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i PREPAY ALL TELEGRAMS on special horses wired within 500 miles of Balti ¬ more others wired collect and guarantee my Occasional 500 Special to win or next Special sent free telegrams prepaid as above stated for 55 wired mo in advance When you receive a win ¬ cing special wire me 500 immediately if next special is wanted wantedFor For those desiring to play every day I will wiro telegram collect one or two and occasionally throe best chance horses each day for six days for 900 wired me in advance My experience and connections enable me to offer the best information it is possible to obtain obtainA A largo per cent of my 500 guaranteed spe ¬ cials must win to justify this business for me but they do not come very often To protect mutuel prices for my clients and connections I must refuse all Baltimore business whilo racing at this point Will commence daily wires April 8 and spe ¬ cials when possible possibleNo No business by mail and no propositions consid ¬ ered Wire money and correct address immedi ¬ ately atelyALEXANDER ALEXANDER Care of Western Union Baltimore Hd