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ALL MiSSOURiANS -DOUBTERS -SKEPTICS -LOSERS 11! """I Write Today for Complete Prospectus of T"mmnlZZrTmmm WONDERFULLY NOT A SEf THE MIRACLE SYSTEM "3?S" WONDERFTO 1 11 L l,V-L INVESTMENT hhm FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED ImMmmmmmm OTTIl CRYSTALLIZED RACING- MANUAL, containing 28 pages of valuable turf data, vitally im-portant racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the best known "systems" published, wiU be sent you absolutely with out charge or obligation. Postals are ignored. YOU CAN MAKE EVERT DAY A WINNING DAY with the same assurance as you would negotiate a certified check! The System In not a list of horses to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE. Hundreds of prosperous, satisfied clients, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying consistency of this Percentage Winner Supreme. We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsement in original form, with the envelope attached showing post-mark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidence it a hundred fold more convincing than our full-page ad. We are waiting for yon to check us up. If you appreciate the true meaning of tho word N-O-W, you will soon spell it the other way around, W-O-Nl Liberal terms, contingent upon resultant earnings. If the Systom does not win consistently and fulfill every claim, you owe ns nothing, cViA M. P. WALTER and CO., fSISSd CANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. E. ARTHUR, Public Relations Msrr. PRIVATE LOCK BOX 40F - - - - - TOWSON, MD. 00 GUARANTIED SPECIAL AS PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED, OUR NEXT 00 GUARANTEED SPECIAL GOES Friday, September 9. There is no pea in the pod about our "information." Wc axe experts. Also we expect the price to be equally as good as was LEATHERFACE - 5 to 1 - WON OUR LAST SPECIAL RAN SECOND. YES, WE PRINT LOSERS AS WELL AS winners. Heres our guarantee: Our 00 Guaranteed Special MUST WIN not run second or third or we refund your subscription. IT GOES Friday, Hush your order NOW. In order to circumvent "pilferers," please inelude your phone number. Wc PREPAY all long-distanco or teicpgraph charges. Do it -NOW. National News Service Tnrf Dept. SUITE 1002 - 100 NORTH DEARBORN STREET - CHICAGO, ILL. Chief Observer 35 Cents Per Copy. For Sale at All Newsstands. Mailed 10 Weeks, J3.09. MEW ISSUE OUT TODAY Under no Ipn.sideratiun fail to set tho new issue. SOME OF LAST WEEKS WINNERS: ANNA GALLUP WON JEANNE BOWL RE WON LAST STRAW WON FURBELOW 3rd KIR AH WON NANCY F WON KINEURN 2nd These were all Riven strong in last weeks issue. : V ! TODAY Big Latonia Occasional Here is the place to an the limit. Under no eon-sideration go to Iatonia without this one. Just ask your newsdealer for the MfOBSERVERS Occasional Todays Latonia 0 FREE SPECIAL Is one of the same old variety. You know what that meaus. For this one just ask your newsdealer for the Chief Observers Daily Track Letter Only 50 Cents, or Mailed 2 Weeks, .00. ADDRESS ClitEf OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 35 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY FOR SALE AT CINCINNATI, 0. Rob Bishorn, Fountain News, 5th and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI, 0. All Newsstands. COVINGTON, Ky Robert Gordon, Pharmacy, S. W. corner 4th and Scott Sts. LEXINGTON, Ky. Jos. Bishow, corner Main and Limo Sts. 0 LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. How to Win The New Success Manual of Turf Speculation, the wonder book of the turf, containing forty-four systematic, businesslike methods of turf speculation selection of -winners prompt recovery of losses handicapping, weights, time, track conditions, etc. FREE TO YOU We are giving away absolutely free of charge 500 copies of this wonderful book regular price .flO to advertise and introduce Kentucky Turf Success, the sreat Kentucky Turf weekly. Write Today Before They Are Gone. SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO. DEPARTMENT 1 LOUISVILLE, KY. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. AT tj, t LATONIA ragSjfe. Two Livu Ones. Mail NOW. so kjy w" can wire you. New issue Thor- WFL ouKhbrcd on sale wherever Racing Bjfifiijy? . Form is today, 35c. You need it. Todays froo spocial: Push-Eastern- Red-Be-Sow-Joo. THIC AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldff. Eatab. 100T Chicago, Illinois Cho Cho. 0.60, won, was Mondays Frco Form Special. If you want winners, get the Standard Turf Guide, a5c at all newastands. Today Form Special: April-Orango-60.13-16.23. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 22 Wost Quincy Street. Chicago, Illinois. FOB PAIUY RACING PORN STRANGS SMART STUFF AT LATONIA WON AGAIN I TOLD YOU THE DAY YOU MISS IS THE DAY YOU LOSE SUBSCRIBE TODAY TERMS: Six Days Service 0 GEO. L. STRANG Suite 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, TLTm "Ex" Jockey Toplin ONE HORSE A DAY PRICE AGAIN WE WON MONDAYS OPENING BIG SPECIAL WON WON WON And I told yon to GO THE LIMIT, as I had the O. K. that it was "in," aud again my follower! got the money. TODAY TODAY I have another WINNER today that should pay a hig priee. so dont let 1 stop you from CLMANINU Ul today. Get me? Sold at all Stands, Daily, or Mailed to You, Week. JOCKEY TOPLIN 15th Floor. Great Northern Bldand". Chicago, 111. CHIEF CLOCKERS SOLD EVERYWHERE. PRICE 50c DAILY. BEST BET WON. SPECIAL WON. Ruby 2.90 WON HIGH GEAR .80 WON PARADER .30 WON These were the 3 GOOD THINGS we gave to WIN ONLY Monday. THIS ONLY COST 50c YOU cant beat it even IF you paid S50, as -wc get our "INFO" direct from the track from one "WHO KNOWS." TODAY "ANOTHER WINNING DAY." Spend 50o and got our sheet TODAY txl CO THE LIMIT to our ONE BEST and SPrjlAL at Latonia NUFF SED. TOM HARE JR 400-100 WON f ""V and 1 withdrawn were last Saturdays jftA X Specials. Send for 2 going Sat-yafipfSSM urday. September 10. We Guarantee V taJfif ono dinner. See latest Roporter, on V J sale today, all newsstands, Ii3c. TODAYS SPECIAL: Wie-Sunday-Not-You-Do-Put. THE TURF REPORTER. 22 W. QUINCY ST. Estab. 1904. CHICAGO, ILL. Reliable information FROM LATONIA Telegrapher and Clockor Advance Information filed with Racing iorm cm a sleeper. Goes Saturday. I am on the ground. Will you bet ten straight for me on live information? Write or wire. F. P. BOHL O. X. Hotel. 3rd and Broadway Cincinnati, Ohio National 0. K. Racing Letter Yesterdays "Best Bet" Won. Result of "Long Shot Special" Not Known. Remember, We Absolutely Only Give TWO HORSES EACH DAY. 50J Daily at All Newsstands 50c bailed Direct, 1 Week, 3.00; 2 Weeks, .00. NATIONAL 0. X. PUBLISHING CO. Room 131, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America durin? the month of AUGUST, is now on sale. PRICE 51.00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only h sent as registered mail, with an extra charga of tan cents for registration. Not responsible for book sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 167-169 East 38ad STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y 74 EXCHANGE STREET SUFFALO N. J,