Latonia Jockey Percentages., Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-15

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IATONIA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1 192O to Jane 3 1921 Inclusive At or Over OverPO Jockey PO Wt Mts 1st 2d 3d Harrington R 33 101 3 1 0 0 Lyke L 22 113 574 129 90 75 7515G Butwcll J 21 113 819 174 1744G4 15G 151 Thompson C CPool 19 100 4G4 89 81 Pool E 17 105 409 79 81 Garner M 17 105 520 88 GG Fields G 17 100 171 29 18 29 Barrett N 17 107 381 05 49 37 Murray T 17 108 539 92 80 OS Roberts J 15 105 C93 116 98 92 Connelly D 1G 111 450 74 03 57 McDcrmott R 14 105 190 28 18 21 King H 14 109 501 70 43 53 Paul F 14 108 38 5 3 7 Heinisch W 13 109 412 54 543T1 42 49 Jarvis T 13 99 3T1 46 48 38 Taylor W W 13 112 142 18 11 22 Merimee F 13 100 377 49 49COO 39 34 34C9 Stack G 13 10 COO 77 C9 GG McCoy J 12 98 180 22 38 38 Lunsford H 12 110 526 64 77 74 Francis J 12 104 382 46 54 40 Brysoa F 12 100 224 26 19 1G Kcdcris J 11 104 141 10 19 ° ° Martinez P 11 113 780 82 90 102 Josiah E 11 95 173 19 19 20 At or Over OverPO Jockey PO Wt Mts 1st 2d 3d Smallwuod J 10 112 9 Howard J 10 109 154 16 17 13 Lillcy W ilO 110 30 3 1 3 Willis O 10 105 487 Graves E 09 109 100 Burke II J 09 107 377 Smilli F CS 101 307 Allen L 07 109 28 Andress W 07 111 27 234 Long P 07 99 157 12 10 17 Porretto F 07 88 40 384 Pollard E 00 105 189 11 9 Scoble E 05 90 5 3 9 Anthony E 05 102 Gl 352 Barnes N J 05 102 191 10 23 19 Huff X 03 110 39 111 Gray H 03 101 35 101 Parrish C 03 98 39 Canfield L 02 101 100 Deavenport J 116 5 Ellis A 95 9 Scheffel B 100 29 Stauder G 95 2 Thelen V 100 5 Ginlcy F 95 4 Sharpe R

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