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LATONiA FORM CHART LATONIA, KY.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1921. Latonisi 1 mile. Eleventh day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 31 days. Weather clear; temperature 78. Stewards. Chas. F. Prire. S. C. Nuckols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. AV. Hay. Judges, AV. II. Shelley, X. H. McClelland and E. Jasper. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, AV. H.Shelley. Racing starts at. 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. in.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. -J -A FI2ST RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7, 1916 1:43 3 122. Purse ,400. 3-ycar-olds 4 Ji .JUL and upward. Claiming. . Net, value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AAArtPPSt Y Str Fin Jockqys Owners Equiy, Odds Strt 568G3FAIR ORIENT ws S 103 G 2- 4; 4 3 1 1 H Gregory R L Baker Gj-1D0 569923TULSA wu 4 107 3 5 2 12 2- 21 E. Scobie AV E Applegate 270-1CO 50890 SANDY H. wis 1 112 4 4 1 1 22 32 3 J D Mney O "Wchdel GtD5-10O 56670 NORDECK W 4 107 5 3 5 fjs 4 42 4 G Fields G Ii Diggs 2333-li0 57070AAA R. w 4 101 I G 6 G5 G 5- 5 E Parke J Lowe iiM-lCo 56943nAVARD BOUND wi: G 107 7 7 7 7 7IU G G 11 Anthony F J Douglass MSIO-ion 5;9 !5 OLD MISS WM 7 1CJ 2 1 3 32 5 71U 7 P T M Murphy 3215-100 50892HUEN Wis 3 101 S 8 S S S S S I: Scbeffel P L Putnam 2Hi3-lD0 Tims. 23, 48. 1:14. 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid, Fair Orient, ,30 straight, .30 place, .30 show; Tulsa, .00 place. .50 show: Sandy II.. SO. 70 show. Equivalent booking odds Fair Orient, 03 to 100 straight. 13 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; ; Tulsa, 30. to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Ss:i:dy II.. 235 to 100 show. AViniier Ch. g, by Fair Play Orients!, bj- Henry of Navarre trained by AV. Perkins: bred by .Mr. R. L. Belmont. Went to post at 1:39. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon csisily; second ami third driving. FAIR ORIENT was taken all over the track and suffered from interference, but raced into the lead in the stretch and won in a canter. TULSA raced forwardly from the start and took the lend, but gave way readily to the winner. SANDY II. showed the most early speed, but lost ground by coming wide On the last turn and tired. XORDECK was going well sit the cud. AAA 11. closed si gap. OLD MISS quit. IIUEN was awsiy slowly. Tj 7 SECONtT RACE--3-4"T TJilcT June 7, 1921 1:10 6 110. Purse ,500. 3-ycar-ofds A JLJL A and upward. Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner SI, 150; second, 23; : : ; third, 25. ; Index Horses AWtPPSt U Vt "A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kgnlv. Qilqs Strt 56820 JUDGE PRYOR w 3 112 7 2 1 1 1 1 E Pool S K Nichols 2O3100 57039 BLOND BUD Y w ., 112 11 3 2i 2 22 2 T Murray J B Sweeney 3353-100 36670 BLACK BABY w 3 100 2 1 3 3 3 R McDott AV F Knebelkamp 1213-100. 5G890 CLEM THE1SEN wi; 3 112 12 G 3 4l2 Is 4 B Parke AV L Young- 20 -100 55579 TAAINKLE BLUE w 3 109 3 10 10l Pl G2 52 G Fields Chandler Stable 2G0-1C0 56735 DIXIE GIRL w.s 5 112 10 12 12 10i 7 G1 A Collins R E McMillan 1 1720-100 5G782sBERMONT wr. 3 112 1 0 Gt 51 52 7s E Sqobie Montfort Jones t303.-IW 56391 1L-VZEL AV. is 3 109 3 S 7t S2 9: SJ AV Morsey F, Meyers f irj3-10J 56360 MARCELIV BOY w 3 102 4 7 9j 6 SI 9l AA Pool Montfort Jones 55"498 MAROT. ATKIN w 3 1C! 0 4 4 7 10 10 II Grsiy Elmhurst Stock Farm 3CS5-1W 55366 CONCENTRATE wu 3 iljj S 11 S1 11 11 11" J D Mney AVoodman Bros f 56782 DUKE OF SAYOYws G U61 9 5 112 12 12 12 AV AV Tor AA A Taylor CG73-100 fMutuel field. JCoupled in betting sis Montfort Jones entry. Time. 23., 47, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid. Judge Pryor, ..10 slraight, .4.!fi place, $.".20 show; Rlond Buddy, ?21.K0 place, 0.70 show; Black Baby, .70 show. Equivalent boykins; odds Judge Iryor, 2Q5 to J0Q sttaiijUt, 100 o 100 place, 00 o 1QQ show; Cloitl l.uddv. t.0 to JUO plaro. -13.3 to 100 show; R!aek Baby. 185 to 100 show. Winner lJr. c, ly Vulffin Frances M., li.v Filigrane trained by A. Baker; bred by Mr. S. K. Nichols. Went to post at 2:28. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon easily; srcond and third driving. JUDGE PRYOR raced into the lead at once and held sway to the end to win easing up. BLOND RUDDY raced in closest pursuit from the start and finished gamely. BLACK BABY stood a drive resolutely. CLEM TIIEISEN tired near the end. TWINKLE BLUE closed a Rap. DIXIE GIRL came from far back in the last quarter. Scratched 50S1G Doyle, 112; 50S10 Oorliam, 115; 50992 Plus Ultra, 112; 5CS93 Wade McLemore, 112; 5.52P0 Sandy Lad. 109; 50815 Willow Tree. 112. Overweights Duke of Savoy, 1 pounds. . . tEP7 O THIRD RACE 1 1-1and HiiesT Oct. 7, 1916-u-l : 31220 Purse 51.400;: ;3-year- O 4 JLiO olds. Fillies. Claiming. Net value to winner .100; second, 00; third, 00. . . Index Horses AWtlPSt V- Str Fin Jockeys Qvners Equiv. Odds Strt 50892 3 ELEANOR S. wn 100 0 3 2 2 1 U In- K Scobie A Baker 153-100 50;88 DAINTY LASS v. 112 1 4 3nt V :; 2 2 .1 Howard Eorryman and Young 200-100 .30822 MARY J. BAKER ws 105 :: 1 1 1 21 3 33 H Gregory G F Baker 5S5-100 50and18 PENAVELL- w 107 5 2 8 61 5e 41 41 Garner Kohn and Theisen 1850-100 5082GRACE DAUGHTY w 105 2 G 6J 4h 41 5" sV1 A "Wilson M F Murnan 1700-100 56992 TAAASENTHA w 103 S 8 Tl S 6 fi 6" Ti Parke .T L Paul 2930-100 50040 WANATAIl w WG 4 5 4 5! 1- 7 "" II J Burke Florisant Stable 085-100 r"i"OT YET w 100 7 7 51 7 S 8- S G Fields Ford fc Hidcr S355-100 Time, 23, 43, 1:14, 1:39, 1:4C. Track fast. nmtuels paid, Eleanor S., $."1.10 straight, .S0 place, .30 show; Dainty Lass, .00 place, .90 show: Mnrv Jane linker, .00 show. Equivalent, booking odds Eleanor S., 155 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 13 to 100 show; Dainty Lass SO to 100 place. 4." to 100 show; Mary .lane linker, no to 100 show. Winner Mi. f, by Ivan the Terrible Arline, by The Commoner trained by A. linker; bred by Mr. R. II. Sanford. ".. Went to post at 2:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. A on driving; second and third the same. KLEAXOK S. passed MARY J AXE BAKER in the first three-quarters, lint had to be ridden hard in tlie stretch to outstav DAI XT Y LASS. The latter was under restraint to the stretch turn, from where she moved up fast, but could not quite get up. MARY .TANK RAKER set a fast early pace and tired in the stretch, but was best of the others. IKXWELL came fast in the last quarter. GRACE BAUGHERTY was tiring at the end. Scratched .50097 Doric. 105; n7020MJ- Fontaine, 103. . .Overweights Penwell, 3 pounds; Wanatah. 1. W w-i -i 5 FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7, lBolF 1:05 3 S3. ,500 Added. 2-ycar-t3 4 JLJL-3I: olds. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. Net value to winner 1,150; second, 259.50; third, 48. . . .- . Index lluraea AWtlPSt A ?ijtrFlu Jockeya Owners Equlv. Odds Stpt 50 7 77 WOLFS CRY w 110 5 2 Is l3 1 11 A Wilson G Knebelkatiip 28S-100 50994 JANKU w 115 - 1 31 i 3" -it L Lyko F .1 Jvflley XXT.-IOO 5500 BILLY STAR w 10! 1 3 2 2- 21 M Garner Montfort Jones 153-100 50944 SMILING LAD wis 104 7 5 .V 5 -in 4U g Fields M Coldbkitt 735-10: niSK-ilSTONKAVALL. wis 100 3 4 41 4i 51 5" R McDott K 050-100 50707 LLEWELLYN wn 100 4 G i;1 f,- 0- G N Barreit .1 O.and.G II Keene M40-100 HCTl! OPULENT w 112 C 7 7 7 7 7 T Murray Williams Bros 3100-100 Time, 23, 471i, 1:01, 1:07. Tracl: fast. mutuels paid, Wolfs Cry, .70 straight, .50 place, .40 show; .Tankti, .10 place, .70 show; P.illy Star. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Wolfs Cry, 2S.3 to 100 straight, 12.3 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; .Tankii, i:.0 to 100 place, 3.3 to 100 show; Rilly Star, 30 to 100 show. Winner I.r. c, by Honey wood Kumiss, by Aiheling trained by L. Johnsoii; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Went, to post at 3:28. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. WOLFS CRY. showing the most speed, raced into .the lead promptly and set a fast pace, but tiit-d in the stretch and had to be roused up near the end to outstay JAXKI. The latter raced forwardly and made a game linish. RILLY STAR raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and tired, but held on resolutely. SMILING LAD was always outrun, but was running well at the linish. STOXEWALL tired in the last eighth. Scratched r;"i.7;Suave Prince, 101. tW-and Ti PiFTHi RACE 3-T"Mile June 77lSi7iyICilO. Purso 3-year. olds 4 X B T and upward.; .Claiming. Net ;value to , winner ,200: second. 50; third, 50., "index Horses AWtlPSt A Vi and. Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Oddw Strt .T,7nl4MLLE vT4 HO 1 41 :! U 11 11 Scobie K Sponee 229-lo0 .3685S DODGE v.-S 117 :: 5 5 .3 :i 2 II .1 Burke J S Ward 250-liiO .3G85 RAPID DAY wit 5 110 2 3 llk ll 21 3s E Pool II McGarvey 5C5-100 r.OSttBhLAGS wn 0 120 5 1 21 21 4l - W W Tlor L Gentry 133-lWl r.r.444JAClv TTARE JR. w U 117 ii 7 5 1 1 Gregory T M Bolts 245C.-1C0 r..3r.82 RICDMON wn.C 112 I 2 :i 4h 5- C II Lunsfd Florisant Stable 1225-100 r.ti32.3TALl.SMAN wi: 4 SO 7 7 7 01 7 7 B Parke A L Kirby 2103-100 Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mile. Dnzie, 7.80 straight, 3.80 place, $.3.40 show; Dodge, .20 place, .00 how: Rapid Day, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Mile. Dazie. 2200 to 100 -straight, .390 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Dodge. 110 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Rapid Day, 8.3 to 100 show. Winner R. f, by Fair Play Toggery, by Rock Sand trained by K. Spence; bred by Mr. August Rel-mont. Went to post at 3:.3S. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MLLE. DAZIE, favored by her light weight, came with a rush after going a half mile and, taking the lead, held DODGE safe through the last eighth. DODGE had to overcome interference and was forced wide on the stretch turn, but came fast and gamely at the end. RAPID DAY set a fast early pace, but tired in the last quarter. FLAGS ran a good half, but quit in the stretch and ran far below his true form. Overweights Redmon, 2 pounds. Et ii SIXTH RACE 3 4Hilei June 7, 1921 1:10 6 110. Purse ,600. 2-year-olds. 0 .4 JLJL O Allowances. ITet yalus to winner ,2Q0; second. 50; third, 50. . Index Horses A WtlPSt M Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt i"G82 1 1 CARPENTER w 109 7 1 lh i: 2 ink n Barrett U H Shannon 270-100 56783 WASHINGTON w 109 3 li 85 fil i- 21 H J Burke H H Hewitt 165-100 .31821 BILLY BRUSH w 1C9 5 3 31 3 21 Si J D Mncy R L Hubble t905-100 508fll.COLLEGE GIRL iv 10G 6 2 21 4S 31 4 J Howard T C McDowell 1780-100 rfi8213YOSHIMI w 100 1 10 10 9U S1 5 E Pool T C Bradley 1540-100 .300 18 LADY ASTOR "w 106 2 9 91 10 71 Cfi E Scobie K Spence CC70-100 .3507 LORD ALLEN w 112 8 7 B1 25" 71 F Smith T J Pendorgnst 1500-100 .3C821 TOM. HAKE JR. w 109 9 5 4 51 C Ss M Garner C W Clark . 2320-100 .30787 3 BIRDIE G. w 10G 4 4 71 91 9 G. Fields J Greenberg t r!948 BOBBED HAIR Avn 10G 10 8 7 810 10 A Collins E R Bradley 1005-100 i Coupled in betting as R. L. Hubble and J. Gr eenborg entry. Time, 24. 48, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid. Carpenter, .40 straight, ..30 place, .00 show; Washington, .10 place, .00 show; R. L. Hubble and J. Greenberg entry. .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Carpenter, 270 to 100 straight, 75 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Washington. 70 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; R. L. Hubble and J. Greenberg entry. 0.3 to 100 sliow. Winner R. g, by Mont dOr II. Catnna, by Galeazzo trained by R. II. Shannon; bred by Mr. George I. Widener. Went to post 4:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and. slow. Won driving; Second and third the same. CARPENTER raced into the lead with a rush and showed the inost speed all the way, but -when him and failed to WASHINGTONS rush. WASHINGTON came near being beaten liorrett eased up see began slowly, but closed a big gap and was running fastest at tlie end. BILLY" BRUSH ran a good race and made a game linish. COLLEGE GIRL ran well and -would have been closer up but for being taken back at the half mile. LORD ALLEN quit after racing up into second place. YOSIIIMI closed a gap. Scratched 57010 Lady Mother, 101; .37Q3S3Dem os, 1QH; QGaSO Jmage, 112. r?f-i -i rT SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. June 20, 19141:50 3105. Purse, 1,500. 3ryear-O 6 -fi- JL olAs and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,150; second, 25; third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt K Str Fin Jockeya Owners Egnlv. Odds Strt .34yLEGAL w .3 108 4 1 4i Sj 21 li 1HE Scobie K Spence 110-100 I rG99.33DIXIE CARROLL, wn 5 113 2 2 2U 23 l2 23 23 B Parke Nugent Bros 1135-100 I .3ff89iNATRAL BRIDGE v 5 113 7 7 5 53 5 SS 3s A Wilson G Knebelkamp 433-100 J ri80 WHIRLING DUN wn 7 115 3 8 7l G1 S 41 41 J D Mney J Lowe 12G3-10O .37039 GIPSY LAD wn 3 107 S G S S 71 G 5i N Barrett R H Shannon 7S5-10O r.i-00IOMER K. wn 3 103 6 5 11 lt 31 51 gi H Gregory J Phillips 1033-100 .3itt9I BLARNEY STONE iv 3 10G 1 3 01 71 C 7 75 H J Burke Reiser Bros 3S30-100 .37M3NONSKID wn 3 103 5 4 3- 4. 41 S S E Anthony A P Foley 5203-1C0 , Time. 24, 483. Irl3, 1:S9, 1:52. Track fast, j mutuels paid. Legal. .20 straight, .90 place, .40 show; Dixie Carroll, .20 place, .40 I sliow; Natural Bridge, .70 show. Equivalent, booking odds Legal, 110 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Dixie Carroll. 2:0 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Natural Bridge, S.3 to 100 show, j Winner P.. h, by Hilarious Responsful, by Meddler trained by K. Spence; bred by Williams 1,1 ".vvut to post at .3:05. At post 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LEGAL was hard ridden all the way, and gaining steadily through the last quarter, raced i:to the lead ami was going away through the last sixteenth. DIXIE CARROLL showed fine speed in ficiug into the lead, hut tired in the stretch drive. NATURAL BRIDGE dropped back on the sttctci. Turn, but came again and finished fast. WHIRLING DUX was going well at the end. OMKR K. Set til, mice t the far turn and quit. j Scratched .3i;4iH!P.iddledcc, 105; .35332 Pasloureau, 10S; .37013 Dolph, 10S. I Overweights 41ipsy Lad, 1 pound.