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j i w MEXICO CITY ENTRIES " Separate index numbers ■will be given races run at Mexico City. They will begin with 1 M and continue i in numerical order. When complete chart is received by mail the regular index numDers will be applied and the usual sequence maintained. Probabilities: Weather bar: track Cast. Racing tarts at 1:60 p. **. Chicago time 4:00. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. : No track record. Todays Lid. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. I IBM Wbduaaker 112 1:16% 4 111. .Too 57 M- *oh Doctor lilt 1:18* I 167. .695 52 M* *MsrchtODe 4 163. .666 57 M Msiastsy I1M..M .".7 M •Miss Anna 5 US. .CBS 4» M Falcon II t 112..BM Second Race — 3-4 Mile. s-year-eHU aad upward. Maidens, clainiing. No track record. B8 M *May Girl 113 1:15% 4 1or.x700 i .".7 M * Sterling lot 1:11 7 105X6K 55038 *KI Capitauia 114 l:18%a 7 103. .090 gg M •Cerrie Margaret .. 7 101. .CB5 t;:: II sir t eorge 4 112..Cand9 : ." 7 M Preletta 4 10t5..0SO ; Third Race — 5-S Mile. 3 rear-olds. Claiming. i No track record. xi m- Baby Vamp 1*8 1M IBS X 700 51 M- •Locky Last Ml... 1 08 . . fi!". | 51 M Leander iMi 115 143% 188. .880 58 M A.cordant M 112 148% 108. .685 51 M Gwyaedd M 10o..twn *Ve una. eh. f. by Blues — Miss Lamar, by White.... 98 Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. 3 -year old- and upward. Claiming. No track record. 53 M *bUttle Maudie v. 165. .788 .1 M Spokane Qnees ... • 115. .885 t.:: m one Pis :; 190x880 80 VI Margaret c 109 l:03;,s :; 108X885 58969 Sure 4 118x685 58968 bKbwhigh 185 148% 1 110. .t.SO Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. 3-yesr-olde aad spwsrd. Claiming. No track record. .".I M *b Tiger Rose fi 105; 708 f.s M *b.merican Bose ...168 144% fi 185X885 58 M •bTbss. 1". McMahoa.116 142% 7 107X698 54 M *Troadwcll 113 1:0 6 112. .690 :.l SJ Riralet .". 115. . -.-. Ill ; *BiUow Mi 4 K."...fiso 533123 Uaderbrash M ..116 148% 10 112..fibO Sixth Race — 7-8 Mile. 4 year-olds and upward. laiining. No irack record. fij II* KALLIPOLI8 168 1:28% 5 184X723 53 M On High 5 88X715 fi.J II *Var Club 188 148% fi 10-1x71:. • :.:. M- Zeahms 164 141% t loo. .710 I :..» M bKlagliag II 126 148 9 109x705 ufi M After Night 9 100. .700