untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-26


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! I j j j j I ALL fVIISSOURIANS— -DOUBTERS— -SKEPTICS— LOSERS ! ! ! Wiite Today for Complete Prospeotus of BssBmaBonamnmsmmmmi WOXDERFTJXLY I NOT A f»"mammmmmmBtmm ZSS The Miracle System "ESS" WONDERETJX I ", INVESTMEMT aaaaayaaJ FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED fc.., m mm m Our CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL, containing 28 pj gea of valuable turf data, vitally important racing pointer-, teathuonial*. swora results and Btattetkii, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the beat known "Systems" published, will be sent yon ah-olntely without charge or oblbratiaa. Pasta bt are ignored. YOI CAB MAKE i:I.KV WBBK A W/IlfMIHC WEEK with the stune amaiiace as you wouM aegotiate a certihed check! the Sy-tem is u..i a list of horses lo follow, no "double up" or 8rst, •• ■ -ond er third choiee BlBBl.E. Hundreds . . f preaperoaa, -atisned 1 iients. located from COaat to coast, have testified to the unvarying consistency of this PerceatagC Win- mat Supreme. We ever stand pn -par--d to --iibiiiit a ollectiou «.f these flattering endorsesaeats in arhjjsa] form, with the envelope attached showiag post-mark and cancelled stamp. This bsdisputable tTidence is a hundredfold mote CSUYiacing than iir Call-gage "ad."* We are waitin? for you to Check M up. If jou appreciate th - true meaning ..f the word N-O-W. you will soon spell It the other way mound. W-O-N ! Liberal terms. eeatJngeal upon resattaat earnings. If the system .toes n«t win consistently aid fulfill evry ilaim. .vol owe us nothing. Sv% M. P. WALTER and CO., *S3SSgf CANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. F. ARTHUR. Public Relatlona Mgrr. PRIVATE LOCK BOX 40F - - - - - TOWSON, MD. I j ! J. F. fck LUCKY" BALDWIN Nothing sent out Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday. How much longer are you going to waste your hard earned money and your time on these fly-by-night tipping institutions, etc., before you subscribe to anyone elses information ? Why not investigate them and see who you are going to do business with? Be sure before subscribing that you are doing business with a responsible party. Others come and others go. The reason they go is because they cannot produce winning information. Therefore I say do business with a man of proven ability, one who can and is always ready to see you and show you and prove to you his honesty, and who can show the highest bank and business references. Keeping promises, doing as I agree, playing the game in perfect fairness, and above all being honest has made Lucky Baldwin the envy of turfdom. Winning on a straight flat basis is the crucible test of racing. I am a positive winner on a straight flat bet basis. If you are absolutely reliable and in a position to make at least five straight flat bets dont hesitate. Rush your correct address at once. My specials are at Tijuana. Havana. New Orleans. Attention: Clients who failed to remit on Saturdays winner will be crossed of list and may not participate in future information. Pikers, welchers. etc., dont apply. My terms: Send me by wire, after you collect yours, the winnings of a 0 straight play. Any time special loses deduct what you lose playing for me from successive winnings. I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. CHIEF OBSERVERS WEEKLY 35 CENTS PER COPY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FREE CODE: Fair Grounds-Michigan-Sixteen-Twelve-Six. 332 Plymouth Court :: Chicago. Illinois , J SUBSCRIBE FOB BAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING 00. 641 PLYMOUTH COURT ,. aHTCAGO. TJX. 167-188 East Stand 8TBJEET, YEW YORK. B. T-74 EXCHANGE 8TBEET tl BUFFALO, V, Y, Yesterdays BEST BET RAN SECOND. This Makes SIX WINNERS OUT OF THE LAST TEN on our BEST BETS Remember, we absolutely only give TWO HORSES EACH DAY DONT FAIL TO GET TODAYS 50 cents— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50 cents MAILED RIRECT 1 WEEK. ; 2 WEEKS, . NATIONAL 0. K. FUB. CO. 411 Baltimore Bid*. Chicago. HI. JACK FIELD "THE MAN THAT CAN MAKE YOU WIN." ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY. :-: PRICE SI "I TOLD YOU SO." Yesterdays 0 "FREE" SPECIAL WON AGAIN. Our other 0 FREE SPECIAL was Saturday: NEDDAM 2 i-l WON Makes our last two 0 "FREE" Specials WON and our followers cleaned up big. TODAY ANOTHER WINNER. RUSH to any newsstand and get JACK FIELDS Special and win a big bet today. JACK FIELD sold everywhere. daily. UNITED VERDE 7-5 WON and a loser were last Saturdays XX SPECIALS. This makes. 6 WINNERS and 1 SECOND OUT OF LAST 8 Dont miss NEXT SATURDAYS TWO LIVE ONES ALL THEY COST IS 82. MISS CRESTWOOD 3-1 WON was yesterdays Free Form Special. Todays Form Special: Ootober-Pare-22-21-25-41. THE STANDARD TURK GUIDE. 408. 88 W. auinoy St. Ohioage, XJU - ■ I1 5? VOLUME n. of ANNUAL BA0TNG FORK FOB 1881 IS NOW ON SALE DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 167-168 Bast 82nd STREET, NEW YORE, B. Y, 74 EXCHANGE STREET it BUFFALO. V. T.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922012601/drf1922012601_8_5
Local Identifier: drf1922012601_8_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800