Fifth Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-02

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FIFTH RACE 1 11O Miles yearol ls ami iu ivnr l Claiming June 4 1D1O 145 5 11O CZARDOM b bTrainer By Royal Realm Zoara by Matchmaker Trainer A Neal Owner Neal Bartholomew 52907 Tijuana 1 11G 149 fast 1 113 13 D Powell 9 El Key Pat y Mack Miss Wells 537G4 Tijuana 1 149 fast S SImTOy 113 9 9 7 5J 4i B Parke 10 Col Matt Miss Sedalia Pliclan 53C2S Tijuana ImTOy l474fast 113 12 7 5 4 = 43 D Powell 12 Sam Hill Emelda Electric 53478 Tijuana 1 l43Mfast 910 115 11 7 7Im70y 4 31 2J B Marlcllill Bckliornll LPointer Electric ES457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3110 110 G 2 2 2J 2 J B Marielll S Zetetic Tours Fairy Prince 53393 Tijuana 1 11G 150 fast 2910 112 5 4 7 82i 95 H Jones 12 Sadie D MLever LJosepliine B3334 Tijuana 1 l42fast 9 115 S G 2 1 2J B Marielll S Busyliird PatMack Itunecraft 63321 Tijuana 34 115 fast Sf 107 10 8 8s 75i B Mariellil3 Kof Pythias Itosellis Lantern ZETETIC BancocasTrainer ch m 9 108 By Abe Frank Josies Jewel by Bancocas Trainer V L Stanfield Owner W L Btanfield KSSSZ Tijuana Im70y l43fast 5 103 103K797 I2i D Hum 8 ColMatt Shenandoah Lewis B BSi K797 Tijuana 1 11G l49Mfast 195 115 Si J Majestic S MissScdalia KobtLee PMack 537 i5 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 14 ICG 2 1 1 1 153G89 J 1J E Xoble 10 Helman LIncence Shcnandoan 53G89 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 7 107 6 7 7 G 5 = i G Redfern 7 LewisB Tok March Prophecy 53569 Tijuana 1 116 l4Stofast 1C 112 11 9 7 9 963S03 911 A Zeigler 12 Helman FanNail Slienndoah 63S03 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 1910 115 2 7 7 7 i 3i P Martinez 11 Shenandoah PkTenny VLady 53484 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 9 105 4 6 5 5 5TOKALON 4 O Willis 7 Salgeorge Nepperhan B Faust FaustBy TOKALON MARCH b g 7 107 107Trainer By Marcimont Et Tokalon by Tammany Trainer W C Weant Ow er W C Weant 53930 Tijuana Im70y l4afast 5J 114 2 F Chiavta 7 Hubbub Boreas Ostentatious 52791 Tijuana 5i f 107 fast 7 109 7 G 66 C G G63GS9 5 59J R Dority 7 Bkhornll LIncence GMlebh 63GS9 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 95 117 2 3 33 3 3 363G30 2J 2h T McCullh 7 Lewis B Prophecy Boreas 63G30 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 4 107 1 5 55 5 5 4s 4ZJ E Taylor 8 Pierrot Cobrita Boreas 53540 Tijuana 1 11G l49fast 112 3 3 34 4 5 5B34S5 55 6 = 3 P Martinez 9 Pierrot GMuehlebach L Gink B34S5 Tijuana 1 116 l4Si fast 2710 112 C 6 66 6 6 6J 51 C Whittn 9 Pierrot Cork Geo Muehlebach MuehlebachBy GEN BYNG br p 5 By Brummel Florida Rose by Farandole Trainer V L Stanfield Owner Pritchard James 3795 Tijuana 5 f 108 fast G 103 7 7 C 6 5 5 = 2 D P Powell 8 Xeppcrhan MtnGirl W Willow C374G Tijuana 1 IMlfast 125 UG 4 0 G 0 05S595 G 2 53 3 1 D Powell nmiml 1 T C KBvacli 1 1 Osttatious ft i Clmritnn rtt 5S595 Tijuana ImTOy 140 fast 2110 114 466 5 0 2J D Powell LGink Charitonian DickieW 53410 Tijuana Im70y l43fast fi 113 7 fi 5 5 5 4J D Powell 8 Swt Apple Darnny Clinrlcstn 53337 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 9 113 2 4 5 5 5SEA 5J 2 D Powell 7 Christie lloltcrs Sasin Cork CorkBy SEA BEACH b K 8 114 114Trainer By Marta Santa Sea Spray by Star Shoot Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Invin 1 R Dority 9 KathUkin IiBNoirc LGii1t MII Tijuana 1 lny5tast 0 llu 2 1 1 1 1 m II Dority 7 Osttatious Charltnn OMaid 5SG2C OMaid5SG2C Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 2310 115 1 11 l R Dority 7 Olatioiis Our Loader ElSabio 53539 Tijuana 58102 fast S 113 3 1 1 in H R Dority 13 Bars and Stars Wroso P Mdv 53524 Tijuana 58 102 fast 2910 113 1 11 1 = J l R Dority 14 LcltyUec MasFrjuiklin Mdniiio 5340T Mdniiio5340T Tijuana 5S 102 fast 235 115 11 11 8 8s 6 B PinngarlS Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish 63244 Tijuana 5i f l10slop 1S5 115 1 2 2 22 2 W Hinphy 14 Annaliulle Celebrate BrownBee 52930 Tijuana 5S 103 mud 2110 105 4 22 22 22J O Willis 9 TDuncan WCDooly ValLady ValLadyLADY LADY EthelbertTrainer JOSEPHINE br m B 102 By Jack Do Mund Donna Elvira by Ethelbert Trainer F Martin Owner F Martin Martinr92 r92 Tijuana 1 18 l53fast 12 113 43 F aiiavta 7 Samllill ColonelMatt VonLady 5fiS9 Tijuana Im70y l4G5 fast 12 107 555 5 5J G3 10 Noble 7 IxvisB Tpk March Prophecy 63C41 Prophecy63C41 Tijuana Im70y l4rfast 8f 113 S fi 8 8 S 913 E Haywd 9 Lee Prophecy K of Pythias 53301 Tijuana Ini70y 147 fast 38 115 9 S 8 5 6 05i O Willis 12 Helman BahyKaust Fan Niil K54M NiilK54M Tijuana 1 144 fast 4J 106 9 9 9 6 42 1J D Powell 10 Prophecy Riiarrljjan C Court 53395 Tijuana 1 11G 150 fast 10 110 2 3 2 3 Si 33J D Powell 12 SadieD MightyLever F Prince OUR MAID b f 4 108 108Trainer By Uncle Busy Edith by Yankee Trainer J L Crawford Owner R Parton 2 Tijuana 34 113 fast 33 113 JohnJr TlitySevcn w4C Tijuana 1 l41fast 11 111 5 4 4 4 4 4 P Martinez 7 SBcach Osttatious Ciiarrtnn 53G31 Ciiarrtnn53G31 Tijuana 21 l13fast 32f 107 2 4 fi 5J 54 D Powell 8 OKing M Manage E Imliin BBTr ImliinBBTr BvFaiistC31GI Tijuana Irn7fly l401fefast 185111 321 1 3 5 3 G Whiffn 7 Itunocraft AiidrcyK BvFaiist C31GI Tijuana 1 11G 119 fast 115 112 3 1 1 1 13 In K Haywrd 8 AiidyK GMhlebach plirect HUBBUB b E 8 114 114Trainer By Broomstick Rumpus by Hamburg Trainer A Morgan Ownnr A Morgan 13930 Tijuana Ini70y l43fast 4 lit litriR 1 E Taylor 7 TokMarch Boreas Ostentatious riR Tijuana Im70y l45Mifast 9 112 11253G87 7 H nettip 8 Xututic Col Matt Shenandoali 53G87 Tijuana ImTOy l4GV fast G5 112 C C 5 5 G G5G3U 1 55J D Powell 7 LIiinocciice SIIill Bkhoru 11 5G3U Tijuana Im70y l4ifast 195 114 422 2 G GC2793 5 712 E Haywd 8 Pierrot Cobrita Boreas C2793 Tijuana 34114 fast 115 11G Broke down downC1SSO W BoreasW Hinphy 11 SmilMag MerLss HgansITr C1SSO Tijuana Im70y l44fast 9 105 105DECKHAND 773 O Willis 9 Tirstorm TSNPass Frankliu FrankliuBy DECKHAND br g 7 119 By Joa Carey Afamada fcy Doke of IContns I Trainer B Warren Owner B Warren 53912 Tijuana G2iE Fator 9 SRoach KathRkin LaBNoire KG43 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 9 117 G G G5S580 C 52 43J T McCullh 7 ILDaln TDuncan IIAnglctoii 5S580 Tijuana 1 1S l53fast 135 108 4 1 1 1534SG 1 li C JH Rowe G ChrisHolters Trophy linecraft 534SG Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 125 117 2 1 1 1r3418 1 13 13 C Whittn 8 Sasin Prince Direct Boreas r3418 Tijuana 1 18 l53fast 9 116 1 1 1 1 in G l C Whittn 7 Bardora Itunecraft LeDosanre 53397 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 7 114 1 4 4 3 32 3 i C Whittn 10 Trophy WMontgomery LGink 62297 Tijuana 1 116 l4S slow 6 115 2 3 2 1 in 43i C Whittn 7 Ycrinak Salgeorge Short Stop MARIE CONNELL ch m 5 107 107Trainer By Olambala Artful Art by Peep oDay Trainer J Peltcr Owner W Cavener 51912 Tijuana 34 l13fast 18f 103 103f2 5 D Powell 9 Slloach KathRkin IxiB Noire f2 91 Tijuana 1110147 fast 10 109 5 G G G52S01 6 G 6 D Powell J IrishMd Cavdourll Samllill 52S01 Tijuana 1 1 151 JJfast 5310 107 4 6 G 5 S1 63J E Taylor i Iteydo VcrdiLoon Clara Martin 62752 Tijuana 1 11G l47fast 7 109 10952CG3 3 3 B Marielli i Rcydo Ixjuis Ola Lee Lee4l 52CG3 Tijuana 1 11G l53imud IS 110 4l H Jones 8 Deckhand CavalcadourlL Midin

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Local Identifier: drf1921050201_7_1
Library of Congress Record: