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. w CANADIAN RACING SEASON NEAR END DETROIT, Mich., Sept. 30. At the conclusion of the Kenilworth Park meeting Tuesday, October 12t more thoroughbreds will pass through the United States customs of Detroit than at any other one time in the history of the port. A conservative estimate places the number at 400. The meeting at Kenilworth from Ojtober 5 to 12 winds up the 1921 season of the Canadian Racing As?ociations, and the horses from this country which have been participating in the racing at Dorval, Blue Bonnets, Connaught Park, Woodbine, Hamilton, Fort Erie, Windsor and Kenilworth Park will nearly all be returned to their winter quarters in Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky, or will be shipped to racing ponts in tlie South or Southwest for the usual winter sport. There will be a considerable nnmber of these herses that will be shipped direct from Kenilworth to Havana, Cuba, and others will be routed through to the Tijuana track over the border from southern California. New Orleans will receive her share of the runners for the winter meeting at that point. A large number of the thoroughbreds to be Been under colors at Kenilworth Park next we?.k are owned by Canadians, and most of these will be shipped at the conclusion of the meeting to various stock farms in the Dominion. These include those owned by Mrs. L. A. Livingston, M. Brenner, BrooUdale Stable, Thorncliffe Stable and some of the J. K. L. Ross horses.