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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART HEW ORLEANS. LA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25. Ill Pall .rounds il mile. Twenty-first day. Baataeaa Meai Raciag AaaaciaUaa. Wlater Meetine of ."• days. Weather wet; temperature 50 . Steward, i:. Smith. M. Mn.failan. A. . MCfele and I.. M. Holmes. .Indies. J. B. CajapbCU and .1. eph McLeaaMB. Starter, A. B. Bade. Raciaaj Secretary. laaeph McLeaaaa. Baring start- at 2:15 p. in. Chlcaca time 2:13 p. m.. •Indicates apiuentue allownm •. tCi7f7Q FIRST RACE— 3-8 Kile. Jan. 19. 1E22— C4 •• — 2— 114. Purse SI. 000. 2-yar-olds. Oitf 4 4 *J Maiden-;. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index ~ll i i AW1 i-rst •■ | "■_" ",~str li"n~" Jockey* __Owaerg o"""h~;~I s~~ R94I50-ANITA HAMPTON a 14 S 1 I] P B Lyke Winfrey Bros 8-5 10-518-57-5 7-M 990170 DEARIE v. 113 •; » 2" :; 1, Morris V Woodard 1 7 " ."■ t-6 64fTSt*DELCStVE v ill li "• .". P A Wilson li T Griffin C s IS-57-5 7-M .■ !«:: ATHLETE • li: 7 . ::; 4 .1 Botwell A Anbacaon s 10 10 l : ."".9751 STONE AGE a IN " t I ." • G Walls .T II Loachheim 20 25 X I 1 Mill HIGH TEA 113 N 7 ■ H T Parr*tanJ J Murphy IS 20 28 8 I 596.".« KITAN w 113 9 8 7J 71 G W CTrolli .1 Lavin M M 98 1J 8 S0050 LADY MONMOUTH a 113 I . Ml Poneo c a AaaOegate 10 1". 1", I ." 9fl76 MARGARET LTTA v. 113 I03 V M Boxtoa .1 A foburn 10 10 t; - H-.". ."•9G." 6*PATB ILMAN ■ 1". I 18 91 M* i. :• obi- Uoatfort Jonea t M N 4 2 SSC3JJ LILAC TIME i 113 I :i 11 11 :i .1 BarkeWaldack Stable 19 It I] 8-5 4-5 Time, ?4 .. 33-,. Traolt middy. Wiaaer— Cb. f. by HIUbaaiptoB- -Aaita, by Voorbeea trained by *•. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. J. K. L. Baaal. Went to pi -l at _:1".. At po-t 1 minute. Start pood and slow Won driviaf; aeeoad and third the s.ime. ANITA HAMPTON befaa well and. under vigorous riding, s.-t tbe pace all tbe way and oatotayt I DEARIE la tbe rbwias atrldea. DEARIK raced ia claaeKt parsnll and Bnisbed gamely, bat began tiring rear the end. DELUSIVE bad la ctoae a big gap in the buil eiffbta and hnished gamely. ATHLETE and STONK AGE tiid. but lailbfd ctoae up. LILAC TIME was taken up sharply a; the start without any ■ppareal reaaaa. Bcratebed— SS333 Lady Bretteabaai, 113: r,!ii;7i; Lady Bosa, 113; 50670 Blae Bird. 113; Lady Veaaie 113: Dreaa Pp. 113. Oiet aeightu — Aaita Hampton. 1.;. paaada; Athlete. i. OTfiH SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Teb. 9. 1918— 1:11 ; — and— 11G. Purso S1.C00. 3-ycar-olds. OJj 4 O" Claiming-. _ Net value to wir.ncr 00; second, 00: third. 00. tnd.-"— Haraea AWtPPSt1, : ■, BtrFia Jocbeya OwaTia Tl r i a" 0M7S MISS CRBSTWOOD w 108 2 3 U lJ Is 1» G W CroltA J bTi J :; 11-:,; ~ 5PBP0* DOLLY VARDEN wa l-i; 10 S 33 21 2» 2 K Scobie i! " Mvraan ! s s :; 9-5 50S497 BULLS LUCK am 105 I 6 :•: . I- 3« C Lang .1 1 Wilson 29 38 I 3 8-5 BS0JM BVKR BOLD m IN I I P 4 .V lJ A Wilson K Hankina 12 15 H I 2 :o«78 CORNSTALK am IN 9 11 I •l--- : Walla .1 II Loacbbeba 3 «; f. 23 »;-". :.9«K1 BARK am IN 7 I .I::- :; 9" .1 D MneyF K Hopklna 3 .". -1 8-5 4-5 BM77*MIDNIGHT STIES unl v". 11 9 7 lJ 7 7. ; BrenincJ W Mtarphy 29 39 39 12 8 SM74*IT am NO :: H :•-; S1 8$ s..k M HarsonW I Millard 30 58 38 12 8 ."9595 PROMENADE a H5 1 1 8 ."_ 0 9* .1 Wallace K .1 Craarford 5 i 4] 8-5 4-5 CS4tS7*BERRINGTON ara N8 ■ I" 10= 1"- W !•. .1 Merimee !" W Btaton ■■ 40 48 1". S r.9;;i;; NIG v. l«7 1 2 li 11 ll U R RanelliJ l! Baker - N :• i N •• Time, M%, /".3,.i. 1:18. Track muddy. Wtoaer- Bib -. by Die*, bj Ueratbi trained by il. Sea teter; bred by Mr. P. D Weir I OTeal to p.. i a 2:41. At i«.-t :. aiiaatec Start good ami doa w«a driviac; aeeoad and third the HISS RBSTWOOB, tarared by II.- going and away fast, snowed tie- b»ohI apeed all tie- iray, hut had ,•• be riddea hard Ibroucb the l.i t eighth to keep in advance of DOLLY ITARDKN. Tbe hitter raced praattoeatly fraaa tie atari and ... gaining at t:,.- mil. BILLM LI i K ran a g K d rare and was paiag ! : *• t r ;!i :■ tl..- « int. ETKR HOLD raced gamely. DARE tired badl] m tin- atreteh. PROMENADE ran i rly. CORN8TALK begaa tdoa . BrratHied SOOMIDeep Binker, 113: :.:".".i Mabel A.. Hi.".; 59081 Badja, 108; 50031 Happy Baxtoa, 105; BOOK Fedora, ItW. Dieiwelgbta It. .". paaada; Nig. -. rTQrQ-d THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Fch. 9. 1918— 1:11 ,—6— 116. Geminolo Kandkan. S1.0C0 f3«_F 4 O J Added. ;;-vear-oIri_. Ne vnlue to winner 00: second. 42; third. 28. lade* Hoi AWtPPSI , , Btr ria Jocbeya Dwaei O H C P--- ftt4S7»::KNOT ilRASS wa 111 0 2 1! Is 1 1* R Pom M R Pooa 0 C | 5971K CAP ROCK • I . 1 ■ V V 22 B Scobie Montfort Jonea •• 12 1 1 A90MBALI/rr MARK * ll" • •"■ 1 1 •"• :.■ E Pool J L Holland 3 41 11 6-5 1-2 rOM13COSTIGAN ara 108 2 8 ." ■ 1 4* .1 D MneyW Daniel 7-5 2 9-5 7-101 .-.050:. MIRIAM COOPER v N5 11 ! 2r 2 :. • C l..u - Shea Stable 2 1 I! 54-5 2-5 ." 8«fi-J TIMBREL wa MO 3 1 6 8 I 8 ; W C roll. I F Rtehardaoa :■ 28 29 7 :; Tirae. 24. 49 H, 1:16. Track muddy. Winner— P.. c. bj Short Craai -Geaftewaanaa, by Baia trained by . N. Freeaaaa; bred by short Grasi S4ad. Weal to p.- at 3:0 Al pi t S aiiaali n start had and atow. W»n drlaiac; aEcaad and third tie-s .mi". KNOT BRASS, howing the ni..-i speed, raced lata a good lead at on. e. bat begaa tiring in the last eighth and had to be riddea hard from dear tbe end. CAP BOCK ran a goad race and was going U t at the en. I. BALLOT MARK began slowly, but closed an immease gap aad was going faateat at the cud. costh. AN waa away poorly. MIRIAM COOPER nuit baity. Reratcbed . :. t:.o.".Omnip..tent. 112; 30040Caaaic Saag, 110; 5B038*BriUiaat Ray. lO.L 50473 Fly Ball. 107: :.w;.v:, Deaaattte. MB. Ovei weight-- -Timbrel. 3 pounds: Ceatigaa, -. 079 FOTIRIH RACE— 1 1-1G Milec. Ecb. 13. 1915— 1:444;— 3— 104. Cotton Exchange Purre. Ot-7 4l O ana l.OOO Added. 4-vear-oldr. Allowancer. Net value to winner S700: second. S220: I third, 14, "liiibx Home* AWt PPSt , ■_■ ■-. Str Tin -loi keys Owners O II 0 I* S~ aSttd CIMARRON wa M l i T i- - i- r- c Lang J S Haya • I 8 21 4-5 00701* REP v.B 10P -i 2 - : :,; " .1 Zoeibr Marshall Bros gj :; 12-53-5 1-4 ."»9700PiMLico v. 112 5 •". . 1 Is V :" Il Kma: i: L Loubut r. t; | 7-ia BS7SI*BALANCE WHEEL W M4 I 4- 3« • 4* A Wilson B Trotter 10 15 15 5 9-8 i 50000 WAPITI W 103 3 3 4» a E 5 :. E Scobi- M and .1 LVnsleinl 1 4-0 1-4 out Time. 25. 49-.;. 1:16. 1:40%, 1:50%. Track muddy. Winner — Cu. f. by His Majesty— Boya! Martyr, by Oeldca Maxha trained by .T. S. Haya; bled by Mi. Gifford A. ocbraa. Weal t" poat al 3::;4. At peal l aUaate. start good and Blow. Won easily, tecoad and third : driahag. CIMARRON, racing in improved fonn. raced into a go«.d lead at ooce aad eaaUj waa all the way. REP raced la closest pursuit all the way and tiaished gamely. PIMI.ICO ran a bad race in laipailawa with bis last previous one. BALANCE WHEEL had no aUahapo, WAPITI dropped back ;.: aace and seemingly was handicapped by the going. Scratched— 50701 Mecaanb-. 91. Orel weights — iimlbo. .*; pounds; Rep. 41-: B.-ilance Wheel. 1. : OTfiQ EIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14, 1908— 1:51*5— 3— 122. ,000 Added. 4-year-OiTJ 4 OO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S700: second. J.263; third. 42. Iik1 Horses AWtPPSt % .• Str Yin Jockeys Owners O H C V S . 5963.T » Fi AIZE Y w 6 105 5 I 4- :;J 2* U 1- E Scobie McGey and Lewis 8 l. 12 1 bT 59657 *MADGE P a it tt 1011 2 3 - - c -•• l A Wilson W D Millard 2| 4 lS-r.l 1-:; S070S*ROMEO wb C 11- 4 5 i i •"■ "".1 Wallace H Fallehy 3 :: 11-53-5 1-4 59598-i;Ni:ORTL"R w 0 ON i - " 4s 43 t« 4 ci BrenbtgG M laaoarle s U u 4 8-5 59699* ETERNITY wa 4 U0 1 * !; Ill1 E 5 G Lang W H Cooper G-0 S-5 7-5 2-5 1-5 Time. 25Vi. al. 1:18. l:4a35. 2:01 %. Track muddy. Winner — eh. m. by Pa:;- Play — Btaaapa, by Wadswoith trained by R. McCarvry: bled by Maaara. B. and II. Oata. Wen; to post at .".:59. At paat S minute.-. Start good and slow. Won e.-sily; second and third the ■ .riving. PLP7.PY raced into the bad with a rash when ETERNITY bolted and held the race agfe tni-oiigli the itietih. HAB6E ". raced gamely, but was tiring badly at the end. ROMKO was given a ! weak ride Bad taken ;:ll arer the track, but finished With a rush and would have been second 111 another sliidv ETERNITY was well iii the lead when he bolted on the last turn. Bcratebed 50798 Midnight .Sun. 113: B04t7*Wraaroi ana, loo: 59."9S Lady Lillian. 105. Bit! waaghta — Madge P.. 1% pounds. ■T Q7C/I SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14. 1008— l:51«i— 3— 122. ,000 Added7~4Tycar-OalF 0 Ot: olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 05; third, 70. bate! Horses AWtPPSt jjj _■ 1 Str Pin Jockeys Owners O H C, P S~ .-.9661 i TWAlTs-TH S LAST w 10 HI J 2 V* - li li l3 H J Burke.i M Goode s-f. j :!-: 1-:, out 59511 -SfOTCH VDICT WB 6 10."; 3 1 !; 1U 2- -.,:" i - A AVilson A Allegro 3-513-2013-201-Sout 59755*OLD FAITHFLL w 4 10:; 1 :; 3 :: :l 3 3 li BreningD McDermid tl 12 10 3-5 out Time. 25. 50- Lli. 1:451s. 2:00. Track muddy. Winner— Blk. g. by Wadsworth — Aprils Ijidy. by Linden trained by J. M. Goode: bred by Mrs. F. E. Driver. Went ot post at 4:"J_. At post L minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third 1 driving. V. A B-S WORTHS LAST, helped by the going and well ridden, raced past SCOTCH VERDICT with ease after going three-nuarters and won in a canter. SCOTCH VERDICT showed the most eurly ;i eed, but tired when challenged. OLD PAITHKPL was always fur back. Scratched— 59662 Barry Shannon. 107; 58939 Walnut Hall. 107: 59661 -Ac", TOO: 59661 Roval Duck, 107: 69641 Court View, 107. Overweights — Scotch Verdict, || pounds; Wadswortlis Last, 2. ; | : ; fTQfQer SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-10 OTiles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44*;,— 3— 101. Purse ,000. 4-year-llO 4 Ot3 old:, and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index HoiVcs AW FBI* St i ~: 7 W f F i ~ SctSya Owners 6 H t~P S 00701 *HlJT.. PARDNER w i 11~7 :: 1 1* l«- l*" l,a f Lang "ITbVnliani 1 «3~1 l-i lT S07SX*IRON BOY w 6 107 6 S I* :: l- 2* 2t j Wallace 1 V Burdette 10 12 10 4 2 09S8t*H*WARO BOUND w 7 100 8 7 i fib • ■ rh 1; Anthony K J Douglass iz 10 IS 5 :j 590C1 TULSA wr .". M7 : 1 4" P. 4- 4 4° A Wilson H Neutteter 8-5 2* 11-04-5 L-5 S0702* FLEER am 0 Ml 2 4 Xf 8| • •"• Baa G BreningE .1 Hetferman 10 li 10 4 I ."9373 BOS?: OF PIC"DY w 4 01 1 2 .".. "- !■ I15 »." .1 Merimee M tiabriel 50 GO fiO .-O II B0752* LEGACY w 1 194 ". .". ."I 7" 7"1 7" 7| E Scobie C H Walker I 12 I 3 8-5 59579*PAl LA V. wii 7 MS 46S88S8JD MnevA Flnley 15 ■ R 6 I Time. 25, 431:. 1:16. 1:44";,. 1:51. Track muddy. Winner B. g. by Marajax — Mi Wee Dear, by Lara Wisely trained by V. Livingston; bred by Mr. Richard T. WUaoa. Went t.. past ;;t 1:44. At paat 1 miiiuf... Start good and slow. Won easiv; second and third driving. HELLO PARDNER. inui-h the best, .spreade.igb-d the ott-.ers and v "ii as his rider pleaded. IRON" BOY BMVCd u fa-t atte* going a half mi! and BMde .1 game ti:ii-!i. HOMEWARD BOUND came with ti rnak right at H d. TULSA had no aaiahapa. Bcratebed — 50708 Pie, 100: BOOBS John Arbor. 10K: SOOSS Qaito. 105: B00SS Current Events. 113; 50t;;s Lively. 110: 56190 Captain Tom. 100: 00787 Sun Myth. 100; BMW Pa vder River. 09. Ov.-i weights — Rose of Picardy. 1 jionnd: Paula V.. 1.