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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 827 FAIR GR0TTND3. NFW DRLKANS. I.a.. January S.— Tadayl training gallops h»re included the following: Weather wet; track sloppy— Three-Eighths Mile. sin-Auna Gallup ,.33*a sHt-Philanderer ...33fs S18-Gammer t;urtou41 Sltt-Beeater 33 811-Helen Atkin ...33% MTBagazza 41 S:_Ti-Hambone 83% Sil-The Decision ...:«• 823-Littla Aminie .:19 BSS-Watfa cry ...83% BS3 Miss Finn ....87% Half Mile. Sii-Antieipate 88 8H Raalhll 51 SIS -Raaga Buck ...83 si9-Serapis 33% S1T harline ."iJ Sj.VStook Pin ."iO*: 83S*6aMaa Am umn." J -.:, Five-Eighths Kile. SOO-Bees Wing .1:09 833-Sstya Ball ...1:08 siTi-tlreenland .1:07 SOII-Walespa 1:0« 7S9-Joai]ttina FO.Sr. 82t-Tasaa| Adam. 1:08 S-Jl-Lady Mildred. 1 43% Three-Quarters Mile. S23 Dahinda 18% MO-High Toltagel:212ti 83S-Rttaha l:20"i H-Jo-3. Pennybakerl :18 UTT nkagin 1:16% So]. Our Dear ...l:-.2 S-o-tJenie W 1:19 S23 Woodthrush One Mile. 824-Lucky B 1 :.".."» SL-.-Tom Hare Jr.l:4r»Si 823-Olyathaa t:-" 7 H2:t-Who Cares ..18% 82."i-Bedmon 1 :-" 7 sio-Zone dArmeel.Ll- The track was a sea of mud this morning and no good works were recorded. linger did the heat move of the day. •