Coming Latonia Features: Entries to Four Valuable Stakes Soon to be Decided, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-07

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COMING LATONIA FEATURES - n i C Entries to Four Valuable Stakes n Soon to Be Decided. Ir o Old u Long Distance Fixture, the La- - tonia Cup, Reserved For 15 the Last Day. 1 1 1! Iii addition to the La ton in Championship and the -, Queen City Handicap, the first the most valuable f fall fixtures for throe-year-olds, and the lat.ter M a rich two-year-old event, there are four other stake features to lie decided during the present L Latonia meeting. The first of these is the Covington Handicap, to be run next Saturday. It is for B three-year-olds and over, at one and three-sisteetith miles, with ,000 added, ami has forty-two nomina- -t!on Here they are: COVINGTON HANDICAP ,000 added. For 1 three-year-olds and fiver. By subscription of 0 each; 00 additional to start; .00! added, of 11 which .St-On to second and 400 to third, tlie fourth to save its stake. Weights sir days before the race. Winners after publication of wights. 3 pounds extra. Starters to be named through the A entry b..x the day before tlie race at tlie usual time of closing. One mile and throe-sixteenths. Ioriy-two nominations. , Artiold. E. C. Brother Hatch, b. c, 3, by Vulcain Barbie. r Baker. A. Aphle Dear, eh. f, 3, by Ivan the Terrible .rmildft. Bedford. If. T. Hen Valet, eh. e, ."1, by Great Britain- Virginia Nnnn. 1 Bradley, 13. It. Best Pal, br. c, -1, by Helmet Pad u la. f; Bradley, VS. 11. Behave Yourself, br. e, 3, by Marathon Miss Kinglets. Bradley, K. li. Black Servant, br. e, 3, by Black Toney lndnla. I Bradley, E. 11. Bit of White, b. f, 3, by Sunstar -Dreamy 11. 3 Brannon, B. J. Colonel Baker, b.. c, :!, by Ben Brush Pleasant Pusst. 3 Breekenrldge, 1. Lady Madcap, br. f, by Dick FinneR Affable, r Camden, J. N. Darjeeling, b. s, 3. by Light Brigade Muriel. Camden. J. N. Rangoon, br. g, 3, by Light Bri-dage Lardella. C Clark. C. W. Captain Mac. eh. e, 4. by The Manager Itoyal Dainty. I Clark, I. A. Flambette, b. f. 3. by Durbar-La Flamben. j Crowley. C. W. Elkwood, bit. h. 5, by l?lkhorn Emma. s Gallaher Bros. Pongee, br. f, 3, by Bock View Centre Shot. j Gentry, L. Sterling, b. c, 4, by Ilorron Ver-neida. Gentry. L. Sir Thomas Kean, b. g, 3, by Golden I Maxim -Guion. Goldblatt, M. Atta Boy II., ch. g, 4, by Rabelais Tanya. Goldblatt, M. Frank W., b. c, 4, by Marathon " Maid of Fortune. j Haclimeister, John McGoodwin, br. c, 3, by Last Coin or Colin Fairy Story. Harned Bros. Coyne, br. c, 3, by Diek Finnell Alice Baird. j Harned Bros. Marjorie Ilynes, ch. f, 4, by Dick ; Finnell Alice Baird. I Hawkins, .1. S. Firebrand, ch. c, 3, by McGce - ! Subdue. Jones, Montfort Rouleau, br. c, 4, by Tracery . Royal Coinage. Keene, J. 0. and G. II. Secret Greetings, b. c, 3. by Luke MeLukc Znhra. Kilmer. "Willi Shanie Ohr Flag, ch. c, 3, by Cock o the Walk Private Flag. . , Long, George J. Freecutter, b. h, fi, by Free Lanec Cutter. Looney and Goode Sands of Pleasure, b. g, S, by . Fair Play Golden Sands. Looney and Goodt Dona Loriottc, b. f, 3, by r Cicero Loriottc. McLaughlin. F. G. Blanche Mac, b. f, 3, by Light i Brigade Caviet. McLean. E. B. Tiie Porter, b. h, 3, by Sweep . Ballet Girl. , McPhersou, Jack Brotherly Love, b. c. 4, by Helmet Sanlu Anna II. Matlack. D. T. Woodtrap, ch. h, 7, by Trap Rocli Woodvine. Moore, C. W., Jr. Jouett, b. e, 4, by McGee Muff. Nichols. S. K. II. K. Coleman. bik. g. 3, by Celt Augusta Victoria. Parish. .1. W. Midway, cli. h, 7, by Ballot Thirly-thiltl. Perkins. W. Radio, b.- g, 3, by The Manager-Clara Louise. Poison, W. F. Peace Pennant, b. c, 4, by McGce. 0 Maltha. Simms and Oliver John Paul Jones, b. c, 3, by Tracery Mp n eta III. Stoner, W. O. General Haig, b. h, 5, by Dick k Welles My Fair Kentucky. Travers, W. IT. Royce Rools, b. g, !, by Salvation . Saiutolat. Woodford, J. Hal Zulcika, ch. m, 5, by Neil Gow lV Turkish Princess. The Fort Thomas Handicap, for two-year-olds, i will lie rim on the same day as the Latonia Championship and attract more, than passing interest it because of the fact that both Morvich and Miss iS Joy an: eligible for it. If the two should meet in n this race, it would certainly lie a big day at I.a-touia. . Here are the Fort Thomas eligibles: FORT THOMAS HANDICAP ,000 Added. For ,r 2-war-olds. Bv subscription of 0 each; iJloO additional to start; .0M added, of which 00 to 0 second, 00 to third, the fourth to save its stake. Weights six days before the race. Winners aftei " publication of weights, 3 lbs. extra. Starters to 0 lie named through the entry box the day before "e the race at the usual time of closing. Three ! -quarters of a mile. Sixty-five nominations. Baker, A. Quince Gardeu, ch. c, 3, by Peter r Quince Miss Gardner. Baker, A. Precious Lula, b. f, by Helmet Armilda. Baker. George F. Rekab, br. c, by Dick Finnell II Sandringham Belle. Baker, George F. John Finn, ch. c, by Dick k Finnell Coruscate. Maker. G. F. and C. D. Casey, b. g, by Vulcain Incendiary. Block, Benjamin Morvich, br. e, by Runnymede le Hymlr. Bradley, E. R. Bet Mosie, b. c, by North Star it HI. Santa Anna II. Bradley, E. R. Hanker Brown, br. c, by Helmet et Vaila. Bradley. E. R. Bit 0 Black, br. c, by Black k Jester Dreamy II. Bradley, E. R. Bemorecareful, b. c, by North Ih Star III. Slumpy. Bradley, E. R. Bobbed Hair, b. f, by Helmet-Miss Ringlets. Brannon, P.. J. Colonel Winn, b. h, by Sweep Droll. Jireckenridge. D. Bracdalbane, ch. c, by Jack "k Atkin Princes Pat. Camden, J. N. Sir Hugh, b. e, by Light Brigade Ie Enigma. Christian, E. C. Moon Winks, b. or br. f, by jy Sweep Experience. Clark, C. W. Tom Hare Jr., br. c, by Vulcain iloouet. Clark, P. A. Blue Teal, br. f, by Wrack Delft. t. Clark. P. A. Exterminate, ch. f, by Ultimus Fair Empress. Coursou, F. E. Pindar Peel, ch. c, by Jack Atkin English Esther. Dortch Bros. Flyiug Prince, ch. o, by Zeus Sweet Pea. Gallaher Bros. Glengarry, br. c, by Rock View-Mary Talbott. Gallaher Bros. Whirl, b. f, by Jack. Atkin Royal Captive. Gallaher Bros. Tulane, b. c, by Wrack Augusta ta Victoria. Goldblatt, M. Wayward Lady, b. f, by Black Toney Wayward Lass. - n C n Ir o Old u - 15 1 1! -, M L B 1 11 A , r 1 f; I 3 3 r C I j s j I " j j ; I - ! . . , . r i . 0 k . lV i it iS in n . ,r to 0 " to 0 "e ! r II k le it et k Ih "k Ie by jy t. ta GolUbiutt. M. Smiling Lad, Hi. c, b Suffragbl Smiling Maiden. Hardy, C. 51. Ida McGee, ch. f, by McGep Ida Harrison. Hendley, Hal Price Lugs, b. g. by BnUe Priu- cess Thorpe. Hewitt. 11. H. Washington, ch. c, by Ballot nazzaza. "1 Hewitt. H. 1L Startle, ch. f, by Star Hawk Inspiration. 5 Hirscli, Max Sidereal, ch. c, by Star Shoot Squaw. 5 Hirscli, Max Zovian, b. c, by Zeus Edna Col- 5 litis. 5 Jones. Montfort Miss Joy, b. f, by Peter Quince Proud Daisy. f Jones, Montfort Fair Phantom, b. f, by Light Brigade Belli ta. Jones, Montfort Pegasus, b. c, by Golden Maxim Briglitstone. Jones. Montfort BocUminister, ch. c, by Friar I Boefc Mallard. Jones Montfort Uncle Sonny, eh. c, by Uncle b by Ballymcna. Jones. Montfort Cap Rock. ch. c, by Trap Rock i -r-Monlin Rouge.- a Keene, J.. 0. and G. Ii. Lucknow, b. c, by Luke s McLuke Carene. a a Keene, J. O. and G. IX. Jeanne Bowdre, ch. f, by Luke McLuke P.lack Brocade. . Kelley. Frank J. .lanku, ch. g, by Uncle -Btnker.lee. Keiley. Frank J. Lady Mother, ch. f, by Ultimus Nevai:. Kohu and Theisen James B. Brown, br. e, by -Masler Itohert Marbles. Kilmer. Willis Sharp? Snnreigh, cli. e, by Sun- drldgc SW-et Briar II. J Long, George J. Hamf-I, b. e, by Ralph Ameeras. Long, George J. Asia. b. f, by Sain Boema. J Long, George J. Melun. b. or br. e. by Sain ;j Mytilene. Mntlnek, V. T. Erskine Dale, b. li. by Sweep Frances Gaines. Milam. J. C. Sant,i Mara, b. f, by Ormomlale J Western Lady. Patterson, J. 11. and Co. Brother John, br. c, by 1 Peter Quince or Light Brigade Iinnehy. , Pendergast, T. J. Iord Allen, b. e, by Frizzle Mary . King. Pontius, John L. Hysteria, br. f, by Transvaal Tiekoletto. Respess, J. B. Suave Prince, eh. e, by Frizzle Grace Cole. ; Respesa, .1. B. Monnie Crest, b. f. by Diek Welles Some Kill. Simms and Oliver Draft, br. c, by Fair Play Dragnet. Simms and Oliver Missionary, ch. e, by Hourless Mission. Simms and Oliver My Play, b. c, by Fair Play Malmbali. ; Spenee, Kay Granite Ware, b. c, by Granite Liska. Spence, Kay Colored .Boy, br. e, by Black Toney j Melton Mowbrey. Spence, Kay Stonewall, br. c, by Jim Gaffney Gipsy Iaivp. , Van Meier, C. C. and Co. Demos, ch. c. by Uncle Last Cherry. Whitney, H. P. Aloft, b. f, by Peter Pan-Ascension. Whitney, H. I. Cherry Tree, b. e, by Bro-im-stick Cerise. Whitney. H. 1. Bonus, br. f, by All Gold Remembrance. Williams Mros. Opulant, ch. e, by Hilarious Anna L. Daley. Williams Bros. Opnlent, ch. e, by Hilarious Roseting. The Twin City Handicap is the attraction for September 24 and a fine contest is in prospect if , Exterminator and a few others of the forty-one entries to it start. Here are the nominations: TWIN CITY. HANDICAP JfCl.OOO added. For three-year-olds and over. By subscription of 0 each; 1 SKX additional to start; So.OhO added, of which 1 00 to second and 00 to third, the fourth to snve ; its stake. Weights six days before the race. Win- . ners after publication of weights, 3 pounds extra. Starters to lie named through the entry box the day before the lace at this usual time of closing. One mile and five-eighths. Forty-one nominations. Arnold. E. C Brother Hatch, b. c; 3. by Vulcain Barbie. Baker, A. Aphie Dear, ch. f, 3, by Ivan the Terrible Armilda. Bradley, E. R. Black Servant, br. c, 3, by Black Toney Fadula. Bradley, E. R. Behave Yourself, br. c, 3, by Marathon .Miss Ringlets. Bradley, E. R. Bit of White, b. f, 3, by Sunstar Dreamy II. P.reckcnridge, 1. Lady Madcap, br. f, 3, by Dick Finnell Affable. Camden, J. N. Darjeeling, b. g, 3, by Light Bri-. gadt Muriel. Camden, J. X. Rangoon, br. g, 3, by Light Bri- gade Lardella. Clark, C. W. Captain Mac, ch. c, 4, by The Man- ager Itoyal Dainty. Clark. P. A. Flamhette, b. f, 3, by Durbar La Flambee. Crowley, C. W. Elkweed, blk. h, 5, by Elklioru Emma. Gentry, L. Sterling, b. c, 4, by Horron Vcr-. nelda. Gentry, L. Sir Thomas Kean, b. c, 3, by Golden Maxim Guion. Goldblatt, M. Atta Boy II.. ch. g, 4, by RabD-v lain Tanya. Goldhlatt, M. Frank W., b. c, 4, by Marathon Maid of Fortune. Goldblatt. M. Pastoureau, b. h, o, by Flint Rock Prickly 1ear. Gordon. A. B. Gipsy Lad, br. g, 3, by Garry Herrmann Gipsy Hill. Haclimeister, John McGoodwin, br. c, 3, by Last Coin or Colin Fairy Story. Hawkins, J. S. Firebrand, ch. c, 3. by McGee Sulidue. Hawkins, J. S. Delico, blk. m, 5, by Celt Dainty Dame. Hewitt. H. II. Advocate, ch. c, 3, by Ballot Inspiration. Jones, Montfort Rouleau, br. e, 4, by Tracery Royal Coinnge. Keene, J. O. and G. 1L Secret Greetings, b. c, 3, by Luke McLuke Znhra. Kilmer. Willis Sharpe Exterminator, ch. g, !, by MeGee Fair Empress. Kilmer. Willis Sharpe Our Flag, ch. c, 3, by Cock o the Walk Private Flag. lxmg. George .1. Freecutter, b. h, , by Free Lance Cutter. Looney and Goode Sands of Pleasure, b. g, S, by Fair Play Golden Sands. Loubat. E. L. Pimllco, br. c, 3, by Zeus Horla. Mclntyre, James Sailor, ch. g, li, by All Gold Boisterous. Mclean, 1?. B. Mint Cat, b. h, .", by Catmint Arlette. McPhcrson, J. Brotherly Love, b. g, 4, by Helmet Santu Anna II. Matlack, D. T. Woodtrap, ch. h, 7, by Trap Rock ; Woodvine. Moore, C. W., Jr. Jouett, b. c, 4, by McGee Muff. Nichols, S. K. II. E. Coleman, blk. g, 3, by Celt t Augusta Victoria, Parrish, J. W. Midway, ch. b, 7, by Ballot - Thirty-third. Perkins, W. F. Radio, b. g, 3, by The Manager r Glara Louise. Poison. W. F. Vulcanite, b. b, "., by Vulcain - Single Shot. Ross, J. K. L. Boniface, b. h, C, by Transvaal - Cerina. Simms and Oliver John Paul Jones, b. c, 3, by y Tracery Moneta III. Travers, W. If. Royce Rools, h. g, , by Salvation - Saiutolat. Whitlow. J. O. Westy Hogan, br. h, 7, by Iick k Finnell Carrie Jones. j For the final day of the meeting the Latonia Cup p of .."i00 added has been reserved. It is one of the e noted long-distance races of the country and it is s hoped that it will be better patronized than some e of the other features of a like character. Among its s forty nominations are many tried and true cam-in - paigners, including the great Exterminator. Here e they are: THE LATOXIA CUP, ,"00 added. A handicap p for three-year-olds and over. My subscription of 0 each; 00 additional to start; ,500 added, of f which ifSOO to Bccond. 00 to third, the fourth to 0 save its stake. Weights sis days before tbe race. Winners after publication of weights, 3 pounds Is extra. Starters to be named thrcngh the entry box x the day before the race at the usual time of i.los-ck - ing. The winner to receive a silver trophy. Two o and a quarter miles. Forty nominations. ; t - r - - y - k j p e is s e s - e p of f to 0 Is x - o Arnold, E. S. Brother Batch, b. c, 3, by Vulcain Barbie. Bradley, E. R. Behave Yourself. ?ir. c, 3. by Marathon Mis Kinglets. Bradley, E. K. Black Servant, br. c 3, by Black Toney Padula. Bradley, E. R. Bit of White, b. f, 3, by Sunstar Dreamy II. Breckenridge. I. Lady .Madcap, br. f, 3, by Dick Finnell Affable. Camden. J. N. Darjeeling, b. g, 3, by Light Brigade .Muriel. Camden, J. N. Rangoon, br. g, 3, by Light Bri- gade Lardella. Clark. C. W. Captain Mac, ch. c, 4, by The Man- ager Royal Dainty. i Clark, 1". A. Flambette, b. f, 3, by Durbar L:i Flambee. Crowley. C. W. Elkwood, blk. h, 5, Elklioru Emma. Gentry, L. Sterling, b. c, 4, by Jlonon Ver-ncida. Gentry, It. Sir Thomas Kean, b. g, 3, by Golden Maxim Guion. Goldblatt, M. Atta Boy II., ch. g, 4, by Rabelais Tanya. Goldblatt, M. Frank W., b. c, 4, by Marathon Maid of Fortune. I Gordon, A. B. Gipsy Lad, br. g, 3, by Garry Herrmann Gipsy Hill, Haclimeister, John McGoodwin, br. c, 3. by Last Coin or Colin Fairy Story. Hawkins, J. S. Delico, blk. m, 5, by Celt Dainty Dame. Hewitt. 11. 11. Advocate, ch. c, 3, by Inspiration. Keene, J. O. and G. 1L Secret Greetings, h. c. 5, by Luke McLuke -Zahra. Kilmer, Wi!"s Sharpe Exterminator, cli. g, 0, by McGce Fair Empress. I-ong, George J. Freecutter, b. c, 0, by Free Lance Cutter. Looney and Goode Sands of Pleasure, b. g, S, by Fair Play Golden Sands. ltibat, 15. L. Pimlico, brl c, 3, by Zeus ncrla. Mclntyre, James Sailor, ch. g, 5, by All Gol.l Boisterous. McLean, E. B. Mint Cat, b. h, 5, by Catmint-Arlette. MePherson, J. Brotherly Love, b. c, 4. by Helmet Santa Anna II. Matlack, 1. T. Woodtrap, ch. h, 7, by Trap Rock Woodvine. Moore. C. W., Jr. Jouett, b. c, 4, bv McGee Muff. Nichols. S. K. H. E. Coleman, blk. g, 3. by Celt Augusta Victoria. Parish. J. W. .Midway, ch. h, 7, by Ballot-Thirty-third. Perkins. W. Radio, b. g, 3, by The Manager Clara Liuise. Phillips, .Mrs. .1. Pit. cli. g, S, by Leonid Belle Rankin. Poison, W. F. Vulcanise, b. h, 5, by Vulcain Single Shot. Poison, W. F. Peace Pennant, b. c, 4, by McGee Maltha. Ross, J. K. L. Boniface, b. Ii, 6, by Transvaal Cerina. Travers. W. H. Royce Rools, b. g, 6. by Salvation Saintolat. Whitlow, J. O. Westy Hogau, br. h, 7, by Dick Finnell Cairie Joues. Whitney, H. P. Damask, br. c. 4, by All Gold-Crinoline. Whitney, Mrs. Payne Touch Me Not, ch. c, 3, by Celt D.iinty Dame. Woodford, .1. Hal Zulcika, ch. 111, 5, by Neil Gow Turkish Princess.

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