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] 1, i » i [ , . I I ! TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MIX.. TUESDAY. JANUARY 24. 1922. — One mile. Fifty-first day. Tijuana Jockey Clob. Winter jteetiag of 12.". or more days. Weather clear: temperature 35 . Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Steward-. .1. W. Cnffroth and Leon Starter. Harry Morrissey. Raciug Secretary. Leon Wing Racing starts at 1:35 p. m. Chicago time "-. p. sa.. Iadicates saareatice sBowaare. erQryry-i FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— 351-— 2— 105. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. t-f «JF 4 4 3. Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second. SIOO: third. S50. Indet Horses AWtPPSt jj .■ g Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiui*~Odd« Strt 1IELACHBLNO wns l l 1« 1«J R Carter J C McKay solon JOBUA .1 W 113 2 1 l, T Murray Tim o Shaner Ktable 2M0-M8 PABEH w IIS 7 31 3»* C Thpson Stobes .t Muir MO-M* "AiSLKV w IIS 4 « ill Btuder M L Allen mo-UKi 30743 d.iK TERP1N w 118 r, t B Taylac AUea 3 Wllkeraea OS8-3M PAT HAMPSON w lis :■, I I : V ii Raladia W Geedloe i:i.0-10o 3B84S NAXCV WINET • US 5 E 7 7 P Marttaei .1 W Patter tCoapled in betting as W. C. Ooodloe and J. W. Fuller entry. Time. 12-5. 24. 36. Track last. .s-2 srataela paid. Melachriao, 83.38 straight. 32.88 place, |2.88 show. Joelis 1 . 88.88 place. *.-.2i shsar: Paher, 84.08 shew. Bqairaleat boekiag odds — Melachria*, 88 to loo straight, to to 108 place, to to kh shew; Jeetta I., :;io to ki place, 103 to 103 show: Paher, K to 188 ussw. W:nner--lt. , by Alheling 1 1, - -Kosi lawn, by Orsini trained Iv 1. II. Trvou: bred by Nevada Stock Farm I Wen! to po-t at 1:37. At post 3 minute-. Start KOOS and stew. Won easily; seesad and third drir ing. MELACHBIXO begin fast treat the inside and. setting a last pace, dree away decisively ill the last eighth. .lOFI.IA J. raced in e!os"st parsail and maiie a gasse linisii. FABKR ran well and finished close no. PAISLEY betas slowly and lost ssaca uionad. but Bnlshed fast. Scratched 58848 Mi-s Chalaace. 113. rrrOrrO SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongr.. June 28. 1916— l:05"i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- 3%Jf 4 4 md olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , " , Str Fin Jockeys Owaers EqniT. Odds Str*t 30710 RED MAN v. h I 148 M I* IJ i" C Thpson R WbHe 8MN "!»."»fi7 w. c. Dcilv s I K a l l 7 :;, j I .1 HaaBMt Blandrr Bra i]"-uhi ".!;."• I HOT FOOT « it :» 102 .".12 12 111 I V T WHaoa W Beechwoed M8-B8 .-.! 73ft WALT. WTAKER w 7 10! 12 7 ."• t v R Fetor Becked Praster 190-Wd 50700 *GRACE TMBLE « BMC 2 8 8 J 8* C 5* E Noble E II Andraas SBB-M* ."i! «7 YORK LASSIE srSiM 1 11 ll* M1 7 •: T Muir.y i- Crysler ll.O-lii 303 II ; » ON wi MS 7 9 1" n J1! 7 -i Majestic i: V Winter I 53028 VELVET a I 182 f |k : i t II Long Palmer t Cs sits I3MO-19I r.!»lt;."» ni.MiTni a ii KB 8 3 8* "■ M S | R Carter r. Orandl I3M-M* ." !•.; I ;:ttv 1:i;k w t 88 S i c :•. :i 18? »; Garrett J J Qainlao l"oa*-ise .-.!f.70 ROBERT LEE « 8 3U 8 M Sill 1- H II Molten J Stadler ESaVMs 5Ifi71 JOSENIA w ■; 142 1! ! " 2 " U P Hum L Williams f S.Mutuel field. Time. 24-;,. 49". 1:C24;. 143%. Track fast. .S2 miitiiels paid. Red Man. held. 810.48 straight. 83.28 place, 32288 show: W c. Dooly, 20 place. 32.86 show: Hot Foot. show. Equivalent booking odds -Bed Man. field. K70 to Kmi straight, 188 Is 108 place, to to loo shew; W. C. Dooly, tut to 108 piece, 38 to 108 shew; Hot Foot. 7u to 108 shew. Winner- Ch. K, Ii- Abe Frank .Vina Caniia. by KaBCOCaS trained by A. White: bred by Mr. J. F. N.-i man I Weal to post at 2 22. Al pes! ." minutes. Start goad and slow. Wen driving sCCOBd and third tb » -am ■. RED MAN took a slight le.ol while rounding the last turn and. tvii-hing gamely under hard riding. iiareiy lasted to win. w c. DOOLY laisued with a rash and would have won in the aext stride HOT iiiiir closed i big rep In ;• fast aaish. VELVET shewed the atest early speed, but was bj trouble as the far turn. Overweights York Lassie, 2 poeads; Behert I .".. KOryiyQ THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191fr— L051 ,—3—118. j Pur m S50fL 3-year -fjtj 4 4 «Lh c.d- r::d upward. Claiminy. Net vaiue to wiaaor S350 : second. 00: third. 0. Index Bowies AWtPPSt : :, Str Fis Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds StT*t 30371 CAREEN wsi7 1M 2 1 21 2= IJ Is E Taylor Hal! A: De Bolt VMandSt " .-.1!S THIRTV SEVEN w 9 MB .". 7 ... -" Thpson LM SchulU I28-3M 58718 QUINAM « 7 181 N S I* ■■[■ 1 Detord C E Matthews W8-1W .-»«;.- CICELY K. m 5 111 I J :■ t 4* t li Saladin n Part on tl-pwi S0880*TOM rwui wa 9 M8 7 8 :• 6-3 ■" :., .1 Hanmer P A Sandidge I8S8-3M 50870*ETHEL wa 7 M7 IM M I* 8 t E Donahue A Msckay 888 fM •,!»i7 I CHROME wa B 168 I ■• I . 7 7- !• Mlley .1 Rainboth 1S1i-10 i .".!?!! Ol P. LEADER 13 113 :; f • I i D Hum il Walters t 30502 R s. ATKIN wa 4 ion it i- i : » T Murray C i: Baker imi-kmi r»U.-itH HATTIE W1LLDO ws 6 MS S . ■• I N l" G Wllarns J A Pai 1140-ttt -: Muti.t I held. Time. 24. 49V5. l:022i. 1:09. Track f act aiataels paid, Careea 343.88 straight, 2.88 place, 312238 show; Thirty Bevea, 34-08 place. .88 shew; Qaiaaai, 34.48 show. Bqaivaleat bookiag odd- Careea. 2138 la 188 stralaht. 548 to 188 place, 518 to 108 show: Thirty Sevea, 103 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Qaiaaai, 128 to 108 sh m. Winner— P. in. by Joe Carey Screeawell Like, by Artillery traiaed by W. II DeBolt; bred bv Messrs. Ward and Hall. Weal to pest at 2:51. At post 7 Sliaates, Btl Ii fOOd and slew. Won easily: seeoad and third dnv ing CABEEN «.is saved bellied Hie leader until turaiag for boase, where she rauhed iato the lead to wia going away. THIRTY SEVEN was hard riddes and did his best. QLINAM closed ■ big gap from a slow beginning CICELT KAY ran well. ROSA ATKIN qait after -citing 1 good pace to the stretch. s. rat. -bed 307343Basy Bird, 103: 33314 Missoula, 107. Overweights Careea, ■, poaads; Rasa Atkia, I; Carosae, I, erQryrT/l FOURTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27. 1921—1:52—5—117. Piire 00. 3-7ear- •3t_F 4 4 ~~3E olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner W50: second. 00: third. 0. I Tuivx ~~if.rses" AWtPPSt Yi _ ■• Str Pin i Owaerti Eauiv. Odds Strt 58711*BALAROSA vTirtnTJ-:f~i T~ I s ; • • ■■■ wjlson H T Palmer ~ l-3-l"i :»:7tl MADRONO Wa IM 8 2 4 4 Jacobs Z Harnett ZTO-MB 30744 SEA BEACH wa 3 113 I 7 :.:. :•- :■■■ : i: Noble .1 WBaen I le-M" 58520*RHYMER w 8 112 l 3 P V ■• "■ . i H M Bwer G W Atkinson H8-K« 30733s •RUNECRAFT wa 7 148 . I "■ 4* 4 and• C Stoder P L .Short I5t-l«i 507S2*MUNTAIN GIRL v it :. 110 ! B 7 7 7 6: B* E Neal W L Schaefer BB-MB 50033I*UNDIXE » ■ I MS ■ S . ■ i J J Hanmer L T Whitehill Jlo-lO-j Time. 25N. 50. 1:135,, 1:13. 1:56s. Track Cast 82 miitueis paid, Balareea, 328.09 straight, 310.08 place. 33.08 shew; Madrono 34.20 place, .38 show: Sea Beach, 34.48 ibow, Bqaivaleat booking odds— Balarosa. 1233 Is 108 stralaht. 400 to 100 place, 150 to loo ibow; Madrono. 110 to 100 place. 0 to iH siiow; Sea Beach, 120 to K 0 show Winner — Br. g. by Olauibala — Moatrosa, by Plaudit trained by Manhv. bred by Mr. Kich.nd I Wilsea. Went to post at 3:20. At iiot 3 minutes, start good and slew. Won easily; secead and third dri ing. BALA WOW A showing sudden improvement aud bigh speed, teak the lead at one. and easily won all the way. MADRONO laisbed gamely and easily outstayed BEA BEA If The lattei Jamped up in tie-air at the start, then worked his way up to forward contention, but tiied in the last sixteenth. RL.Nt CRAFT tjnil badly. Overweights — Mountain Girl, • pounds. CZGkfTltZ FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11-,—3— 110. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and O t_y 4 4 O upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 90: second, 40: third. 0. laden Horses AWtPPSt t % % Str Pia Jockeys Owners Kqiiiv. Odd" Strt , «J488:*BI1.LY LANK WI 4 82 St V 4* 3s 1» C Stutfer TT II Try on B20-1BB 507 IS »• BOBBY ALLEN ws ," bid I 1 ::■ fM 2, S* H P. Bwer Bisbee Stable I!tl0-1H. BOw33**HURON II. m ■ 1 MB 7 J VI VIU . r, WHaaas I A Parson sO-Inp S073OCOCA COLA waa 4 14f ■■ 7 s. I I 4* E Donahue a L Austin TBB MQ B0380*SHEBA m 4 88 3 B Bj " 7 B» .1 Thomas .1 M Cooper SBaVBB 5! 73r ORCHID KING w 7 MB B 3 V, B» 1 Bs» D Ham C B Irwin ! i * -MB 83303 * *COFFIELD w S MB - B 7»" 7 ,: i" 7; A Jacobs North and Rowe M0 M* .707 14 miss MEELJCK « I ss 8 t; - 4 8 P Hum .1 Odell 6MO-3M 30053* LITTLE ROMPER w 4 101 t i B S B B J Hanmer Campbell and Lack :r W-U» Time. 24-i. 48",. 1:15. Track fast. SL niutuels paid. Billy Pane. 812.48 straight. 88.88 place. .40 show: Bobby Allen. 813.88 place. |8 88 shew: Huron il. 83.88 shew. Eqnivaleal booking odds— Billy Laae, S20 I* 108 stn pht, 208 to 100 place. 120 to 103 show: Bobby Allen. .".90 to 100 place. 2:i » to KM shew; Huron IL, 88 to 100 show Winner— B. g, by Refermatiea — Barbara Laae, by General Boh* its trained by L. H. Tryea; bred by Mr. George M. Van Borden. Went to post at 3:52. At post t» mlaates. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BILLV I.ANI:. orwaidly placed frees the start, moved up fast after entering the stretch nnd. standing a hard drive, outstayed BOBBY ALLEN in a close tmi-ii. BOBBY ALLEN was ■ forward con-teader froni Use start and finished resolutely, but tiling HURON II. cat across in front of the others at the start. enaaWg a jam. then showed the most speed, but tired in the last sixteenh. COCA COLA bad a rough race, as did BHEBA and COVTIELD. CQ77bQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1:43V-— 6—122. J Purse 00. «3«_y 4 4 O 3-ysar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. eludes Horses A Wt PPSt , ■_• ■% Str Pin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt .Tr715 AAFIY FULLER w I 10J 1 I i~ ti ■•,_ :■ lu J Hunmer A Lund TKiTpTi 337S5*NASH6TAH w B 107 ii : .v :■", EM •:■ 23 P Hum S Hesseltine 270-100 58711-SHENANDOAH W 0 101 3 G V 7 7 .", :., H B Bwer W Walker b.lO-KMi 30713*GDON RERTS we 8 lit 7 7 tiL ii IJ t; 1 4- c.studer P L Short B88-3M 30054 CAWDOTJR II. wn 8 113 5 4 Z*l V V 1 I1] B Nohta « lrby UO-Km 83000 CIGALE v. 4 MB t :: ::- 8*1 V - %* G wiidins BBsaJer dt Conway UnO-tou r.8. ."l COLONEL MATT wag 8 M8 ! 1 I* h , 7 7 : Futor s Polk lliu-KXi Time. 2423. 49. 1H4-,. L42J,i. 1:47. Track fast. 82 miituiN paid. Mary Puller. 0.00 straight. $.7.4 t plnce. .40 show: Nushotah. $:;. i place, 40 show: Bheaaaaoah, So.oo show. Bqaivaleat booking odds -Mary Fuller. 710 to loo straight, 170 to 100 place, 70 la 1 X show: Nush- etah, st to loo place, 70 to Km show: rtaraaadoah. 133 to tag -how. Winner- Blk. m. by Marclnuout II.— Marie Hyde, by Hand lift trained by C. Kiddle: bred bv Mr. .1. W. Puller. Went to post at 4:1S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: ■aaaBi nnd third thp s.une. MARY KPLLPK moved up steadily after passing the half and. responding gamely to hard riding, forged to the front midway of the stretch, but barely lasted to win. NASHOTAH came around the leader when turning for home and. lini-hing with a great rush, would have won in the next stride. 8HBNAKDOAH closed a 1 U gap in a fast tinisb. GORDON BOBERT8 made up etoiiud. AVALCADOLU II. tire.i ifter raehhj into ■ clear lead. COLONEL matt showed speed. KOrTrTfT SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05—3— 118.1 Purse ffaa. Ov 8 8 8 3-year-oldii, Claiming, Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Indeli Ilorsea AWtPPSt t .. 3t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt [300B5*NAN McKlNNXY wn Pit 7 2 .". 9 l-ill A Jacobs Nortifri; Rowe 920-100 38088 TORSIDA wu iv, | | ei 6J 5- 2- C Studer J Holmes ia-i00 :.»fl8flTR!MPKT CAM, w !l 1 1 _» H 9 "7 D Hum H Fanell IWIIDRVKN. STt RIi;s a m 1 I 4 » 4; ::■ 4, J Huninor M Quinn 699-M9 B97S9 TOM CRAVEN w MB li 7 P •"• 41 E R Harton T G Morris 180-iUO B97B9 HAI. WRIGHT 11 :s 9 I P 71 fi- E Taylor Bronx Stabb- 7969-101 •ANGELA v. i»m; | r V fi Tl ■ Parke Hollywood Stable 500-M9 ; S9499*ROSE ROBERTS w 1M :: :; 7- 7 R-» K-J E N al Dr Lovell 0E9-MB | 59169 EYE BRIGHT v.. 11". | s X, "i 0 V. dargan W Gargan -MB-MB : Time. 24. 49. LOS3,. 1:09. Track fas;. |_ muttiels |pail. Nan MiKinuiv. 9 10 straight. . SO place. .00 show: Mil, 00 phftea, S- 80 ; thaw; Trumpet c«|l, .89 how. i: |iiiv;il.nt b00K7_R odds-Nan M Kinney. *_0 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. 130 to 100 lb— j l..i nla. 100 to 100 lilacs. o to ICO show: Trumpet all. 19ft to 100 show. Winner — Ch. f. by I,eonid — Kate Dorman. by Modrod trained by K. Rowe: bred by Mi. Charles B. Daniels. Went to paat at 4:10. At past 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; seeond and third the s;ime. NAN McKINXBY moved U| fast after rounding the far turn and. hiking the lead with a rush after entering the streteh. had to be hard ridden to withstand the challenge of TOBSIDA. The latter tt_- in repeated trouble, but when tear el.s.-d up with a great rush and was best. TRUMPET CALL -bowed a good order of speed and tiaished cmelv. EVENING STORIES Bad TOM CRAVEN did their best. ANGELA tired after aettiag a goad pace to the streteh. IK. -i weight- -Nan MeKinney. 3 pounds; Hal Wright. J: Bo-.- Robert*. 4; Eye Bright. 4. QTTft EIGHTH RACE— 5-S Mile. fMay 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and vr*J 4 4Q upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S350: second. S100: third. 0. Index Horses AWt PPSt *j ,-;~"7stlrFi7i Jockeys OwnTs ggttJT. Odds Strt 99714 SHIFTY w t 10S s 2 3 21 21 1" C Thtiaou A B Stokea 710-100 99839 » * HAZEL DALE w 9 103 7 : l» 1 1 . Q ; WUanu J A Parson 170-100 59 71 •■•HAMILTON A. w 7 lit 1 1 Ik 41 31 r-i J Hunmrr H T Palmer 330-108 I 59735 "KATH. RNKIN w b 111 I I 7- fi; r, , 4 C Stud, r B Emrie 900-100 B9834**HARRY U. wa 8 MO P 7» 7» 51 B Par!,.- C E Groves 410-1-m | .". :09ft1 *i::E .MILLS at 7 K s 2 1 .V a- 01 B*l E Noble S J Kelly 2109-109 KPttHC. A. COM KEY m 7 123 • S I BJ 4* " P Marline? C B Irwin I3-0-K9 .■ 9. 31*REii:.V ws ". 102 :: 7 S S S S T Wilson Strite and Valentine 79S1-1A0 Time. 24. 48 ,. 1:01 S- Track fast. Kl mutuds paid. Shifty. 7.10 straight. ?.~.S,0 place, . Ml show; Hazel Dale. S3. 40 place. . SO show. Hamilton A. S.I.LO show. Equivalent b.iokinR odds— Shifty. 770 to 100 sBaiirht. 190 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show: Hazel Dab-. 70 to 100 place. 40 to 100 shew: Hamilton A.. CO to 100 show. Winner — Br. f. by Honeywood — Thrifty, by Ogden trained by A. B. Stokes; bred by Nevada Stock Farm . Went to peal at ." :0." . A; post 3 minutes. Start good and s|.,-.v. Woa drivinc: second anil third th" s.ime. sii!!"!Y raced in doae atteadaace on BASEL BALI aad. raaBeaaiiag her after turning for hoiae, got up to win in the taat few strides because best ridden. HAZBE BALI Ml a fast pace and Inag on gamely when chaUeaged. HAMILTON A. w;-s ftjai fast at the end. C. A. COMISKET showed apeed, but tired. S. rat. hed -40887 haiinant. 104.