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NO RELIEF AT NEW ORLEANS |. Adverse Weather and Track Con- • ditions Still Continue. ♦ Fine Attendance Turns Out Anyhow — Manoevre, Suited by the Going, Wins Easy Victory. NEW ORLEANS. La., January -,- -Todays racing l«-f r little in enthuse nvn- and prodaced many upsets as :i re-nit of the ride;-, in aa effort to *eek the better path-, guiding their laoeat* ail one i the course. Form aataralljr wa* at ■ dixconal pad* •;■ , i In— ■taait ■. favorite* going down t i re-peeted daftal except in the raae of Uaaoera. The meat outstanding featen of the afteraeoa was tlip «*a-prialagty lance atteadaare that Joeraeyed to the track in -pile af the aaproaaiaiag eoaditioaa. Then was slight hapioTcaacBl ia the weather, r.iin having leaned :it aa early boar. bat the track wa* ia the aarst condition that it baa beea thi* winter, Considering tin advene going the offeriag wa* ;i fairly good one. with .i .9Bt pane over the aitle route aereiag .is the featen. The Biverdale HtableV Mgaeero was the aiaaer ben after having led for the eatire distance aad showing taperb aiad running ability. Early aapporl far bin wa* deaaltorjr, bii* whea the odd- bad drifted ta two to oae then aa* laattettcd backing for bba whieh redaced the offer. inn *t really aad h - wa- --till aiarh la a anad ahea ilie field aaa at the i* st. McCoy aeat biaa iata lie lead vvi : li ■ rnsli and. fallowed by Dake .I«.lm. the ..rder of iwaaiaf aever ehaaged excepting that , Blarney stone dropped into third place whea ■ *ii t.-i liIi from the finish and be had that parti OO of the pane fi:ni!y Reran until Tool began easing him up and it allowed N-ddani to got ap in the final Miide far the ihorter partioa of the pane. A .tear .in v.- ami a foal start eaahled Uarjorie Wood i" race in her i -m atjrh aad -i • ncored aa •way triaaaph over the t her tarn year-old* that went t » the peat hi the fhrat nee. Then waa consider able activity ahoat IllaaJoaial ia the race, bat she never danger**** aad merely raatered along with tiie other- The Deciaioa prodaced aa upset Ir. the aecoad race whea he led « bm fairly aaefal apriaten home. .lago waa the runner up aad Bala laaded ti ird The backers were again Jolted severely in the third nee when the oataider Promising Toaa oat atayed the favorite, Lady Laxary, Uickej Moon fla-Ishing third. Stock lin. a well-designed good thing that baa beea kep* aader raver an to the preeeat, was aa--ovcred in the fifth nee, which broach! to the Boat a bead of tare* -yenr-nld*. Stock lin woe, bet oaly .fi.-i .i hard nee to dirpaat of Graaa Tree and thai-line. Hiding Grace roster wide in the race proved fatal and. had Lang kept her Bearer to the iaaer rail, it is abaoat certaia -he wonld have ■poet the good thing. WIDE GUIDING TACTICS LOSE. The wide fatding tactic* men again fatal hi the raae of W. li- Backaer. an oatatanding favo Ite iu the aixtb race. He waa beatea bj Ales Jr., arhich waa kepi next to the Iaaer rail throagboet i ne race. lack Beevea. another aotorioea rail raa-• i managed to land in third place bj rirtne of be llBtrairr amount of ground that he saved Owea Perry at different tiaaea awaer af mom racen and familiar aa farioan tracka throeghoet toe roeatry, Ied thia inrniag a; his I... mi m Kaaaa* City, accordia* ta advice* received by Sani Loui. Minis Daaa wa- among the viafton today. Jaekej Peycherd wa* aaapeaded tor six days by atartei Dade lii dhaihedieace .a the poet .n the third race. Neddain. which fiamhed third in tbf f earth race today, wa- parchaaed iauaed lately after the iar.» by .lake Greeaherf for yg,M . L. Johnson will l rain liim. Jockey M. Seiiwartz. New Orleaa* lad. who was developed by Bea thapman. jumped into favor today li.v winning a paJt of racea. The followers of .iihke.v l.ane suffered one disappointment after anoilier today, as the little Canadian lad failed to pilot a winner. Trainer William Shields of the J. L. Holland stable, plans a trip North within a few days. During his absence Hob Iotee will look after his thoroughbreds. Jockey Marinelli returned to the saddle today after a lay .iff. occasioned by a minor operation. He will ride regularly for the remainder of the meeting. lackey K. Aathraae wa« alaa ba.-k on the job today, none the worse for hi- fall f-ein Delusive BPV-eral days ago. The .1. H. Baker benea will he ahippei to Havana, fuiia to B. L. Baker, who owns an interest in sjme of tiiem. at an early date. One division of the U. L. Baker outfit is now racing at Oriental Hark, in charge of Maine; A. Theaaaa. Maaeary, which run- in the name of .1. A. Cnhurn, will be dispo-ed of in order to dissolve a partnership between him and Johnny Dundee, the well known boxer. She will he sold privately, aecailiiu to present plan-. *