 7 4 2 2 2h 7ci J Htamer 10 Rosellis Tours Miss Sedalia Sedaliarill PTennyW321 rill Tijuana 1 l42fast llf 111 10 G C S Hi 1214 A Zeigler 12 Ostentatious Helman PTenny W321 Tijuana 34 115 fast Sf 107 8 99 71 G3J J Majesticl5 Kof Pythias Rosellis Lantern LanternG2S8S G2S8S Tijuana 1 l41fast 33 113 G G 5 9 102 1022 A Zeigler 12 BarShilling Ely MtyLever MONDAINE b m 6 By Malamont Garde by Hurst Park Trainer J E OShea Owner J Anderson f E2419 Tijuana 5S l01fast 77 112 S 10 9 91 9 ° 1 T McCuIh 14 DdnGuise TomCaro ICRankiin ICRankiinG33T9 G33T9 Tijuana 5S 103 fast S4 113 9 9 9 9J S1 T McCuIh 15 WCDooly ViNail BSquirrel 53319 Tijuana 6S I0l7sfast 9 114 10 14 15 144 14ts B PinnegrlS Celebrate Review EminaWoller B2930 Tijuana RS 105 inud 12 113 2 35 53 58 B Taylor 9 TDimcan SeaBeach WCDooly MONTGOMERY HeywoodTrainer JR ch g 7 105 By Montgomery Relationship by Heywood Trainer M P Level Owner F Leiner LeinerG33C2 G33C2 Tijuana 51 f l01fast 98 11210 10 11 11 ° 11 B Pinnegrl2 MkGarner FanXail MSedalia G2930 Tijuana 5S 105 mud 13f 113 7 7 S S5 7 1 W Taylor 9 TDuncan SeaBeach WCDooly E2S27 Tijuana 5 f 1 08fast S3 112 3 37 Si 1211 A Zeigler 12 Oldllomcstead KISabio Lantern 47973 Tijuana 51 l07fast S 115 111S J Mulcahy 11 BeatLucilleLStPrIek LMoore 47953 Tijuana 34 l13fast 1G5115 23 J Mulcahy 10 HattieWilldo MoveOn Review Review4TT51 4TT51 Tijuana GS l01fast 7 114 in J Mulcahy 7 Lady Hester Virge Focman 47011 Tijuana 1 l41rast 1C 113 7 J Mulcahy 7 Neenali MannikinlL RedMan RedManMIKE MIKE DIXON br g 5 105 By Banrsdale Baby Dixon by Sir DLrcn DLrcnTrainer Trainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham r34C5 Tijuana 5S 102 fast ISf 110 10 13 13 13 13 = 4 E IIaywrd13 Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish GK93 Tijuana 1 116 1GO fast 13f 101 S It 11 11 12 1224 D Hum 12 Sadie D MLever LJosephine C2347 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 22f 107 942 3 71 913 J Majestic 10 Dickie W Hunima Cobrita G23T Tijuana 34 l14fast lit 10711 10 11 91 S5J J Majestic 13 AunlAiinie Tawtha Shoreacres 52909 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 33f 107 10 9 9 11 12 12 = 3 J Clemeiitsli VonLady Ch Court Ostentatus MASTER FRANKLIN blk g 9 105 By Modrid Zirl by Saia SaiaTrainer Trainer W D Millard Owner W D Millard Millardr34S3 r34S3 Tijuana u f 10 fast 22f 107 4 9 7i 7 ° J O AVillis 11 HarIIeir Delaiiroy MofAnscl K40G Tljiina GS l02fast 52 108 10 10 9 S2 8T3 II Saladin J2 Maid of Ansel Kl Sabio Viva KJ293 Tijuana Im70v l47slow 51 111 3 4 G 5 7s 112T C Gross 12 King Agrippa Kl Ucy Sadiel E2I93 Tijuana S4115 fast 4 109 f G G G fis2 A Zeigler C OlWood KvHtrrlKui MParnl G29 13 Tijuana 51 f l09 slow 21 110 7 S G G1 G2i A Zeigler 14 lliiium Velvet W C Dooly ANN S b m 5 M 108 By Ormondale Ellora by Mazagan Trainer J McDougall Owner J Costello CostelloCSC62 CSC62 Tijuana Gl f lOSfast 195f 110 9 77 92 10 C Yeargin 12 MkGarner FanNail MSedalia MSedaliaG2SS5 G2SS5 Tijuana 51 f 1 03f ast 12f IOS 9 10 10 H1115 G Yeargin 12 ColMurphy Volima Mankinll MankinllG2C4G G2C4G Tijuana G f 112 mud 13 IOS 21 M Slghter 12 Gertrude B Viva Maud M MG254G G254G Tijuana 51 f lllmud 25f 106 7 3 E Taylor 10 Mex Pastime Indian Brigade 52456 Tijuana 5S 03islop31lDf 93 3 3 B Marielli 9 Camoiiflagell GeoJames Dots DotsLOUISES LOUISES ByTrainer LAST b m G M 108 By St Masinc Louise Wood by King Eric Trainer F Melvin Owner Melvin Glasscock 52G28 Tijuana 51 f 109 slow 14f 109 11 O Willis 12 Prin Douglas AnStar KdLeVan 62544 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud S8f 106 II27 D Powell 11 J Hoslior Lavaga Perfect Day DOCTOR KENDALL ch c 10 110 110Trainer By Marta SantasPicayune II by Deceiver Trainer Z Barnott Owner Z Barnett G34C3 Tijuana 5S 102 fant 17 112 2 4 41 5cj R Dority 13 Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish 633C2 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 7 121 2 9 10 102 912 A Zeigler 12 MkGarner FanNail MSodalia E20S1 Tijuana 5S l01fast 195f 112 4J A Zeigler 12 Trulane Duly Fashion Yukon G1S3G Tijuana G8 102 fast G 114 43 O Willis 8 TISiiK CtheWay Kd Le Van FIGARON ch f 4 M 107 107First By Rogon Figcnt by Hastings First start

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Local Identifier: drf1921040601_7_3
Library of Congress Record: