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DISASTROUS FOR FAVORITES - Hotly Backed Ones at New • Orleans Prove Deluders. «. Cimarron Shows Her True Form at Last — Wads worths Last Beats Scotch Verdict. » i NEW ORLEANS. La., January 2-".. — Cold, rati mid mud were a diaahacfc m the raciag this afternoon. :iinl mpavriMe far :i diaaiaiahed atteadaarc at ill.- Fair irounos. None bat the deep dyed regulars braved the inclement condition* to he M hand. The piogram waa depleted on MNUt of ■dieiaa track condition*, hat the eoateataata wore af the pronounced mud running variety and battel ■pari than was expe* tin was the rule. Kercral favorite* were efftadrra during the after- ; noon and their failare real the baeken bearily. There were ather r bairn also te po down, bat in ■ most case* their defeats did aat wait in any » I tensive profits for the layers. Hie worst dliappelataw al of the ■fteraeaa mine ■ with the running af the leauth race, in which Wa.- ! piti loiind ezteaatre mppatt at odds -on and fin- lathed ■ whipper-in to the five that made the race. I Wapiti was a follower from the ■tart and ran poorly in the Koine. The winner here turned tip in rimarroii. showing her true form for the first time at this meeting and also a distinct ability to mn well in the slushy going. She led through- ■ out by ■ good margin, with Rep follow ms; bet closest Irom the start. Another jolt that the pnhlie received came in the -ixth race in whi-ti Reatrh Verdict ruled aa ••«!-whelming favorite over w. d*wor;hs Last and »ld Faithful. Scotch Verdict flHtieied hy maintaining ■ good lead for three-nunrters. hut when Rarke called on the t;oode representative i he reteeas passed the leader with ■ raaa and the final eighth found him loafing along at a leisurely aii re hold Scotch Verdict safe Anita Hampton scored a lucky victory in the opening race and it was vastly aided b] the vigor-.11* rule that Fyke gave her. Had :lic *aaae kind of riding beea »• corded to William ?7esdard*a Dearie. ■ha would have beea aa easy rietar. Mark was expected at I.ila Time, hut Burke* actios in taking her tip at I he tart for no apparni reaaaa, and iti-*nh*equcnt guiding her t.. the aatei rail, eliminated i her fom all contention. The fifth race brought with n aaather disappointment. Eternity was the favored oae here. with Komeo the one regarded as aaast likely in take his mea*uro. Eternity* backern were in high glee when that racer had a good had arbea appraaehiag the stretch turn, but it was mined to aaatei nation when he baited to the outside feme. Flnzoy, an outsider, took ap the running where Rtetalt] left off and won from Madge P., whi.-h heat Reaaee by a nose for second place. Reaaee was given a poor ride and taken all over tin track. EASY FOR HELLO PARDNER. Hello larduer in the riaateaj raee sever gave his backers much ion em for he took the lead al tare and increased hia sdvaatage with ever] stride, win mug as hi* rider pleased from Irea Ray and Homeward Bound. The erratic Miss Cn-siwood finally earned a purse for her now owner when she led a poor band home in the second race. Ktioi Brass surprised in I he third raee by running freely in the going and winning in a dose finish with Cap Kock aud Fallot Mark. Jockey arii. II. formerly trainer far the W. R. foe Stable, wa* an arrival today from New York. He will train the .1. F. Na*h horses at the Fair Greaads while the lattev i* im npmllai from a evere spell ..f illne** The Olhraa* stable today purchased Better Fuck. Duster anil Iinkie from Albert Simons The latter vyill continue to train them. Trainer Kay Spence will leave ringer, owned hy Cat. W. F. Appiegale. here when he ship* the rest of his horses North. John C. Ferries will train the Applegate horses and take them back lo the Falls City at the end of the heal meeting. Promenade was badly kicked while at the post in the second race today. She wa* bleeding profusely when pulled up and the injury may throw her out of commission for a while. Fady Venuie. which was withdrawn from the two-year old race today because of the muddy track, is the first of tbe progeny of Colonel Venuie to be 1 ii light to the race*. Her dam i* Pp-scnt atiou. Colonel Venuie. which raced with much success tor Jcf-fei sou Livingston, is *tanding at Rome Reepess farm at Erlander. Ky. He was a oi oi.ounced mud runner and a high-cla*s raee barse. He will have a consideiable representation aa Kentucky. New York J»nd Canadian tracks uevt spring and summer.