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Carlisle S 1 25100 Won Tantalus 605109 Won WonTomorrow Tomorrow and Saturday advertised Specials go Five Dollars for both GUARANTEED to finish first or second or balance of meeting FREE See ad in last Sundays Form No notice taken of communications unless accompanied by the money Wire subscription and get in en two that will pay a good dividend Watch me I have the goods goodsEXJOCKEY EXJOCKEY MARSHALL MARSHALLInitials Initials E J 413 Standard Trust and Savings Bank Bldg CHICAGO ILL NATIONAL 0 K RACING LETTER LETTERSOCIAL SOCIAL STAR 13GO100 WON WONWas SpecialMADGE Was Yesterdays Long Shot Special MADGE F 280 to 1 WON WONWas Was Mondays Long Shot Special DONT FAIL TO GET TODAYS SHEET SHEETGet Get the Old Reliable Reliable50c 50c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 50c 50cMailed Mailed Direct One Week 300 Two Wooks 500 500NATIONAL NATIONAL 0 K PUBLISHING CO Room 411 Baltimore Bldg Chicago Illinois