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WOODBINE PARK FORM CHART TORONTO, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1921. Woodbine Park 1 mile. Sixth day. Ontario Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy; temperature 70. Steward Representing Canadian Racing Associations, Francis Nelson. Stewards of Meeting, Col. Won. Hendrie, Colin Campbell, Frank J. Bryan and A. E. Dyment. Judges, J. B. Campbell and Col. K. B. Marshall. Starter. Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, W. P. Fraser. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. KyffdR FIRST. RACE 3-4 Mile. Sept. 26, 1914 1:11 6 117. Malton Plate. ,500 Added. tl tVUPUJ All Ages. Maidens. Allowances. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner SI. 043- seo- ond, 30; third, 50; fourth, 0. - Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 5 7 3 70 FLEA w 3 109 2 7 1J 1 P; 1 A Ralston Mrs L A. Livingston .45.100 56059. DORANDO w 2 97 6 4 5 3 2 2 D Fuller J K L Ross G75"-100 57240 TARGET .w 2 94 4 1 4h 4- 5 3l W Huntley Seagram Stable 640-100 57343 BLOOR wn i 109 1 5 2 2 3 4a A Brown J H Doane 940100 56485 LUCKY JOHN W 4 113 3 G 73 d C 5s A Black T Murphy 170-100 56897 3 WILLIAM GILL w 5 113 5 3 3 5. 41 G G Fergus n J W Hammond 1365-100 I Chart Continued on Tentk Patce. WOODBINE FORM CHART CONTINUED FROM THIRD PAGE. j 157283 STINSON wb 3 11? 7 2 710 73 7s J Heenan Maple Leaf Stable 20SO-100 04824 MIKE CARLIN w S 113 S S 8 8 8 8 W Andson J T Wilson 5403-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:18. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Flea, .90 straight, .10 place,. .40 show; Dorando, .25 place, .00 show; Target, .35 show. Equivalent booking odds Flea, 95 to 100 straight, 55 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Dorando, 162j to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Target, C7 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Stanhope II. Flagging Spirit, by Ildrim trained by E. Feakes; bred by Mrs. L. A. Livingston i Went to post at 1:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving.: FLEA set a fast pace and drew away into a long lead, but had to be shaken up at the end to outstay DORANDO. The latter gained steadily in the stretch, but swerved over to the inside in the last sixteenth. TARGET ran well and held the others safe at the end. BLOOR quit. tZ.F7 SECOND RACE 3-4 MUe. Sept. 26, 1914-71:11 117. Fordliam Plate. ,500 3 UD 4 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,0C5; second, 00; " third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt -SiStrFin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds StrH 574C52THE DECISION wb 8 111 19 21 21 11 1 C Lang A Swenke 145-100 -57431 CORMORAN wb 4 107 2 11 31! 3 Z- S Boyle C W Hall 1190-100 574G5 HELEN ATKIN v.B 6 111 4 3 l1 l2 2"k 3h J McTagt J T Buckley 470-100 0,7401 BUGLE MARCH w 5 106 G 10 5h 53 51 4s F Murphy T Riddle f375-100 57275MUSITO w 5 107 3 S 4l 4J 41 51 H Thurber E T Zollicoffer t SJi.21 .TACOBINA w 3 104 7 4 61 6 61 6 A Claver J K L Ross t 572412WAR TANK w 3 92 8 7 8s 9l 72 71 K Parton Seagram Stable t C7283-CHINCOTEAGUE w 3 101 5 5 7s 7and 81! 85 J Dreyer J R Sabine 2035-100 fi7371POKEy B. wn 5 103 9 1 10 10s 9s 91 J Simmons C H Gilroy 935-100 137465 CAST ASHORE w 2 103 11 2 11 11 11 10 R Rar.elli Mrs F A Clark 14400-100 57344 REDLAND . wb 9 107 10 6. 91! 8U101 11 M Buxton C Buxton 1350-100 tMutnel field. Time, 24, 48, 1:15. Track heavy. - mutuels paid, The Decision, .90 straight, .50 place, .S0 show; Cormoran, .75 place, .50 "Bhow; Helen Atkin, .35 show. " Equivalent booking odds The Decision, 145 to 100 straight, 75 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Cormoran, 337 to 100 place, 175 to 100 show; Helen Atkin, 107 to 100 show. Sij Winner B. gf, by Iving James: .Verdict, by Tyrant trained, by A. Swenke; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 2:23. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. THE DECISION followed HELEN ATKIN under slight restraint to the stretch turn, from where he raced into the lead and was going away at the end. CORMORAN finished fast and easily j.passed HELEN ATKIN in hc last eighth. The latter set a fast early pace, but tired and just jnanged to last long enough to outstay BUGLE MARCH. The latter made a fast finish. ;r? -Scratched 55157 Spugs, 99; 57320 Ardito, 107. Overweights Chiucoteague, 5 pounds; War Tank, 3; Cast Ashore, 3. JKFrerOQ THIRD RACE I 1-4 Miles. May 27, 1911 2:04 3 113. Desmond Plate First . .O 4 090 Division. ,500 Added. 4-year-olds arid upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ... .. . ,035; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt A7436 MORMON ELDER wb 5 109 3 7 21 l1 1 1 Is K Thurber E T Zollicoffer 390-100 67251 ALMA B. ws 7 105 7 6 7 7 7 4 22 C Lang G W Atkinson 2055-100 5743CSLAZY LOU wn 7 105 5 3 55 5s 32 2nt an e Pollard W M Cain 215-100 37278 PIEDRA wn 5 105 6 4 3" 32 21 32 48 J Dreyer J Eckert 1345-100 .r7.743RICHARD V. w 4 103 4 5 61 6i C"k 52 5 T Gordon If B Holmes 1133-100 ;C7501 HEMLOCK wn 7 105 1 1 1J 2h 5 C 6 M Buxton J T Buckley 233-100 574 3i MAY ROBERTS w 4 103 2 2 4 4 4J 7 7 S Boyle G A Moore 5375-100 Time, 24, 50, 1:16, 1:435, 2:12. Track heavy. t mutuels paid. Mormon Elder, .80 straight, .80 place, .25 show; Alma 15., 8.60 place, show; Lazy Lou, .70 show. - , Equivalent booking odds Mormon Elder, 390 to 100 straight, 190 to 100 place, 02. to 100 show; ATmaB.SSO to 100 place. 207 to 100 show; Lazy Lou. 35 to 100 show. Winner Blk.. g, by Ogden Kate D., by Cesarion trained by W. A. McKinney; bred by Mr. John E. -Madden. Went to post at 2:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MORMON ELDER took an easy lead on the backstretch and held the nice safe all through the last ilialf mile. ALMA B. was far back to the stretch turn, then closed a gap and finished gamely. LAZY LOU "was crowded by MAY ROBERTS when going to the first turn and was pulled up, then finished fast. ,-HEMLOCK and PIEDRA tired. lKrrKiCk FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Sept. 26, 1914 1:11 6 117. Tatton Plate. ,500 f,4 Jv3J Added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,030; second, S300; third, y 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt B74G4STACY ADAMS wb 111 3 4 21 li l2 131 M Buxton S Lando 100-100 572B1ALVA will 13 31 3 2h 2i A Richcrk J Arthur 2SO-100 437397 ELEMENTAL w 111 2 2 11 22 3 35 A Claver J K L Ross t5"-3-100 67247GRASS TREE w 111 6 1 4 4 4 4 J McTagt E Williams 1375-100 57501 HARMONIOUS w 115 5 6 51 5s 510 510 H Ericksn J K L Ross t CICERONIAN w 113 4 5 6 6 6 6 W Kelsay Seagram Stable 2043-100 tCoupled in betting as J. K. L. Ross entry. Time, 23, 49, 1:15. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Stacy Adams, .00 straight, .75 place, .15 show; Alva, .00 place, .30 show; J. K. L. Ross entry, .35 show. Equivalent booking odds Stacy Adams, 100 to 100 straight, 37. to 100 place, 7 to 100 show; Alva, B0 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; J. K. L. Ross entry, 17 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Golden Maxim Kiva, by Senipronius trained by C. Buxton; bred by Mr. J. Umen-setter. Went to post at 3:26. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. STACY ADAMS moved up rapidly after entering the homestretch and, racing into a long lead, won cased up. ALVA tired after making a threatening challenge at the eighth post. ELEMENTAL set a fast jeandrly pace and made a game finish. Overweights Ciceronian, 2 pounds. tCfTKrTfk FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. May 31. 1906 1:46 4 9Q. Ayrshire Plate. ,500 J 4 9 4 " Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,040; second, "it, f 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. ffiTdex Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57470 STAR REALM w 5 107 6 7 5H 3H 2J 2 11 H B Bwer W Walker 522Q00 57434 BASTILLE wn 3 104 7 5 11 11 1J 1 2 A Claver J K L Ross 555-100 U7,4693INCOG ws 7 102 2 2 2 2J 3 3J 3 H Thurber T E Crist 415-100 07470 COURT FOOL wn 4 104 5 8 8 8 8 5k 42 C Lang W S Murray 993-100 57435KING JOHN wn 0 107 4 4 72 7 75 CI 5nk J McTagt F Musante 990-100 57502 3KINGS CHPION wb 4 116 3 3 4i 4 45 4 6s W Kelsay J MacManus 1065-100 67435 DIOMED w 4 107 1 1 31 5 61 7 7" M Buxton W C Weant 325-100 B7498SFLAGGING SPIRITw 3 101 8 G G! 6 5M 8 J Hunmer Mrs L A Livingston 48S0-10O ". - v . Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:41, 1:49. Track heavy. ItTpT fijutuels paid. Star Bealin, 2.45 straight, .90 place, .95 show; Bastille, .00 place, .60 Show; Incog, .CO show. u V- St Equivalent booking odds Star Realm, 522 to 100 straight, 245 to 100 place, 97 to 100 show; Bastille, 280 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Incog, 80 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Star Shoot Continental, by Yankee trained by W. Walker; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and thrid the 6ame. STAR REALM, racing in close pursuit of BASTILLE, came wide on the turn into the homestretch, but raced into the lead and won drawing clear. BASTILLE set a fast pace and saved ground on all the turns. INCOG raced close up all the way and held on gamely at the finish. COURT FOOL closed an immense gap in the stretch. KINGS CHAMPION and DIOMED quit. FLAGGING SPIRIT reared up when the barrier was sprung. Overweights Incog, 1 pounds. ETryErrT-fl SIXTH RACE 1 l-lG Miles. May 31, 1906 1:46 4 99. Blink Bonny Plate. ,600 -P t3 4 JL Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner ,040; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 575032SWEET BOUQUET w 4 114 3 3 2and 2and 2 2 in w Kelsay Seagram Stable 5721-100 575033HEATH BELL w 3 97 7 4 ll l2 1 1"" 2 K Parton M Brerner 220-100 57433 SALVO w 0 118 4 7 31 3 31 31 32 H B Bwer G M Hendrle 320-100 57433 AZRAEL w 5 114 8 5 8 8 7 51 4li G Walls T Murphy 1135-100 57503JIM PETRIE w 5 102 2 2 71 51 4 42 51 T Brooke F Proctor 1100-100 57175MOUETTE w 4 107 5 6 5 4h 5 6 6J0 R Romelli D Raymond 1405-100 57370CAP.RY ON w 5 111 6 8 6s 71 6t 7 7i A Claver F Mews 1910-100 57503 FLAME w 6 111 1 1 41 6and 8 8 S H Thurber P G Christopher 1540-100 Time, 25, 60, 1:16, 1:43, 1:52. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Sweet Bouquet, 3.45 straight, .45 place, .20 show; Heath Bell, .15 place, .70 show; Salvo, .85 show. Equivalent booking odds Sweet Bouquet, 572 to 100 straight, 172 to 100 place, CO to 100 show; Heath Bell, 107 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Salvo, 42 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Galatine Bouquet, by Kinley Mack trained by W. H. Brlngloe; bred by Mr. Joseph E. Seagram. Went to post at 4:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SWEET BOUQUET raced in close pursuit of HEATH BELL until in the last sixteenth and out-gamed the latter in a close finish. The latter took the lead quickly and, drawing away on the back-stretch, hung on gamely when It came to the final drive. SALVO raced gamely and finished close up. AZRAEL finished fast. ErTKry SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. May 27, 1911 2:04 3 113. Desmond Plate Second tl 4 tl 4 m Division. ,500 Added. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner,000; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57504AUSTRAL wit C 109 7 5 7 6 4 2 1 J McTagt A Swenke 955bo 57504 JOAN OF ARC w 5 109 4 4 4i 4 H 3 21 T Burns F Musante 1515-100 57504 TRICKSTER II. w 5 105 2 7 l1 1 21 Ink 32 H Thurber E T Zollicoffer 475-100 5734C3RHYMER av 7 105 5 6 2 2h 3nt 4: 4h A Claver G W Atkinson 1075-100 57246BUCKHORN II. v 4 105 3 1 52 5 6 5i 5t R Romelli L T Whitehill 4480-100 575042ROUEN w 5 105 6 2 3h 3J 5 6s 610 T Boyle A Brent 835-100 57373 GALLAGHER w 4 105 1 3 61 7 7 7 7 G Corev W S Murray 2090-100 Time, 24, 50, 1:16, 1:44, 2:11. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Austral, .90 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Joan of Arc, .85 place, .83 show; Trickster II., .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Austral, 95 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Joan of Arc, 92 to 100 place, 42 to 100 show; Trickster II.. 65 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Dalhousie Australina, by Montana trained by A. Swenke; bred by Miss M. C. F. Chatterly. Went to post at 5:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third driving. AUSTRAL was badly outpaced in the early running, but moved up gamely when rounding the far turn and raced into a long lead at the end. JOAN OF ARC tired after going to the front at the head of the homestretch. TRICKSTER II. saved ground when entering the homestretch, but tired near the end. RHYMER ran a fairly good race.