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SECOND RACE About Miles Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward SellingFAIR Selling FAIR MAC b g 11 149 By Uncle Mac Fair Lily by Martagon MartagonTrainer Trainer D R McTinniel Owner J B McDaniol McDaniol545S3 545S3 Belmont Ab 2 353fast 1 152 4 3 4 3 I2i It P Brady 5 Reddest Ormead Long Trail 63321 HdeGcc Ab 2 407 fast S 141 7 7 6 1 I1 1s P Brady 8 MMcGgle BzeEagle JDglas JDglas5C748 5C748 HdcGce Ab 2 407 fast 1 153 7 G 2 1 1 I7 P Brady 8 BKaglc JDouglas LKatliern LKatliern5370G 5370G IIdcGce Ab 2 407fast 32 143 1 2 1 1 L ridW Gentry 8 MMcUiggle BEaglc JDglas 51341 Pimlico 2 353 fast 5J 145 411 1 lh I12 W Rosen G Somnangha JayBird Antiseptic Antiseptic512SS 512SS Pimlico 2 352fast 9f 13G 361 9 52 S21 N Kcnndyl2 Ilibler Smithfield MaxMendows 51240 Laurel Ab 2 407good 4i 135J 321 1 L rerW Gentry 4 BobRedficld Smithfield Oriaead OriaeadtDisqualified tDisqualified tDisqualifiedSAYWHICH SAYWHICH hr f 4 M 130 By Zeus Adelaide Eoyer by Sain SainTrainer Trainer E G Heider Owner J J Hertz 5473 Belmont Ab 2 3543ifast 5 135 1 1 1 2 2 2J C Mergler 4 TheTrour TASheridan SenSct 64542 Belmont Ab 2 400 fast fi 135 2 1 1 1 2 3s C Mergler G Tattle Jas A Sheridan Comiqm 54333 Bel Ter Ab 2 fast S 143 4 1 1 1 Fell W Cotlne 5 Lochiel II Comique Long Trail Trail4S55 4S55 Aqduct G f 120 fast 00 lOTi 7 6 7 7 7 G Corey 7 Mile Vivian Jyiitee Lovely Lovely4S069 4S069 Jamaica lm0y l45fast 20 95 9 8 12 12 11 11 S McGraw 13 Coaler Th Queen ClareBoothe 47777 Belmt Gif MC l19fast 50 981 9 999 9 S McGraw 9 Huron II Zoupve Hendrie 47 73 Belmt 7S MC l2Cf ist 50 1 IS r 7 7 7 7 715 J Mooney 10 FrancTireiir JIusifo Larghcttr 42878 Jamaica 5S lOP tast 20 112 5 G 5 a 52 T Davies f Oceanna Who Cares Backllomf 4207 Jamaica 58 lUlIast 15 103 12 11 11 10l W21 li McAtee 12 ruwneell MSinuer WuoCaret NEW HAVEN b g 12 133 133Trainer By Filigrane Ethel Thomas by Hlmyar Trainer W Rosen Owrer W Rosen 51831 Bclmont Ab 2 35l75fast 15 133 4 1 I 30 334 w noscn 4 ElmerJolinson WisFool Klsmer 17722 Belmt Ab2 14 44 fast 7 141 214 Refused M Ilenson 5 Dorcris Worstdale Kliiinib 47561 Belmont Ab 2 415fist 7 143 4 3 3 5 5 62 R II Cfrd 7 Stmco Syossct Worstdale 4 309 Pimlico 2 355 fast G 133 1 6 7 6 6 6l M Henson 9 Candidate II Rupica Stucco 47268 Pimlico 2 14 438 fast 19in 147 2 2 2 2 225 i R H Cfrd 4 Q Bonlieur Cynosure Mcsbach 47135 Pimlico 2 359 fast 1U10 Mfi 5 3 2 b p Preece 8 Fl Captain Cynosure Vigilante 47121 Pimlico 2 358 fadt 14 149 6 Pulled upS Hughes 10 Siiiitlififlil Koliance Wi WieNtKool eNtKool 17078 Pimlico 2 14 421faat 8 7 52 5 = It Cheyne 9 MiHliarli Jay Bird Algardl 16394 Pimlico 2 353 fast 34 115 776 3 3 34J S Hughes Ciindlc KupKa Rolicrt Oliver 4743 Pimlico 2 415 hvy 21 134 6 6 7 5 5 5 ° L Ch yne U IStipica Pastora Crest Hill WAB VICTOR b h 5 M 132 132Trainer By Uncle Star Dream by Star Ruby Trainer S J Bush Owner J Riordan 54751 Belmont 1 138 fast 100 115 11 11 11 10 10J 9ts G Smoot 12 Scot land Yet CtView VRegal 5411 Pimlico 2 401 fast 24 139 5 6 5 3 2 2s W Jones 7 Martian John Douglas Cynosure 51051 Pimlico 34 119 hvy 75f 117 7 87 7 G1 fi1 G Smoot 10 En Caruso Redland Pfoniielly 54022 Pimlico 2 421hvy 9 142 2 6 5 4 45SS57 50 5J S Bush 8 Earlocker JDouglas EJohnson 5SS57 HdcGce Ab 2 405fast 16 133 5 5 5 4 4 52 W Jones 9 iriffwd BrzeEagle BchcrBoy 50972 Laurel 2 401fast 40 145 12 6 6 5 3J 3 1 S Rush 12 Jlrihllour CS5son Klorkcr 0154 HdeGce Ab 2 418 fast 2110 142 7 6 6 5 5LONG 5 52 D Holley 7 Itullseye Overmatch FlyScout FlyScoutBy LONG TRAIL b h 12 M 144 144Trainer By Giganteum Lochabor by Logic Trainer J Grandl Owner J Grandl Grandl54G7G 54G7G Belmont Ab 2 354fast 50 13G 5 4 4 5 5515S9 5 5 = 9 B Harris 5 Royal Arch Joyful The Trout 515S9 Belmont Ab 2 359fast 40 139 5 5 5 4 4 4 15 Harris 0 Fair Mac Reddest Urincail 54333 BelTcr Ab 2 fast G 155 1 5 5 4 4G0278 3 31 2L HSISS 5 ldrliicl II Comique LyKathn G0278 Aqduct Ab 2 412fast 50 145 4 5 5 5 5 PupL Frklin 5 Swoupiiicnt Earlocker Surf 50248 Aqduct 1 l40J fast CO 115 4555 4555KI5MEH 5 5 5 z H Hamtn 5 MAntoinctte Bmarals OonKito OonKitoBy KI5MEH b g 11 M H3 H3Owner By Kismet Playfere by Midlothian Owner J Snmllwood 54831 Bclmont Ab 2 351fast 30 132 3234 4 4 43 E Wolke 4 ElJohnson WisFool NIIaven 43959 Aqduct Ab 2 419fast 1 ISO 1 1 1 2 Fell E Wolke 4 Gold Bond Prllalll Nonesuch NonesuchLostridorU 43398 Saratoga Ab 2 425V fast 20 130 1 1 1 L LostridorU Ilanna 3 Doublet Robert Oliver 13357 Saratoga Ab 2 423 fast 40 135 3 1 4 6 6 6 R Ilanna ItGdfellow KOliver Crstnill CrstnillR 13267 Saratoga Ab 2 421fast 20 145 3 Fell R Hannah 5 B Bliss TheDean JMothHour