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DERBY CURTAIN RAISERS Debutante Stakes to Be Run at Churchill Downs Same Day Wonderful List of HighClass HighClassEntries Entries Presages Great Two TwoYearOld YearOld Battle For the first time in the history of the Kentucky Derby another stake race will be run on the same day it is decided at Churchill Downs this year The Debutante Stakes of 5000 added for two yearolds has been selected as the companion piece to the Derby It has attracted a wonderful list of entries including highclass representation from all the prominent stables East and West A fine field is assured from the following imposing array of nominations nominationsDEBUTANTE DEBUTANTE STAKES 5000 added Fot two yearold fillies By subscription of 15 each 75 additional to start 5000 added of which 800 to second 400 to third fourth to save stake Win ¬ ners of a sweepstakes to carry 3 pounds of two sweepstakes 5 pounds extra Maidens allowed 5 pounds Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before tlje race at usual time of closing Onehalf mile mileAlexander Alexander John R Miss Martine br f by Zeus Boneda by Albert AlbertAlexander Alexander K D Mollie King ch f by Trevisco Christmas Star by Star Shoot Allgeyer Jos Inquisition blk f by Wrack Cowl by Disguise DisguiseApplegate Applegate W E Chestnut filly by McGee Pink Rose by Fonso FonsoApplegate Applegate W E Cresswood Girl br f by Dick Finnell Helene by Ilermis IlermisBailey Bailey J W Lina Clark br f by Delhi Prism by Trap Rock RockBaker Baker A Bay filly by Helmet Armilda by Bryn Mawr MawrBaker Baker George F Lillian Mae B b f by Uncle Little Tee by Galveston GalvestonBaker Baker George F Mom ch f by Rock View Compensate by Compute ComputeBaker Baker George F Bettie Louise ch f by Uncle Anna Ray by Peep oDay oDayBaker Baker J P Batty H b f by Dick Welles Europa by Maceo MaceoBaker Baker Keith Camilla S ch f by Ormondale Dolly Higgins by Migraine MigraineBlackford Blackford G L Gentility ch f by Light Bri ¬ gade Handzarra by Handsel HandselBlackford Blackford G L Mary Maxim b f by Golden Maxim Mary Bodine by Star Shoot ShootBohan Bohan D T Miss Hope ch f by Ballot Star Berta by Star Shoot Bradley K R Chestnut filly by North Star III Benanet by St Avonicus AvonicusBradley Bradley E R Bay filly by Cunard Follies Bergeres by Himyar Bradley E R Brown filly by Helmet Miss Ringlets by Handball HandballBradley Bradley E R Brown filly by Helmet Grail bv Atheling Bradley AthelingBradley E R Brown filly by Helmet Padula by Laveno LavenoBradley Bradley E R Brown filly by Black Toney Macaroon by Marco MarcoBrannon Brannon T F Brown filly by Jim Gaffney Duels by Sandringhain Breckinridge Desha Naughty Nisba ch f by The Manager Daisy Platt by Marta Santa SantaCamden Camden J N Bay filly by Peter Quince Proud Daisy by Pride PrideCamden Camden J N Bay filly by Light Brigade Bellita by Ben Brush BrushCebrian Cebrian Edward Hold Me b f by Von Tromp Dally by GIgantcum GIgantcumCebrian Cebrian Edward Trumpet Call b f by Von Tronip Symphorien Castle by St Symphorien SymphorienCebrian Cebrian Edward Trump Card blk f by Von Trbmp Sain Shot by Sain SainChristian Christian E C Moon Winks b or br f by Sweep Experience by Knight of the Thistle ThistleClark Clark C W Bay filly by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree by Yankee YankeeClark Clark P A Chewink blk f by Celt Bobolink by Wlllonyx WlllonyxClark Clark P A Exterminate ch f by Ultimus Fair Empress by Jim Gore GoreClark Clark P A Blue Teal br f by Wrack Delft by Burgomaster BurgomasterClark Clark P A Gravitate br f by Rock View Lady Carnot by Radium RadiumCochran Cochran Gifford A Bay filly by Broomstick Early Rose by Star Shoot ShootCombs Combs Brownell Bay filly by Ultimus Mattie C by Out of Reach ReachConnley Connley J E Pheenie Finnell blk f by Dick Finnell Pheenie Fickle by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeConnley Connley J E Southern Avenue blk f by Dick Finnell Chestnut Bell by Pirate of Penzance PenzanceCosden Cosden J S Bay filly by Theo Cook Kings Oak by King James JamesCosden Cosden J S Forest Queen ch f by Dick Fin ¬ nell Federal Girl by Ultimus UltimusCrawford Crawford W H Queen High ch f by Delhi Rebel Queen by Box BoxCropper Cropper Fred Nancy Lane ch f by Great Britain Mymer by My Boy II IIDorsey Dorsey las H Palmy b f by Horron Palms by Himyar HimyarDortch Dortch Bros Margaret dOr b f by Zeus Margaret E by Cyclades Embry J T Last Brush b f by Ben Brush Tildees Last by Ornament OrnamentFarrell Farrell Frank J Brown filly by Sweep Frances Dillon by The Commoner CommonerFanell Fanell Frank J Chestnut filly by Ballot Miss Mooney by My Boy II IIFerguson Ferguson A L Our Betsy by Huon Mary Le Bus l y St Savin SavinFisher Fisher II C Erie blk f by Rock View Ar rowshaft by Ogden OgdenFrukes Frukes R C Lady Frakes br f by Watervale Vanen by Wadsworth WadsworthFrakes Frakes R C Ida McGee ch f by McGce Ida Harrison by Ingoldsby IngoldsbyFrakes Frakes R C Megan blk f by Hessian Met Mexican by Mexican MexicanFrakes Frakes R C Florient br f by Yankee Belle of Glendale by Sir Dixon DixonGallaher Gallaher Bros Bay or brown filly by Jack At kin Royal Captive by Golden Maxim MaximGallalier Gallalier Bros Brown filly by Delhi Bourbon Lass by Bourbon Beau BeauGerry Gerry Robert L Pretty Lady ch f by Ultimus Plain Jane by Mauvezin MauvezinGerry Gerry Robert L Bees Wax b f by Celt Honey Bee by Hamburg HamburgGoodloe Goodloe W C Brown Eyes br f by Caugli Hill Katie of the West by Spendthrift SpendthriftHancock Hancock A B Blue Deep b f by Wrack Marie Frances by Sir Dixon DixonHarrington Harrington W K Anglum Maid blk f by Dick Finnell Poky OMalley by diaries OMalley OMalleyHawkins Hawkins J S Co Swiss ch f by Peter Quince Blaze o Gold by St Fibrin FibrinHewitt Hewitt II H Chestnut filly by Star Hawk Inspiration by Ayrshire AyrshireIlcrz Ilcrz Emil Swift Grass ch f by Short Grass Safe Home by Hilarious HilariousJohnston Johnston M E Sadie McGee b f by McGee Sadie May by Cesarion CesarionJones Jones Montfort Rachael br f by Celt Follie Levy by Golden Maxim MaximJones Jones Montfort Irish Lassie b f by Celt Pietra by Pietermaritzlmrg PietermaritzlmrgJones Jones Montfort Our Filly blk f by Hessian Nellie Irene by Ogden OgdenKeene Keene J O G H Jeanne Bowdel ch f by Luke McLuke Black Brocade by Neil Gow GowKeeue Keeue J O G H Commedie dAmour br f by Luke McLuke Carmen by Peter Quince QuinceKelley Kelley Frank J Lady Mother ch f by Ultimus Nevada by Goldfinch GoldfinchKelley Kelley Frank J Atta Gal b f by Assagai Misty Law by Ayrshire AyrshireKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Dinahmeur b f by Al lunieur White Dinah by The White Knight KnightKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Sungai b f by Assagai Sunday School by Sunflower II IIKnebelkamp Knebelkamp G Wilda Bennett b f by Dick Welles Woodlawn Bell by Lissak LissakLehan Lehan Dan Margaret Winsor br f by Huon II llronzewiug by Stalwart Long Geo J Fedora br f by Sain Embel ¬ lish by Alvcscot AlvcscotLyric Lyric L A Chestnut filly by Frizzle Polly Connelly by Disguise DisguiseMcDowell McDowell Thos C Bay filly by The Manager Little Daughter by Ogden OgdenMcDowell McDowell Thos C Chestnut filly by The Ma ¬ nager Schoolmistress by Hamburg HamburgMacfarlane Macfarlane N Helen Rogers blk f by Delhi The Spirit by Yankee M MMcLean McLean E B Chestnut filly by Colin Garden of Allah by Star Shoot ShootMcLean McLean E B Chestnut filly by Star Shcotr Pamela by Hamburg HamburgMcLean McLean E B Brown filly by Light Brigade Misplay by Fair Play PlayMajino Majino John Bashful ch f by Martinet La Gloria by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeMatlack Matlack D T Who Can Tell ch f by Dick Finuell Bright Star by Star Shoot ShootMatlack Matlack D T Dear Me b f by Watervale Sensitive by Kismet KismetMay May J W Bay filly by Ultimns Prunella by Ornament OrnamentMerle Merle A J Alameda Girl b f by Jim Gaff ¬ ney Sonta by Cunard CunardMerle Merle A J Magnesia b f by Jim Gaffney Whats Left by Wadsworth WadsworthMilani Milani J C Bay or brown filly by Black Toney Wayward Lass by Sir Dixon DixonMilani Milani J C Chestnut filly by Golden Maxim Eva K by The Friar FriarMilani Milani J C Bay filly by Ormondale Western Lady by Ogdeu OgdeuMilam Milam J C Bay or brown filly by The Finn Disparity by Singleton SingletonMiller Miller William B Bay filly by Uncle Ivabel by OgdenMoore Ogden Moore C W Jr Ray filly by McGee Boony Doon by Prince of Melbourne MelbourneMorris Morris Walden Little Black Sheep b f by Transvaal Heartspring by Handspring HandspringMorris Morris Walden Wise Lady ch f by Suffra ¬ gist Miss Orbid by Stnile StnileNichols Nichols S K Chestnut filly by Aeronaut Hill Top by Clifford CliffordOMeara OMeara Bros Ethel Vale b f by Watervale Ethelflcda by the Commoner CommonerParrish Parrish J W Bright Leaf ch f by Bulse Triad by Star Shoot ShootParrish Parrish J W Red Leaf ch f by Bulse Early Love by King Eric EricParrish Parrish J W Bright Trash br f by Bulse Cain Chaser by Otis OtisPaul Paul Mrs J L Co Toney Sue ch f by Tony Boriero Susan Lenox by Handsel HandselPerkins Perkins Wm Alverida b f by Wrack Lan ¬ cashire Lass by Kingston KingstonRugan Rugan II C Orma Dale b f by Ormondale Magna Stella by Star Shoot ShootRogers Rogers jVnbuchon The Colonels Lady ch f by Star Shoot Elmaha by Ogden OgdenReplogle Replogle J Leonard Princess Palatine b f by Prince Palatine Frizette by Hamburg HamburgRoss Ross Commander J K L Royal Mast br f by King James Mast Head by Hastings HastingsRoss Ross Commander J K L Stola b f by Mara ¬ thon Marjorle A by Prince of Melbourne MelbourneRoss Ross Commander J K L Thonella br f by Marathon Delia Mack by The Commoner CommonerRoss Ross Commander T K L Diadema ch f by Marathon Samura by Sanloi SanloiRoss Ross Commander J K L Lynmonth ch f by Marathon Lingar by Dublin DublinSalmon Salmon W J Chestnut filly by Peter Quince Wilful Maid II by Sundridge SundridgeSalmon Salmon W J Chestnut filly by His Majesty Adriana by Hamburg HamburgSalmon Salmon W J Chestnut filly by Ultimus Dreamy Eyes by Ornament Salmon W J Chestnut filly by Ultimus May Hempstead by Patron PatronSimms Simms Edward F Waterloo b f by Great Britain Ethel Mason by Sempronius SemproniusSimms Simms Edward F Phantom Blue ch f by Ultimus Algie M l y Hanover HanoverSimms Simms Oliver Finery b f by Fair Play Felicity by Rock Sand SandSimms Simms Oliveiv Fusee ch f by Fair Play Ferment by Octagon OctagonSimms Simms Oliver Prelude ch f by Fair Play St Priscilla by Ray6n dOr dOrSimms Simms Oliver Bellevue ch f by Fair Play Beldame by Octagon1 Octagon1Simms Simms Oliver Gladbrook b f by Fair Play Golden Sand1 by Rock Sand SandSimms Simms Oliver Royal Tracings ch f by Tra ¬ cery Royal Coinage by Minting MintingThompson Thompson L S Bay filly by Whiskbroom II Leayonara by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeThraves Thraves W V Lady Astor br f by Sweep Martha Lee by 3Iarta Santa SantaWaterbury Waterbury L Kings Fancy b f by King James Ildiko by Golden Maxim MaximWhitney Whitney Mrs Payne Last Night br f by Ultimus Star Dreamer by Star Ruby RubyWhitney Whitney Mrs Payne Ravage b f by Wrack Ellerslic by Charaxus CharaxusWhitney Whitney H P Bay filly by Whisk Broom II Rainy Daisy by Hamburg HamburgWhitney Whitney H P Chestnut filly by Broomstick Courage by Hamburg HamburgWhitney Whitney H P IJay filly by Broomstick Starling by Hamburg HamburgWhitney Whitney H P Black or brown filly by Peter Pan Polly Flinders by Burgomaster BurgomasterWhitney Whitney H P Chestnut filly by Pennant Regret by Broomstick BroomstickWhitney Whitney H P Bay filly by Peter Pan Paint Brush by Broomstick BroomstickWhitney Whitney H P Bay filly by Peter Pan Bonnie Witch by Broomstick BroomstickWhitney Whitney H P Bay filly by Peter Pan Ascen ¬ sion by Ben Strome StromeWliitueyi Wliitueyi H P Bay filly by Broomstick Hansa by Hamburg HamburgWhitney Whitney H P Bay filly by Whisk Broom II Slippers by Meddler MeddlerWliitney Wliitney H P Noontime ch f by All Gold Idle Hour by Hamburg HamburgWhitney Whitney H P Pay Roll b f by Thunderer Payment by All Gold GoldWhitney Whitney H P Pinnacle b f by Pennant Hearts Desire by Hamburg HamburgWilliams Williams Bros Chestnut filly by Hilarious Anna L Daley by Lissak LissakWilliamson Williamson W W Bay filly by Tlie Finn Recession by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeWoodford Woodford J Hal Jewell V D ch f by The Manager Cliilla by Alvescot