untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-07-08


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MA A SPECIAL WEDNESDAY I 1 1 1 1 BRINGS HOME THE BACON AGAIN ! k If V V ""V LI NEXT GUARANTEED SPECIAL goes at Fort Erie III I 1 I 1 I Mm !ETUVAY DAY, Saturday, July 1. Now, this is one mm I I u the best "betting" horses ever saddled. In order to T IROVE CI THAT "WE KNOW," beg to say that uumo of horse and jockey who rides is now on tile with the publishers of this paper. THROW AWAY YOUR DOPE BOOKS ALL. we have sent out EIGHT 00 SPECIALS. All have been filed with this paper. Six IN WON, one lost, the other finished second. SOME "information." How do we do it? Thats EASY. WE PAY "TOPS." As previously iiuliirntcil, our next 00 G UAKAXT13I3D Special SlKCIAL gics Sattiriliiy. If it does not AVIX not run second or third vs will refund your subscription. Please include telephone number. AVe PltKlAA" ALL CHARGES. Rush your subscription XOAV. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Turf Dept. SUITI5 1003 - - 1! NORTH DKARBORN STREET - - CHICAGO, ILL. The CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS 50c OCCASIONAL ?2 Yesterdays .00 SPECIAL OCCASIONAL KIMPAL0NG...4.20- WON Wednesdays XXX Occasional was scratched Tuesdays .00 Money Occasional Won Mondays .00 Special Occasional Won Fridays .00 Occasional was scratched Wednesdays .00 Money Occasional Won Tuesdays .00 XXX Occasional Won Many other .00 Occasional winners were given that are too numerous to mention. LATONIA ONE BEST Here is a horse that will go for the dough-rac-me as the stable folks have placed this horse in the right spot. Make sure you ask for and get THE CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS 50c. LIVE WIRE LAT0NIA .00 OCCASIONAL TODAY The word has been given by connections to shoot ahead and you can rest assured that there will bo no horse in this race that will have a show in with this ace in it. If you want to got in on one of the best things that you have ever heard f then spend and got todays Occasional. BEWARE OF IMITATORS Make sure you ask for and got THE CHIEF CLOCKERS .00 OCCASIONAL Horse must win or you get our next Occasional FREE OF CHARGE by mailing us in your sheet. Mailed 0 for one week, or can be telegraphed CHIEF CLOCKER 501 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. CINCINNATI, O. Bob Bishow. Fountain News Co., COVINGTON, Ky. Robert Gordon Pharmacy, S. W. corner 4th and Scott Sts. JACK FIELD I ONLY GIVE ONE HORSE A DAY SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS ?1 D AILS WEDNESDAYS ADVERTISED 00 FREE SPECIAL WAS Wadsworths Last.30- Won One of last weeks good winners REDMON .30- WON TODAY AT LATONIA A LIVE SLEEPER And if you only knew about this horse what I know you would not hesitate a moment in getting this one today. Dont read this advertisement and pass it along, but rush to your newsdealer and get my sheet of today. I can safely say that this one is one of the best things that has started in many a day, and boy, oh boy, the price will be a REAL GOOD ONE MAILED S4 A WEEK in a plain sealed onvclope overnight and is received the first mail in tho morning. Can also bo TELEGRAPHED. JACK FIELD 505 S, Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. Sold at Principal Newsstands CINCINNATI, 0. Bob Bishow, Fountain News Co., 5th and Walnut Sts. OOVINOTON, Ky. Robert Cordon PliRrmaoy S. W. comer 4th and Scott Sts. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. LEXINGTON, Ky. Joe Bishow, Main if Limestone streets, TURF TOPICS FOR SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS 5 Publication 35 Cents TODAYS FREE CODES: Latonia: Bay-20-40 Aqueduct: Brook-60-42 BIG GETAWAY LATONIA OUT TODAY The meeting at Latonia comes to a close Saturday, July 9. Many a good tiling will be cut Ioos! these getaway days. Our staff has reported many a live one for these remaining days horses that have been especially prepared and ready to be cut loose the next time out. Some of them may be as good as DONA LORIOTTE 9.30 WON the long shot reKirtcd in last weeks issue. Also many LIVE ONES AND LONG SHOTS AT EMPIRE AND CANADA All reported in this issue. If you want to get in on some of this stuff, go to your newsstand and purchase a copy of Turf Topics. Sold at the Following Leading Newsstands: LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Avo. DAYTON, O. H. .uphrat, 12D S. Jefferson St. CLEVELAND. O. 0. Schroeder, 212 E. Superior St. DETROIT, Mich. L. Grosscup, 85 Congress St. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Foster Book Co., 410 Washing, ton Ave. ST. LOUIS, Mo. W. Laser, 7th and Market Sts. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Rickersecker, Ninth and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI, 0. R. Bishorn, 5th and Walnut Sts. HOT SPRINGS, Ark. Fort Pitt News, Malvin and Valley Sts. AKRON, 0. B. Wheatman, 7 S. Main St. MOBILE, Ala. E. G. Bonner, care St. Andrews Hotel Newsstand. TURF TOPICS PUBLISHING CO, Room 54, 111 Nassau St., Now York City, N. Y. Secret Greetings. .80- Won Was Yesterdays .00 Occasional Brotherly Love. . ..20- Won Was Tuesdays .00 Occasional Dont miss SATURDAYS GETAWAY OCCASIONAL, as we have another live one. Send your subscription in today. Only .00. KIMPALONG. . ..20- WON Was Yesterdays "Best Bet" making 9 WINNERS 9 out of the last 18 starters. And they woro all good prices like above. We dont havo to go back 3 or 4 weeks we get them consistently. GET TODAYS LETTER 50c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS 50c Mailed direct, 1 week, ; 2 weeks, NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. ROOM 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO. ILL. PLENTY OF WINNERS TURF LIGHT RACING WEEKLY There are goinj to be more winners in this woeks issue than for some time back. See if we know what we are talking about. ALL STANDS 15 CENTS ALL CITIES TODAYS FREE CODE: Twenty-four-Ten-Sbcteen-Virtue-Canada TURF LIGHT 25 W. 42nd St. New York City New book out today. Got ono without fail. 35a overywherc. Gives lino on livo ones, besides code to free specials. Mailed direct, 3 copies, .00, Todays Free Special: June-Orangc-14-12-44-61. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, IU. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 167-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y, 74 EXCHANGE BTJEET. SUFFAXQ, N. Ti

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921070801/drf1921070801_10_5
Local Identifier: drf1921070801_10_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800