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SIXTH HACK 58 Mile 2ycarolils Claiming ilnne 22 i lO 59 2 1O RTJGGLES ch c 2 104 Dy Frizzle Precocity by McGee McGeeTrainer Trainer J 0 Whitlow Owner F E Courson 51710 Latonia 41 f E4 fast 225f 115 1 1 = 1 J O Willis 12 BillyStar Salamndcr RWfleld EQUAL RIGHTS br f 2 97 By Ballot Newhaven II by Bay Ronald Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean 54S14 Latonia 41 f 55 hvy 2 112 5 5 3J 21 E Josiah 0 Noontime Tulalip BrlghtTrash 54708 Latonia 58 lOOV fast 38 312 4 3 3 31 3 J Butwell 5 Miss Joy MarFallon LinaClark E4111 Pimllco 12 49 faat S910 11G 5 1 1 31 1 Butwell 13 Margaret C Orris Wrack Past 54021 Pimlico 4S t 57 hvy 7 30S1 3 3WM 3 4 41 4 1 J McTast 7 TCnssIdy MylMBelle Devlt DevltBy WM OLDT br g 2 106 106Trainer By Dick Finnell Paradise Won by Prince of Monaco Trainer W Perkins Owner G F Baker 54S90 Latonia 58 l01fast 2310 114 1 5 C 41 41 E Pool 8 Bernice 1C MCrtwood Dorius 24735 Latonia 41 f EG mud 35 110 1 3 24 Li 1 Butwell Colossus Dad Sun rime 54I1G Churchl 4i f 55 mud G5 112 2 3 IJ 11 E Pool 8 GGurton BernlceK AlamGirl 54234 Church1 4i f 54fast 1 315 1 1 2 3 W W Tlor I Topmast Bet Mosie Dorius 54000 Lexton 41 f 57hvy 710 118 1 1 1s Il E Pool Stamp MabCurtis Orma Dal i E3SSC Lexton i2 49 good 115 112 G 2 H I E Pool 0 CMeMeekin FTrial Hutchlaa BERNICE 1C ch f 2 107 107Trainer By Golden Maxim Eva K by The Friar Trainer J C Milam Owner J C Milam 54SSC Latonia 58 301fast 32 331 G 31 Int 3nk M Garner S MissCVtivood Dorlns WniOIdt 54110 Churchl 4J f 55 mud 20 10G 1 2 3J 35J II J Burke 8 WmOldt GGiirtou AlamGirl AlamGirlG42C9 G42C9 Cliurchl 4V 1 53fast 5 312 1 3 Z 55 M Garner 51 Bowdre Anglum Maid Mom 54159 Churchl 4i f 55hvy 2710 110 1 4 4 4 M Garner 5 JBowdre AnglumMaiil UoldMa 54099 Churchl 12 47fast 75 115 4 1 Il 1 = M Garner 0 NghtyNisba AtGal BandCoo BandCoo53U17 53U17 Lexlton 12 50 mud 185112 4 G 3u 3 M Garner 11 MFallon LRochester RTrHsu RTrHsu53S5i 53S5i Lexton 12 49mud 112 4 4 31 3 S McGraw 10 CdAmour LRochter BTrash BTrashBRASS BRASS AthelingTrainer TACKS br f 2 M 112 By Helmet Grail by Atheling Trainer J H Thompson Owner E R Bradley Bradley54SOG 54SOG Latonia 58 l01fast 135 HSi 4 S 7 C1 CS2 L Lyke 8 Bernice 1C MCrtwood Doriua 54450 Churchl 4i f 51inud 1C 312 3 3 3 L Lyle 4 1 Bowdre Whirl McGeesPInk McGeesPInk542S8 542S8 Churchl 41 f 53fast 9 315 4 6 G Gs I Lyke Whirl Alta Gal Field Lark LarkRANDEL RANDEL b c 2 104 By Jack Atkin Niko by Ossary iTrainer Rj P Brooks Owner Mueller Brooks Brooks5ISOC 5ISOC Latonia 5S i01fast 9 114 S 7 S S S J N Barrett 8 Bnniice 1C MCrtwood Doriua Doriua54CSG 54CSG Latonia 41 f 53fast 48 111 5 G 5 5 N Barrett I lolinFInn QuGarden PrAVellea 54552 Churchl 41 f 53fast 23 110 7 88 S12 T Murray 8 Rockminister Aloft Rekab 54484 Churchl 41 f 54 oodl710 115 G 4 4s 2i N Barrett S RrTrasn Aiverlda MCrtwood MCrtwoodE4347 E4347 CHiirchl 41 f 64f fast 5 112 2 2 V 1s S Wlda 7 Hermoden BulButtous FrBoyd FrBoydDORIUS DORIUS b or br c 2 109 By Sain Latifa by Hamburg 54S9G Latonia 5S l01fast 40 134 3 3 3U 3J W W Tlor 8 BniceK MCrtwood WmOldt 54723 Latonia 41 f M mud 3C 311 C C C C34 II Ijunsfd Colossus Win Oldt Dail 54410 Churchl 4i f 53 mud 32 309 S 7 74 74 II Lunsfd 8 WmUlltlt GGurton BerniceK 54234 Churchl 41 f C4fast 14 115 5 5W179 4 4J 4s H Lunsfd Topmast Bet Mosle Win Oldt W179 Churchl 12 noi hvy 75 315 2 2 li Il H Lunsfd 4 Heruibilen Bully Buttons Spods 54121 Churchl 12 49V mud 21 115 4 G G4 5 H Lunsfd 0 Topmast Bemcareful Autocrat AutocratBy COLORED BOY br c 2 109 By Black Toney Melton Mowbray by Melton MeltonTrainer Trainer 1C Spence Owner W V Thravos Thravos54S37 54S37 Latonia 58105 hvy 13 112 4 444 49 II Lunsfd 4 Miss Jby Casey Banker Brown 54055 Latonia 41 f 54fast 51 315 3 1 I4 1 T Murray 10 Lchares II DSinker G GJouett Joiiett 54548 Churchl 41 f G4fast 2C 115 4 3 51 GJ T Murray 10 1r Welles CherTrie BobHalr 54347 Churchl 41 t 54fast 8 3l2 1 G 7 7 T Murray 7 Randel Hermodeii Bui Buttons ButtonsRED RED LEAF ch f 2 113 By Bulse Early Lovo by King Eric EricTrainer Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Head ley leyC1S41 C1S41 InquisitionCJM4 Latonia 41 f 687ihvy 35 115 4 2 I1 1 W W Tlor 7 SantaClara BirdicG Inquisition CJM4 Churchl 12 4Gfast 43 114 2 8 71 7 i M Garner 1 Fair Phantom M Falloii Aloft AloftS3XKI AloftS3XKI S3XKI Lexlon 12 47good 21f 114 1 3 2i 441 T Murray 10 Startle Fair Pliantom Aloft 53825 Lexton 12 47fast 8 114 9 9 8i 8 W W Tlorll Startle FPhantom BrichtLeaf BrichtLeafARTICLE ARTICLE X ch c 2 M 101 By Boots and Saddle Miss Behave by Martinet MartinetTrainer Trainer G Land Owner T J Kelley Kelley5404G 5404G I tonia 58 l00 fast llf 101 7 11 1 = P G Fields 12 Salamander Dad Hermoden HermodenG47GO G47GO Latonia 41 f 50mud 85 112 C 7 7 4 J Kederls 7 MCrstwood Alverida DSinker 51710 Latonia 41 f 54fast 225f 115 10 10 10 1015 II J Burkel2 Rnggles Billy Star Salamander SalamanderE40C2 E40C2 Churchl 12 47Lfast E4 115 9 98 S = E Donhuc J lletterStill Rob QuluceGarden