Sixth Race [6th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-15

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SIXTH RACK rS 3Iile 2yearolds Fillies Allowances June 22 110 1 2 DREAM OF AXIAH ch f 2 110 110Trainer By Colin Garden of Allah by Star Shoot Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McXcnn G4C5S Iatonia CS G91 fast 5 I S 4 3 32 2J J Butwell 8 Fair Phantom Miss Joy Star C4rl7 Churchl 4i f G3 fast 10 112 4 S 75 4i J Butwell 8 Fair Phantom Miss Joy Aloft AloftG1114 G1114 Pimlico 4 f 53fast G5 115 4 4 4 3l 32i J Butwell LKtimore S Thghts BKas GWS3 Pimlico 12 49 slow 1 1121 3 II4 I5 J Butwell 10 KxcuseMe Unctainly Kosal KosalHELEN HELEN ROGERS blk f 2 110 By Delhi Tho Spirit by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer R C Frakes Owner N Macfarlane Macfarlaner47n9 r47n9 Latonia 4i f GGmud 8 113 3 4 1J 1J W Lilley 9 BirdicC Starella Atta Gal GalMARTHA MARTHA FALLOl hr f 2 113 By McGcc Boony Doon by Prince of Melbourne MelbourneTrainer Trainer W Perkins Owner C W Moore Jr 4708 Lutonla GS l XHffast 1C 111 3 2 2 2s 2 = N Barrett H Miss Joy KiRighls LinnCIark LinnCIarkWGTS WGTS Lalonia 58 r9frast 2S 314 7 7 7 C C IT King 8 Fjlhtom MissIi y DrofAllah DrofAllahMiT4 MiT4 Chiirchl 12 4rfast 13 119 7 2 2 2 II King 13 Fair Phantom Aloft Mom MomC4004 C4004 Leston 4J 57yhvy 1 113 2 1 Ill2 H Kin r Limi Clark Mom Cannzl Cannzltiittir tiittir Jxixtiiu 12 0 mud 9 112 1 3 I1 1s K Pool llLUochter IternieeK IJTrasli IJTrasliZITTLE ZITTLE POLLY ch f 2 110 By Frizzle Polly Connelly by Disguise DisguiseTrainer Trainer G Denny Owner S C Lyno LynoG4GS G4GS Latonia 41 f T fast G 115 1 1 I2 I5 W Lllloy 0 Iright Leaf Pirdie G Stnrella Stnrellaf4548 f4548 Churchl 4i f 54Vsfust 44 112 3 1 2J 42 W Lilky 1O PrAVclles CherTree Ilobllair Ilobllairm7 m7 I L xton 12 50 mud 22f 112 2 1 f fn 5 G Stonis 11 MFallon Lltochcster IternK 53852 Lexton 12 49mud 9 112 9 9 9J S II King 10 CdAmour LUochter IternK IternKRED RED LEAF ch f 2 110 By Bulse Early Love by King Eric EricTrainer Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Hcadloy HcadloyG4S41 G4S41 Latonia 4 f ri8fhvy 15 113 4 2 I1 I2 V7 W Tlor 7 SantaClara ISirdieG Inquisition InquisitionC10G4 C10G4 Churchl 12 4Gfast 43 114 2 S 7J 7J M Garner 13 Fair Phantom M Fallon Aloft AloftMxx Mxx Lexton 12 47 ood 211 114 1 3 2i 41 T Murray 10 Startle Fair Phantom Aloft AloftK25 K25 Lexton 12 47faat 8 114 0 9 Sl Si AV W Tlorl2 Startle FPhautom ItrlshtLeaf OMNIPOTENT ch f 2 110 By Hilarious Anna L Daley by lissak lissakTrainer Trainer P T Williams Owner Williams Bros Bros54G5S 54G5S Litonia 5S 59 fast IS 114 5 C 5 f 5 J Francis S FrPhtom MissJoy DrofAllah DrofAllahW4i W4i Churchl 4 f 53 fast 225 103 4 1 1i 1 ° J Francis PJ LadyAstor IthtTrash Alverida AlveridaCW7 CW7 Lexton 12 49fast 35 110 G 3 I1 Il J Francis 10 Megan WCnnTell SisVlncPiia SisVlncPiia537X3 537X3 Lexton 12 49hvy 9 112 5 G G = Gla J Francis 1 Jltowdre Alverida LiHnMaeH GAMMER GURTON ch f 2 110 By Von Tromp Balerian by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer G V Barnes Owner C W Clark 54737 Latonla 4 f 57 mud 2710 113 2 4 42 4 N Barrett 0 Whirl C dAmour F Weatnor WeatnorG441C G441C Churchl 4i f 53 mud S H C f 4 22 21 S Wida 8 WmOIdt lierniceK A nlirl nlirlC444 C444 Churchl 4 f GUffast 33 107 1 1 I1 I S Wila 10 UlJochester A verida l lnaSfk lnaSfkG4099 G4099 Churchl 12 475ifast 13 lir G 9 9 9 N Barrett ItonuceK NghtyMsha AtGal COMEDIE DAMOTJR br f 2 110 By Luke McLuke Carmen by Poter Quince Trainor G H Keene Owner J 0 8c G H Keono KeonoG4757 G4757 Launla 4 f 57 mud 175 113 3 3 3 2 = L Lyko fi Whirl Foul Wenthnr GGurton GGurton54rV 54rV Churchl 4 f G fist 14 107 G 7 C1 C J Francis S Rockministcr Aloft Rekab RekabG4309 G4309 Churciri 4i f 52fist 11 110 4 2 3 2 N Barrett I MissIoy NNislu Bright Trash TrashG4 G4 Churchl 4 f G1fast 75 115 3 2 21 2 N Barrrtt 0 Nghfy Msba B and Coo Doris DorisGKS9Iexton GKS9Iexton 12 47 good 7 119 7 88 S N Barrett 10 Stiilh Fair IMiaiitom Aloft 03S52 Lexton 12 49nniil 1710 112 1 1 1 1 N Barrett 10 Lltoelster UermceK itrraui FOUL WEATHER b f 2 110 By Von Tromp Foul Play by Foul Shot ShotTrainer Trainer J Lowe Owner E Cebriau M757 Latonia 41 f 57 mud IS 113 4 2 2 3 M Garner 0 Whirl Com dAmour OOurton OOurtonr41 r41 H ivana 12 4s rist G HI 3 1 H 3i W Kelsay IS Kilns O Navisco hmnia V VnSOl nSOl v vl 12 WWiiHt G5 lit 4 1 1s 1 W Kelsay 10 Ixlta G Califa Oslll S OslllS Havana 12 rst 31 1W1 fi 1 41 4J AV KVlsay 8 Klias 0 Pirch llnrk Pacifier SANTA CLARA b f 2 M 108 By Ormondale Western Lady by Ogden OgdenTrainer Trainer J C Milam Owner J C Milam 54S41 Latonia 4 f Khvy 1G 113 2 4 3U 22 M Garner 7 Uid r Leaf ISirdii C T Inquisition WFn AT HOME ch f 2 XI 110 Uy North Star III Benanct by St Avonicus Trainer II J Thompson Owner E R Bradley First utart

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Local Identifier: drf1921061501_5_3
Library of Congress Record: