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SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 20 1916 111 25 3 110 110JOHN JOHN JR b g 8 114 By Harta Santa Maude Fetly by Ben Btrcma BtrcmaTrainer Trainer J Mannalo Owner Mannale Chapron 53455 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 2t 112 4 44 21 13 B Parko 12 HarsIIeir IkeMills KipSinokc 53422 Tijuana 1 l40Vfefast 55 90 6 2 3 3 32 41 E Joslah 7 Nebulous Hyanpom WMontgy 53385 Tijuana 5i f 07 fast 1710 111 7 77 7 542 II Saladin 8 CACoiniskoy Capers WMack 63324 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 7 110 6 5 6 31 I2 B Parke 8 Neg Walter Mack Ike Mills Mills6324G 6324G Tijuana 58 l03slop 2310 110 12 10 10 6s 631 H Saladin 12 MailIiyng Blancliitu Ap Jack 53043 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 7 109 6 8 6 32 21 H Saladin 11 KBkwell Sedgesass EIndian 53005 Tijuana 34 l14Vfast 115117 6 7 7 41 31 M Buxton 8 Claude Weaver Ken Payne Neg 52921 Tijuana 34 115 slop 9 112 7 76 421 3s H Rowe 7 Sedgcgrass WMontgy OlaLeo OlaLeo52S50 52S50 Tijuana Iin70y l46fast 1110 117 1 1 1 1 I2 1i N Foden 8 MikeDaly PinkTenny Honolulu 52751 Tijuana 34 114 fast 310 113 6 C Whitton 7 Clear Lake Yukon Viva Cuba 52632 Tijuana 34 l15slow 185 119 2 E Graves 11 Maniichun NCR Don Jose 62438 Tijuana 1 l41 fast 35 115 14 K Graves 10 1iukTeuny Yukon MnrlelsPet MnrlelsPetCELEBRATE CELEBRATE ch g 8 112 By Skillful Kirkfield Belle by Royal Flush in inTrainer Trainer J E Lewis Owner J E Lewis Lewis524S1 524S1 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 145 107 3 11 1 V II Jones 12 GoldKosc SmilMagcic Hoover 53115 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 3110 110 5 22 22i I1 II Jones 11 Stanley If G Tunics Tmlane 3319 Tijuana 58 l01fast 95 110 5 31 I1 I1 H Jones 15 Review Emma Weller Capers 53214 Tijuana 5i f l10slop 81 110 8 3 3 3J 3 H Jones 14 Aunabelle SeaBeach Brownllee SAUER b g G 107 107Trainer By ITcGee Frances S by Dick Welles Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson 5S323 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 15 114 6 Fell M Buxton 8 Dickie W Moun Girl Modiste ModisteE3311 E3311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 19f 112 7 10 10 SI 7 ° G Yeargin 11 GoldKose LKXre 11iinsHr 53041 Tijuana 1 116 151 hvy 42 109 7 4 7 7 75 S B Parke It Salxcorge KeiiPayne CIIolters CIIoltersrS5S rS5S Tijuana Im70y 147 ood27lC 103 4 4 C 4 4 = 11 B Taylor 8 KiitldArins Modiste IrishDaisy 52903 Tijuana ImTOy l45ftfast 1110 109 G 2 2 2 3 3 i B Marielll 8 AudreyA IrDirect Mike Daly Daly52S62 52S62 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 145 107 5 5 4 4 2 2i IJ Marelli f iciiKyng LiUleOiiik AudreyK AudreyK52S2S 52S2S Tijuana ImTOy 140 fast S5 112 2 2 2 1 I1 2 B Marcllil2 Anna Jackson Mtuidie KutAruis 52704 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 109 3li H Rowe 0 LitGink Genliyng PrinceDirct 52655 Tijuana 1 116 l49slow 8 103 6 B Taylor 7 Ola Lee Horace Lercu Yermak SHOREACRES br m 7 109 By Martimas Jane Shore by Pershoro PershoroTrainer Trainer A Neal Owner Neal Bartholomew 52154 Tijuana GJ f l07fast 4310 93 4 1 1 1X 1 = B Marlelllll MilEurctta Dclanccy SMassie 52421 Tijuana 5i f 1OS fast 7 10S 1 431 42 W Perry 10 Thirty Seven Killy Joe Hoover 53335 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 4 107 1 1 1 U 3 C Gross 13 AuntAnnie Tawastha MaudM 52913 Tijuana 51 51fl09slow f l09slow 12 113 11352S26 S C G o2 42 C Gross 14 Iluimna Velvet W C Dooly 52S26 Tijuana 5i f 108 fast 6f IOC 4 1 1 I1 1 C Gross 13 SKeach Kosellis Knofljrthlaa 52607 Tijuana 61 f 110 slow 41f 105 541 D Powell 12 Cbroine EnuHana Clover Juuia OLLIE WOOD ch c 4 110 By Doncaster Seddie King by Leonid LeonidTrainer Trainer W 0 Millard Owner W D Millard Millard5348S 5348S Tijuana 51 f l07fast 10 109 6 5 5 51 32 D Powell 7 C A Comiskey El Saliio NCR 53454 Tijuana 51 f l07Efast 21f 114 8 10 10 81 643 O Willis 11 Shoreacrcs MEuretta Delancey 53397 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast Cf 109 5 2 3 4 9J 10 O Willis 10 Trophy WMtgomery Dklianil 3043 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 5f 110 8 77 93 910 D Powell 11 BBlkwell JolinJr Scdgegrass 52993 Tijuana 34 115 fast 3 109 2 2 2 2 11 D Powell C EvIIargan MIarnl Delanccy DelanccyNEG NEG blk K 6 112 By Orimax Lulu 31 by Kasotto KasottoTrainer Trainer J Coffey Owner T G JCorri 53455 Tijuana 55 f l07 fast S 110 4 3 3 S 43 J II tamer 7 CAComiskcy BISabio OlWooil 53434 Tijuana 58 l01fast 3710 112 G C 6 4J 23 H Rowe 0 CMurphy Delanccy Stanleyll 3398 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 5 111 2 25 G2i 33 H Rowo 12 Herder Hars Heir SmilMaj 53324 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 9 10S 2 2 2 2J 22 H Rowe S John Jr WalterMack IkeMllla 53005 Tijuana 34 l14ysfast 8 112 4 2 2 21 43J H Rowe 8 ClauilcWeavcr BPayne JohnJr MILDRED EURETTA b m 6 107 107Trainer By Harta Santa Roberta Lee by St George Trainer W Ormes Owner W Ormes 53454 Tijuana 55 f lG7 = gfnst 3 110 3 2 2 21 2 R Lowe 11 Slioreacres Delanccy SMacgic 53425 Tijuana 5 f 108 fast 185 110 2 1 1 3J IJ R Lowe 12 Delanccy AppleJck IlarsIIeir 53294 Tijuana 51 f lOSVsslow 125 105 2 1 1 1J I G Yeargin a Welga Delancey Tillotson 52608 Tijuana 5 f l10slow 10 115 2 R McCrnnlO Elynllarrigan Dot H Maud M 52580 Tijuana 58 l05slov 115 108 53i R McCrnn 10 Tillotson En Lady Nledovati PIERROT b g 9 111 By Galveston Phantasma by Ormondalo or Golden GoldenTrainer Trainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham Garter 53485 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast S 112 2 1 1 1 11 11 T McCullh 0 Cork GMlilebacIi IiInnoccncB 53469 Tijuana 1 l41fast 41 113 4 4 5 5 4 43 E Haywrd 9 ISardora CIiTtonian I aINoiro 53452 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 4 114 2111 Int 3 = i E Taylor 11 Minnie H Fannie Nail Dione DioneTHOS THOS F McMAHON ch h 6 106 By CoU Jamm by Delhi DelhiTrainer Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker 53460 Tijuana 34 l13fast 56 98 6 6 G C G81 II B Bwer 7 Lonely WMontRomery PGirl IylnconeoC2550 52705 Tijuana 118156 fast 9 115 7 = E Taylor 8 AudyK LeTVsaure Iylnconeo C2550 Tijuana Im70y lSOmud 41 10S 619 B Marielll 7 Shortstop VivaCiiba Itunccraft Itunccraft524S7 Itunccraft524S7 524S7 Tijuana Im70y l50 mud 21 115 43i H B Bwer 7 LLovitt Prin Direct TGallant 52435 Tijuana Im70y l46ifast 2310 113 I E Marielll 8 ThcGallant RobtLee VeuLady VeuLadyIRISH VeuLadyIRISH IRISH MAID ch m 7 107 Ey Irish Exile Raveal by Ravelston RavelstonTrainer Trainer H Higgins Owner B Cewb Cewb52S91 52S91 Tijuana 1 115 147 fast 31 107 3 2 2 1 li In B Marielli 5 Cavdourll SaniHill KvHpnn KvHpnn52S29 52S29 Tijuana 1141 fast 29 102 8 8E2752 8 8 7 1 34i H Jones 9 Louis Water Willow Hyarapom HyarapomE2752 E2752 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 21 112 5 H Jones 0 Kcydo Louis Marie Conncll 52707 Tijuana 34 l14fast llf 106 106MISS 31 C Thpson 10 OrchidKg BKlackwcll MyrtleA MyrtleAMISS MISS PARNELL ch f 4 110 110Trainer By Seth Lady Elizabeth by Orsini Trainer G Neal Owner G Neal Neal5S324 5S324 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 17 107 1 4 3 41 f i B Marielli S John Jr NCR Walter Mack 52993 Tijuana 34 115 fast 1 107 3 3 3 42 31 M SI shier 0 OlWood EvHarrisan Delancey 52956 Tijuana 51 f 108 good4110 106 C 3 4 41 45J M Slghter 9 Perch Mev Clear the Way 52S7S Tijuana 34 l13fasl 5 109 2 332 32i M Slghter S WMtgoniery DonTose 1izarro 1izarro52S04 52S04 Tijuana 1 142 fast 15 105 Int M Slghter 8 Kardora Cliantress Goldie Koso 52673 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 1110 109 1s M Slshtcr 9 PrinceDirect KilJoe DickieW DickieWTHE THE BOY FAVORITE br g 7 104 By Mint Myra Blackburn by Mordotte MordotteTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner 0 B Irwin 52865 Tijuana 5S l01fast 19f 107 C 79 9 911 P Martinez 10 Kiposta Waller Mack Joe Tas 52796 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 33f 109 912 P Martinez 1vtIear AnRegina CldeWver 52708 Tijuana 34 115 fast 44 111 773 P Martinez S LitKch Camflasell KsWing KsWingB2632 B2632 Tijuana 34 l15slow 24f 109 1012 D Hum 11 Mannchen John Jr Neg 52584 Tijuana Bl f l10slow 65 94 7 D Hum 7 ShermanA GtlTawk Sedgegsg 52441 Tijuana 58 l00fast 86 104 610 P Martinez 9 Shifty Sherman A Little Jako 52304 Tijuana 34 l14fast 255 111 S22 D Hurn 8 PrlvatePeat Deckhand JohnJr JohnJrIRISH JohnJrIRISH IRISH DAISY ch m 6 105 By Cederstrome Malaspina by Brutus BrutusTrainer Trainer J Greenhow Owner J Groenhow 53152 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 16 115 10 7 7 7 71 9si O Willis 11 Minnie H Fannie Nail Pierrot ES3S1 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 23 115 134 5 72 973 C Whlttnll PerfLady TokMarch ClJunia 53311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 19f 110 10 S 9 10 1011 A cigler 11 GoIdRose LBXre HaiisHr 52938 Tijuana Im70y 147 good 14 110 6 2 2 2 Ink 42 B Marielll 8 Saucr Rutland Arms Modiste 52903 Tijuana lm0y l45fast 62 115 877 7 62 671 E Taylor S Audrey A Prince Direct Saucr 52S92 Tijuana 51 f l07t l07fast fast 73 103 9 999 9i E Taylor 9 Yukon Neg Serigcgrass 52S11 Tijuana 118154 fast 29 105 595 H Jones 7 BMntn CavTdourll ByCal ByCalTHIRTY THIRTY SEVEN b s 8 110 110Trainer By Abo Frank Kiamesha II by Clifford Trainer F Moms Owner F Morris 63421 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 135 110 C Ink j H tamer 10 lUIly Joe Hoover Sliorcaeres 5S3S5 Tijuana 5i f l07fast 27f 103 2 C 6 6l 443 A Gantner S CAComiskey Capers AVMack CS363 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 9 109 7 2 2 I1 1J E Josiah 13 Hoover Gertrtulel IlarsIIeir 62406 Tijuana 58 l01fast 28 108 3 B Marielll 9 Gertrude U Riposta Dclaucruy Dclaucruy523GO 523GO Tijuana 5 f l09good 4 115 5 3 R Dority 11 Pty Baby Ennitana CMnrpliy 52032 Tijuana B8 1 W fast 145 114 1s L Mills 11 BabyGirl SwtTooth NaslevatI 51713 Tijuana 34 Il5 tfast C 110 34J L Mills 11 MoveOn Sseorge TKcnrldgo TKcnrldgoEARRIGANS EARRIGANS HEIR ch g 4 116 By Harrigan Admirals Daughter by Von Tromp TrompTrainer Trainer F Wallhauser Owner F Wallhauser WallhauserB3483 B3483 Tijuana 5t f 1OS fast 1 105 10 2 2 2 I1 B Mariellill Delancey MofAnsel DdeGuise 3155 Tijuana 5 f l07fast 3 109 2 3 1 I 22 C Whittnl2 John Jr Ike Mills Big Smoke Smoke5S425 5S425 Tijuana 5 f 1OS fast 115 IOC 3 11 11 102 4S5 H Rowe 12 MEuretta Delanccy ApplnJack 63363 Tijuana 5 f 108 fast 2i 113 12 7 7 4n 42i O Willis 13 ThirtySeven Hoover GertdeB