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i ! First 1 irs[ start. start. siHO.NJl RACK — ."» 1-2 ilirlonnN. I.-jcar-idds and ii|n.-«ril. t Inlonlaar. Jaae 214, lOlti — ItOS l-T, — :: — us. aOSELLIS. b. m, 8 106 By Jlaj Benson— rourquol Pas, by Iroquois. Trainer, C. Berry. Owner. Thompson A BerrTi. 59744 Tijuana ••: f 1 :"-- ..ra.-:. 16 P ". S 4 i 1*4 1 C Ralls B ri-.. Itinsleadei I.Marphy 59621 Tijuana 51 f l:08*fcfast 21 108 ti 4 4 4 PJC Balls s OrleanH Girl, MrMurpby, Paebta 5958S Tijuana 5-8 l:03%good It 110 f. I I 8*1 4*3 C Balls 7 Ftoh.L.Owen, Uibelia, Teaa Care B9:«7 Tijuana 8-4 1:20 slop 1 115 1 2 I 5" f.j p Martines 7 Gadllng, Br.Harrigaa, OLlaaOi 5!::5I Tijuana 6-8 IHk7%mud 8 IM 1 "1 6 23 :."• P Martinez 7 BUlBead, KllaWaldo, BrowaBea EL SABIO, br. e, 12 108 By Sorcerer— Schalb-. by Barn, Trainer, J. Ee.rn. Owner, J. Kern. 59713 Tijuana 5! f I :"• rast 12 112 ■ 4 2 2- 8*f H B B* war 11 B.L.Owea, Mistake, Q ifTi—M 59S13 Tijuana 5-8 lGlfefast ; 112 I 2 2 If li P Caron 8 Stiletto, Tillotsoo, Draahsai 59590 Tijuana ,"•; f l:10%srood 12 llo 2 1 1 li 1» II B B*wer 8 H.Valley, T.Bkcarklge, PIMsKt E8S38 Tijuana 5-8 l:t8Khvs 19 HO 3 3 4 6* «iP Hum 8 HarryD.. Madaa Byag, Thrtlia DRC DE GUISE, ch. pr. 6 103 By Star Shoot— Miss BraavfUe, by YHnkee. Trainer. Z. E. McGregor. Owner, Z. E. McGreg-or. 9590 Tijuana ; I0%good «-5 lit 1 3 3 3 P B Parke fi KIBabio, [.Valley. T.BearMge E8408 Tijuana 5Afl:13%hvy 7 MS ♦; 2 I 1*1 1 J B Parka 7 Amer.Maid, OurMaid, Cb.Mastec 59139 Tijuana 5j f !.-09%slop 4 111 7 3 2 I* 4* B Parke 8 Ringleader, D. Fashion, K.Snmije 69065 Tijuana 6-8 l:02Kfaet 17-5 UK f 1 1 l!*p B Mnskrld 8 Jack Ledl, Rarlyi -a, Rl Babh E6SS3 Tijuana 5-8 l: 2.,fast 1 MIS 4 11 1*1 1*1 B Parke n Walt.Wkitaker. Vir-.v, tVrf.Day LAD7 BOURBON, ch. m. 5 111 By Matta Sunta— Kclen Pink, by rink Coat. Trainer. J. G. Givens. Owner, R. S. Town«end 59C71 Tijuana I " fast 1 IOS 3 4 1 l» » A Jacobs 12 Black Top, Poad Hope. Joseaia 59608 Tijuana 1-4 1:11 fast -I llo 11 | 3 10- 10- A Jacobs 11 Nepperhan, Cigale, Qniaaai 50246 Tijuana Ei f l:12%slop 7 MO S 2 I 6* «7 C Btuder 8 Mistake, Lavaaa, Our MaM 59103 Tijuana H f IM fast M m E s 8 7*1 3*1 G Arch b til Pewaakee, v. .Booiy, Msh.Ruls 550-10 Tijuana 3-4 l:15%fast 1"5 115 10 10 10 95 S» .: ArchbtlO Wcinland, lea Beach, iadllnf COL. MURPHT, b. g. 5 113 By Theo. Cook— Haive3t Quoan, by Teep oDay. Trainer, J. G. Arvin. Owner, J. G. Arvin. 59744 Tijuana 5 , f l:0s--.fa ? 8 111 i 3 2 2J 43 A Arvin B Rosellis, ! wd Hope. BiagleadeT 69592 Tijuana 51 f 149-%good 17 1L-i 8 8 7 73 7*1 W Orgna 8 BaattoaA., Bit. Fein:..-. MBale 69648 Tijuana 5-8 1:18 hvy 9 112 C ! 3 li ln W Gargan 8 TlUotson, BrmiUna. M.fTaakUa 69261 Tijuana 6-8 i:04Vislop 7 IM I 9 9 9 P;T K Tavior 9 ByFasiiion, Bafferty, Mab.Bn*a 59139 Tijuana 51 f 1.08%alop 14 111 6 4 4 5* 8** A Arvin 8 Ringleader, I Fashion, B. Smoke WALTER WHITAXER, b. g, 7 113 By J. F. Cnrowley— Prithee, by Eiligrana. Trainer. G. W. Crippen. Owner, 3nehe and Frazier. 59772 Tijuana 51 f l:09%fast 5 109 7 5 I ::! 1*1 E Fator 12 EtedMaa. W.C.Dooly, Hoi Foot 59730 Tijuana S-8 l:03%faat 13-M IM I 4 4 4-i 4-i FJ Fator 11 Ella Waldo, laphaaa. UttleJahe 53083 Tijuana 5-8 l:82%fast fi-5 M0 4 2 4 5- .1 Htamer 7 CiielvKay. O.lrimbl". Alaiai. 5S9 3 Tijuana 5-S l:02%fast 20 109 I 1 I 2 8*1 E Noble 11 Due d"Guise. View. PerfectBa* SM08 Tijuana 5-S IM fast 21 114 4 0 6 6" 6» E Donhue 7 Tillotsoa, Bafferty, Murielslnt C00D ENOUGH. *; . g. 6 113 By Harrigan— Sevenfull, by Edinborough. Trainer. A. S. Wilik-ms. Owner. A. S. Williams. 59088 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0i:; ,fa;-t 39 lit 1 3 1 E* I ii Saladin 7 Perch, BlueBelle, Madam Bgag 60M8 Bona ;;. : 1 :0S°.-, 8 113 i| a /e:.-ri"r 8 Clear the Way, Rerefer, M. Smith 4-2 Retio 5-8 l:01*4fast s 114 l! A Zelgler 7 Lantern, Muriels Pet, B. Lucille 49873 Reno 61 f 1:11 slow il-5 113 ll A Zeigler S Kaann, Fraetori.-.n. 60M Pfeaah MIKE DIX0II, br. g. 6 103 By Barnsdale — aBby D.ion, by Sir Dixon. Traiiier, P. Dvyer. Owner, P. Dwyerl. 59690 Tijuana l l:43%fast 50 112 t s 1 I U 7;u C Graea 8 Cigale, Caacioa, Moatana 69586 Tijuana 5-S lHB%good 23 112 7 7 7 7 71" L, Hall 7 Bob.L.Owea, Lobelia. Tom Caro :.W, Tijuana 5-S 1*7 hvy M 114 s 9 S 4 8*1 L Hall 9 W. C. Doolv, Infield. Crispie 69410 Tijuana B-8 l:054f.slop 471 111 i 7 7 7 !*• L Hall T D.Fnshion, . Master, A. Maid 5910". Tijuana El f l:09Vifast 3sf 111 6 9 8 8* ii IV Meehan I S"a Beach, Our Maid, Al Porter McCROAJT. b. p, 6 108 By Moored— Leeaja, by Hastings. Trainer, T. Ryan. Ovner. Smith and William , 59590 Tijuana 11:13-, fast 72 112 I 5 ti 1 s:: S:l R Carter 0 Cigale, Caacioa, Montana 59099 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%fast 2! 117 9 9 8 10- 10 * J Deford 11 Indian Brigade. Chroate, Petlar 69661 Tijuana 3-4 1:23 hvy 59 102 5 5 5 5 5-° P Hurn B L. Romper, W.Smoke, DouDodga 5W07 Tijuana 1 1:51 slop 17 105 2 3 2 1 54 **| P Hura « Dora, Ermitana, Slppsra