untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-16


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Chief Observer 35 CENTS PER COPY COPYFor For Salo EverywhereMAILED at All Newsstands Everywhere MAILED TEN WEEKS 3 3NEW NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAYTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODES CODESLatonia Latonia Maine181226 Maine181226Ottawa Ottawa Virginia25526 Virginia25526Belmont Belmont Georgia211211 Georgia211211Last Last Weeks Book One Best BestGrace Grace Daugherty 51 50S2 Won WonAgain Again under no consideration fail to get the NEW ISSUE as the LATONIA ONE BEST again is a REAL DARK SLEEPER one that will he RED HOT nest start Again by all means dont let this one get away Ask for the CHIEF OBSERVER OBSERVEROnly Only 35c Tuesday Both Long Shot and One Best Won Legacy 4402 Won Birdie G S14702 Won TODAY BIG 5000 SPECIAL SPECIALAT AT LATONIA LATONIAUnder Under no circumstances miss this ono today Here is your chance Comes direct to get down strong For this special go to your newsdealer and ask for tho thoCHIEF CHIEF OBSERVERS DAILY TRACK LETTER Only 50 cents and is for sale at all newsstands everywhere or mailed 2 weeks for 500 Address CHIEF OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO 25 W 42nd St New York City CityAGENTS AGENTS AGENTSCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O All Newsstands ST LOUIS Mo Wm Laser 705 Market St Lobby LOUISVILLE Ky EDer Goodman 227 4th Ave COVINGTON Ky Rcb Bishorn Main Lime Sts DETROIT Mich Triangle News Co Griswold and Michigan MichiganAnd And All Other Intermediate Cities DONT FAIL TO GET CHIEF OBSERVERS DAILY TRACK LETTERS EVERY DAY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921061601/drf1921061601_10_10
Local Identifier: drf1921061601_10_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800