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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 698 LAT.ONIA. I.ATONIA. Ky.. September 15. Todays training gallops lien; included the following: Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths, Mile. r,92-rantilever 37 C9i;-Kc.vpie ONcil 3.". C.9t-Florida BIoseohi30,S GU5-Luuis A 37 tifll-Grit 37t3 !3-Locust leaves :i7 COS.Hoiior Man ...38. C97-Bed Wingfield 35 Harrv Maxim .37 94-Westwood . ...:!."i 0S7-IIinkle :S7J,f, C91-Zack Terrell ..37 ;91-Image 37 tf. Half Mile. G34-AU Bight Sir ..31 OSr.-Dixie ODay ....".1 ;93-Amer. Legion .49 titl4.Ferguson 4S CSl-American Boy ."1 dUH-G round. Swell .30 092-Aph -31 CSJ-Gipsy Queen ..31 IKiS-Buddie Keau ..50 ttOO.T. C. Stone ...50 192-Bill ami Coo ...47if. !89-Settle 30 034-Bridgelon Maid4S GOti-Tacola 40 S GlJ-Creation 50 Five-Eighths Mile. G9G-American Acel:00 Mooresque ...1:02 GOl-Alberta S. ...1:02 G9G-Peter Piper .1:01 G9.-Brookhoit ...1:01 :7-Paimy l:t G00-Botheration .1:05 093-Whirl 1 :02tf, G!4-Daneiug Sprayl :01,3 G95-Young Adam 1:02 G95-IIocnir 1:05 Thrcs-Quartcrs Mile. Ull-Bet Mosie ...1:15 G!l-Lady Madcap 1:1! G9G-Cot. Blossom. 1:15 G07.Our I.etsy ...1:15 451-CoIonel Baker 1:1S CO.I-Paradcr I:20!i G03-Fair Ihantoml :17 C9:5-Pegasus 1 :1S fi03-Fox Brow ...1:10 Cai-Koekmhiistcr 1:1S GOG-Lou Wi;lr:g..l:lG Ci2-Slr J. ATcrguel:lJ Soven-Eiglithr. Mile. GOG-Mab 1:30 G30Sea Prince ..1:32 One Mile. GOGAdvocatc 1:50 033-Petrareh ...1:15 tKs:i-l.y Golly 1: IS if. 097.Bepeater 1:41 GS7-fapital City 1:10 Cilli-Befiigee II. ..1:12 G95-Ii-. Ba 1:40 097-Sea Court ...1:11 G01-Gourmand ...1:145 G!i3-Shilling l:llii SS-Ia Foudre ...1:50 02S-Sand.v Lad . . 1 : !.". GOi-Melvin 1:18 GOG-Tribnne 1:13 GS7-011ic Palmer 1:15 G92-Wapiti 1:15 Milo and a Quarter. 92.Joiiett 2:0S 1590-Sport. Blood 2:14 Mile and a Half. G94-IIumphrey . .2:10 BELHONT PARK. NBW YO!!K, N. Y., September 15. Todays work-outs over the local courses included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. G34-Bayonne 30 OD.I-Invincible 39 !!0-Good Times ...33 GS!-Tw. Sev. Div...41 Half Mile. G93-l.!aek Rascal .10 57-Mission Bells ..10 C07-Calistoga 10 G93-Marieaibo 50 GOG-Ciniarnm 50 G9G-North Wales ..31 002-Dau Boiling ...10 093.1irate Gold ...49 Kitty M 35 0!G-St. Michael- ...30 GSG Last Straw ...ISVi G97-Simpatica ! Mantava 49 G93-Wishbone 51 Five-Eighths Mile. f.X. Atia Oal i 10 r.-ji i .lit I D?. G9G Bersagllere .1:01 OOS.Our Bear 1:03 jOS-Maimu 1;W goti-St. Lcury ,.,1;01 Thrco-auartcrs Mile. G!G-r.eekna 1:18 GOG-Onus 1:Sl G92-Ieadloek 1;:1! CJG-Swccp By ...1:2 i:!H5-Krewer 1:15 5!!i-Wyiinewood .1:20 0!ti-Little 1atsy .1:23 Seven-Eighths Mile. GW-Beilalrix ...!:;:otf. One Mile. G!7-Couriship ...1:43 090-Kirklevgtou 1:10 i!5-Gcorgie 1:10 G!2-Mad Hatter .l:125 GOl-Knobbie 1:12 rist Straw seems at her best. Calistoga and Simpatica went well together. Knobbie was under restraint. Mad Hatter went fast. Krewer had an easy trial. Good Times showed fine spced Georgie did a splendid work. St. Henry is ready for a good race. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. C9G-Armistice 37 G9G-Graee E 37 G05-Alex. Hamilton. 35 Muesc .;7 G95-Capt. Hershler .3! G!3-No Ijwu 315 G88-Episode 41 G!G-Bolo 3G Half Mile. GOG-Ballotmark ...49JS OSO-Keziah 31 OOG-Glen Bells 52 OOG-Knot Grass ...IS C95-IIorologe 18 G!2-Simple Simon. .30 U01 -Irish Dream ..4S G93-Vuleanize 51 G!G-Joe AVhipple ..52 Five-Eighths Mile. .9.".-Goodliart 1:01 095-leuitciit 3 :02 GOG-Max Gold ...1:03 GOG-Boss B 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. GSS-Bantry 1:25 G95-Kiien Maid ..1:13 GUG-My Flay 1:20 G9G-St. Isidore ..1:21 Alexander Hamiltoji showed good speed. Irish Dream aets and looks good. Knot Grass worked fast. Horologe wcilt well. Max Gold did his trial easily. Penitent was under restraint. Siren Maid seems in good condition. Jly Flay had an easy gallop.