Work-Outs From The East And West, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-16

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WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 612 LATONIA Ky June 15 Todays training gal lops here were as follows Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile OCRBright Trash 35 COfJMlie Dazie COSBrass Tacks 3 3ri ri GOiMiss Neil GOlBobbcd Hair 37 007Plaudeliii Don Pope 39M COlPrecs Lulu 313D of Wclton WcltonIOfiKatakana 30 C03Spats IOfiKatakana 37 COlSnm Keli G05King Paul 36 ISOSTwinklc Blue 003Leocharcs II 37 G03Tippo Saiiib GOiSMarj McKay 35 I02Thc Post G03Marg Wiusor 3G 5G5West Side 603Ailvocatc G03GroundSwell GOlAfgar G07J Hare Jr J JGOOKimona GOlBlue Deep GOOKimona E EGOOLady 505BnlIct Proof GOOLady Morrow Morrow592Manon 573Beg Pardon 592Manon 4 4G02My Gil Com Colin G02My Jane Baker BakerGOlMagikoii Ii07Crcniona GOlMagikoii 581Diices Wild liOlMclvin J JG05Modna GOlKqual Rights G05Modna J JMargie G07Flags Margie GO 1 Fancy Free 5GNorth Shore f GOlGeorgetto 582 Presumption I IC038irocco GOOGencral Ilaig C038irocco 605Granile Ware GOSWasIiingtou FiveEighths Mile GllBemcarefut 103 000Jolin Finn 100 SOSBill and Cbol03 59GLast Brush 105 GOlBkcr Brownl0l G03Magncsia 103 GilBit of Blackl0l GllMaysvIIle lQTif G02By Heck 103 G07M the Time 161 GOOBalty II 103 103G07Casey GllNau Nisha 105 G07Casey 101 101GOGCol C03Uapid Day 101 GOGCol Taylor 101 101505Cortez COlBapid Stridel05 505Cortez 105 G07Uay Atkin lvX lvXGWSqucclcr SOdDromore 105 GWSqucclcr 101 101591Smuts 5 pstero 101 101G05Fallacy 591Smuts lim limGOlSmil G05Fallacy 10S 10S555Guy GOlSmil Ijid 102 102GOSVitamin 555Guy 105 105G03Uambg GOSVitamin l0 G03Uambg Iid 101 Wise Lady 102 ThrceQuarters Mile G04A1 Thomas 118 WSGrccn WSGrccnXSAmanda Grass 120 XSAmanda 117 S05II C CG01A PIattl18 PIattl18WKSJiiHa G01A N Akin 120 W WKSJiiHa SIulia SIuliaGOXiAu N 11G 11GGOSJune GOXiAu Bcvoir l17j GOSJune GOSJuneGilAdvance Fly 119 GilAdvance 118 GOJMar GOJMarWitBy Bappoldl18 WitBy Golly 115 CUlMarg CUlMargGOGRlack Atkin 117 GOGRlack Pat 110 GOtOnt the I IGOlBromo Way 117 GOlBromo 115 COlPlus COlPlusGOlOoncentrate Ultra 120 GOlOoncentrate 118 G03King G03KingG03Don Bose 117 117G03Thcrcsa G03Don McGurkl18ii G03TlicreGOaDoylc G03Tlicre 120 120GOSTom GOaDoylc 117 GOSTom GOSTomS79D Norris 114 S79D of Wrath 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile MileGOGDonatcllo GOGDonatcllo 128 COSAph 110 110G0Buliion GOSKingfisher 145 G0Buliion 142 COOMcGoodwin 145 GilBlack Hacklcl42 Hacklcl42G07Contrlot GilMiss Fontainel42 Fontainel42GOSMaxola G07Contrlot 147 147GOSDark GOSMaxola 142 142COlIetrarch GOSDark Friar 14R COlIetrarch 141 141GOGIoilu GOSEastcr Klowcrl42 GOGIoilu 145 145CWPattern GOSFcwacres 141 CWPattern 145 145GOOSway GOIFair Orient 145 GOOSway 14 14MKIS C05Fox Brew 147 MKIS of Pleasure 43 C08Firebiand 142 501 Tlie Virginnl 45 45GOSVirgo COtHarvest Kingl43 GOSVirgo 143 143G05Woodtrap 59ST F Kusselil49 G05Woodtrap 146 GOlJetsam 143 NEW YORK N Y June 15 Todays gallops over the local courses included the following Weather clear track fast uv uvThreeEighths ThreeEighths Mile MileGlOIr 40scnTliu GlOIr Brigadier 37 C05junstar 40 scnTliu 37 cosRadical 38 38ass Manageress3S571Bib ass 38 The Manageress3S 571Bib Grass 3S GlOBig Noise 52 610Kiilala 51 = GlOCollege Maid 51 G09Keziah 54 C03Carline 54C03Carline S 49 GlOLively 491 COODomingo 491COODomingo 54 COSMiss Rankin 4i Fair Virginia 50 Rustler 51GlOJosava GlOGood Hart 51 OOSSwecpy 51 GlOJosava 52 009Trador 50 COnJamaica 50COnJamaica Bellp51 C07Voorgeria 491 491FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileG09Carmcncita G09Carmcncita 103 GilLittle Patsy 105 105GlOConu GlOConu Eishmnl03 GlOMissionury 105 GllDrTSDney 105GllDrTSDney 103 C09Pcss Pandorul10 COOLady Dullit 103 orullV Continued OB tenth page WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST Continued from Ninth Page Three Quarters Mile MileGOSFading GOSFading Star 118 CODMugivan 121 12110Orecnlina 10Orecnlina 117 fiOSSea Sinner CllJago 11516 008Salute 118 118SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile fiOSMarjorlc M13S M13SOne One Mile MileClOCha ClOCha Thierry 140 ClOSagacity l4r l4rCarmeneita Carmeneita and Lady Delhi did their work well Tago worked fast Sea Sinner was under restraint BELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 001 Dan tolling 3 COONightmnrc 37 37UlOInvIncihlc UlOInvIncihlc 40 0101olly Ann 39 39Lydlc Lydlc 3i 3iHalf Half Mile MileOOSPlack OOSPlack Fox 18 GOSLent 48 48r r 7lIriganna r3 ilOLucky Ant inurrj inurrjCOOFIambette COOFIambette 51 07Nincy Lee CO COilOCrevn ilOCrevn Fruit nT OilOceanic r5 r5003GaIiot 003GaIiot 48 005Uiihien 40 408Irish 8Irish Confetti r0 010Uestless 4 45S77oe 5S77oe Ciioate r0 OOrStraight Shot rl ft09Tohn Tanl Jonesrl rSSThe Almoner r2 CU7LucuIlitc 51 r2 Touch Me Notr5 FiveEighths Mile MiledinFancier dinFancier 105 03Stir Court 103 103OilFrank OilFrank Furst 103 ilOTlie Wag 010Frizlet l01jiC04rillory 103 n07WhIrligIg l01ji C04rillory 103 103ThreoQuarters ThreoQuarters Mile MileJimmy Jimmy 114 rSSVivian 117 117r07Mlle r07Mlle Cadean 117 009Victor S 124 124ClOTopaz ClOTopaz 117 117One One Mile 00 00Gimme Gimme lr3 ilOIlegal Lodge 144 144nonIlouylinhnm nonIlouylinhnm 148 GlOSunny Hill 14 14ClOKrcwer ClOKrcwer 143 GOGSport lUood 145 145C08rx C08rx tUTy 148 001St 1atrick 148 148009Light 009Light Rose l4ri GlOVicc Regal 145 145Mile Mile and an Eighth C08AudaciouB l Nancy Lee went easily Lent worked well Itlack Fox was not extended Whirligig showed good speed Jimmy went well all the way Krcwer was under restraint Uegal Lodge galloped an cany mile Sporting IJiowl and Vice Regal galloped an easy mile on even terms Audacious seems as good as ever

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Local Identifier: drf1921061601_9_3
Library of Congress Record: