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SEVENTH RACE 1 1S Miles I Claiming June 20 114 1T 0 15 1O5 pASSf pASSfAIDl RainbowTrainer AIDl b V5 103 By TransvaalMaid Militant by Rainbow Trainer A Baker Owner 8 r K Nichols 54551 Churchl 1 1S l52fast 75 107 2 G 5 3 21 2 = E Pool 7 Grace Yowell WadswthsLast 5425 Churchl 1 11 205bfast 2 3051 G 77 5 4h 4T M Garner 7 MterBill HluluBoy Siiiipleton 51412 Churchl 1 14 2077ifast 21 110 S 7 C 2 lh 21 J Roberta 8 JCimpalong JCStoiie LMtloy 51300 Churchl 1110 l48slow 32 107 455 4 1 1s J J Mney J Stoiie Wickford Prune 51154 Latonia 1 12 237mud 5 107 4 5 5 5 G E1B W Heiuch 5 Kgfisher WadswhsFJtat Keen 51058 Latonia 1 11G l4Cfast 5 305 10 9 7 C 2k y p vilson 10 FairOrient HarvestKg Mazola ibCJU Latonia 1 111 i4Gfast GB 108 G 7 6 4 11 11 B Kenndy 9 LazyLou Wenonah LadyMouuty WICKFOHD b h 5 lib By Free Lance Onadere by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer R B Allen Owner Baxter Veitch 54GS7 Latonia 1116147 fast 34 31010 99 S 51 21 E Scobie 12 Apli Korbly Colonel Lit E0194 Wdbine Im70y 14G fast 17 95 3 1 1 2 3 G E llarbne G KingJohn St Germain M House 50240 Thcliffft 1 l40BOod 50 101 G H Barnes ti Veteran Lord Herbert My Dear DearALEX ALEX JR ch c 4 108 By Ballot Bronzewingr by Stalwart StalwartTrainer Trainer K Pitt Owner A W Jackson 54730 Lntonia 1 110 153 mud 45 Hi 322 2 23 2s II J Burke 5 Harlock NelloYorke D Tokalon 54G5G Tokalon54G5G iCaionir5J1S1 Latonia 1 14 205 fast 17 113 411 2 4 54 II J Burke 8 PGKing HonoluluBoy iCaionir Virliin5tyG 5J1S1 Chtrchl 1 14 208slow 7 130 211 1 2 2Z II Lunsfd I HunoBoy FVOrient T Virliin 5tyG Ciiurchl 1 1S l5Sltfast 20 114 443 1 41 2 G Fields r Kimplong I izy Lon Sam Reh 54235 Churchl 1 14 205fast 31 1091 1 G 5 G 7 7 II King 7 MterBill HluluBoy Simpleton G41S1 SimpletonG41S1 Churchl 1 l39slow 2G 30C 544 4 5 G L Carifield 5 Kthel Gray H E Coleman Alula 51154 Latonia 1 12 27mud 30 3 2 G 3 4 4 4 4 C Buel r IC fisher WadsuhsIJist KeVn 51077 Latonia 13 9 fast C2 307 8 8 8 8 8 8 T Murray S BelgQueen Warlrize FraukW SEA PRINCE oh o 4 By Bc King Danoerew by Ogdem Trainer 17 J Hak Owner E E Bwa Bwa54S97 54S97 Latonia 1 33G IMI fast 7 10S 7 7 7 7 G8 C3 J Francis Francis5ICCO Kewpie OXl Legal Accelerate 5ICCO Latonia 1 110 lGfast llf 103 11 11 II 11 91 4J S McGrav McGrav5I3S3 Accelerate Dimples Mateeldol 5I3S3 Churchl 1 13C l45Vifast 3CC 104113131 11 10 = 7 O Parrish Parrish54LSG 54LSG Churchl 1 l3Gfast 12 107 C G G G C G14 J Francis FrancisI I Havana 1 110 l4Cslop 3 104 1 G G 5 3 = 2 R LVastr 53102 Havana 1 110 l15fast 31 10G 2 5 5 4 4 43J R Lcaste 5329 Havana 1 1 10 lfifast 3 104 544 4 31 In G Fields 53285 Havana 1 13G 140 fast 21 105 G 6 5 G G 4s A Plckens PlckensCHEER r SwpClean FninkW WalHaH CHEER LEADER b g 7 108 By Ogden Bel Belle of Ashland by Ornament Trainer R L Rogers Owner Masterson Rogers UIKV imii LU i A jni xi 7Ciibi uwiiu iu ju iv y 1 urotu 11 MysG irl Bel nQiieen Mas Bill 5LiCr Bill5LiCr FCmSs 1 38 352fast 7G 311 2 G C C G 5 T Jarvls 7 Kimpalong FrOrlent S SidyiUo idyiUo 52513 FGnds 1 110 l40fast 2 100 1 7 4 4 31 2 = T Jarvls S Frogrown Si unore Trol us liltrO lefson ll101rOVhvy 75 lo 133 1 2 l T Jarvls 4 Gain deCause YgAdam Romeo E1G52 FjmmeHuEl RomeoE1G52 Jefson 1 3S I53ru8t 115 104 3 G G G 41 21 1 1 Mney C LukvB NVorke L FjmmeHu El 111 Churchl 1 110 IMGfifast 75 312 2 3 4 G 31 4J II J Burke 5 Fair Orient Mase John Dreseu E325S DreseuE325S Latonia 1 11G l45faat G 112 5 4 3 5 5s Bl W Ileinch 8 Sdsof Pleas Belg Qu IlarryB LOTHAIR ch h 5 108 108Trainer By Bourbon Beau The Fashion by Prince of Kon HayesG4711 Trainer T P Hay s Owner T P Hayes aco G4711 Lalonia 1 11C l45fast 27 106101010 10 10 10 ° n Lee 10 Jotiett Make Up CottonRlossom 61449 Churchl 1 l40mud 32 112 6 7 7 7 8 8 L Iyke 8 HEColeman ItKcnn Advocate 64286 Churchl 1 l3Gffast 2 107 6 4 3 4 5 6 O Willis LouisA HCommand IttulKean 61411 Churchl 1 116 l4Gffast 8 1071 4223 4223C139S 41 641 T Murray Fair Orient Mase Johu Dresden C139S Churchl 1 116 l47fast 6 115 5333 3l 32 F Wilson 0 BVrlyLove Aelerato Lucky 15 61354 Churchl 1 l33fast 13 107 8 7 5 4 6J 63 N Barrett 8 Rapid Diy Legal Travesty 61310 Churchl 1 11 207fnt 3310 118 3 2 22 2 2 26111S in 1 L L Lyke 5 Kingfisher Adella W Lazy Lou 6111S Latonla 1 18 l53fast iO 113 6344 63446105S 1j ink F Wilson 11 Stevenson Kingfisher Lay lx u 6105S Latonla 1 11C lIGffast 16 115 8688 Sl 54 H Lunsfd 10 FrOrient HarvestKg ParisMd 60980 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 2310 115 5 3 3 1 ink iij H Lunsfd 1U Jackstraw Bombast Plenty 60792 Latonla 1 116 147 fast 9 113 7 7 7 6 4 4 H Lunsfd 8 WarPrize KalrOrietit Dabiahll