Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-27


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I 1 j [ . - 1 . - ■ I 1 ; HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26. 1322.— Oriental Park 1 mile. Fifty-sixth day. Cubi-American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 199 or more gays. Weather clear; temperature 86_. Stewards. J. Hachmeister, C. II. Lansdale and B. Bnrfce. Judges, c. Coraehlsea .and Edward Jasper. Starter. James Milton. Pacing Secretary. Martin Na t.ianson. Pacing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. in. I. Indicate* apprentice allowance. f-10Q!Ofi FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. S. 1920—1:11—6—102. Pur-o 00. 3-year-olds. OfJOVriiv Mait.ens. Claiming. Net valna to winner S550: seeond. S100: third. SCO. Index Tiorscs "A~w"p"pst 1 ~ 7_sirJ--iii_ JiTTkeJs Nraers H € V S~ 59729a*ACOSTA w lit 1 4 * 4« 11 1* B Sch Cfel M Acosta 8-5 7-6 7-51-2 1-4 59699 OLD FOLKS we. 11 7 2 2 li :: 2* B KenndyE Brewster 4 4 2. 1 1-2 59695 "KELTOl wa M9 s 1 :, . I : N Swart K Bali 2 BJ 2 4-5 2-3 59688*KING B. wa 187 1 7 7 • 7J 5 U G Plelda H E Swan I 1 4 S-6 4-6 : r,: PLAUDDELIA w • lK 5 •; ;.• ;.; •;- 5 I Prihle .1 L Paul 15 1.7 IS 1 59999* MARGARET NASH w 188 1 1 r :; J1 V T Borne T Hodge 1. 12 12 E : 59591 TATTING v. MB I S 81 8* 7 7 F Wilson 1 " Rosa I I I 3 S-5 59999 MISS HOPE w m 2 8 I 1 I B A Pickens I H Patterson M 1» 18 I 2 Time. 24. 99%, 1:14. Track fast. ?2 mutuels pr.j.l. Acosta. .70 straight. . :-,.7l place, 82.58 show; Old Folks. . ill glace, 40 show; Keltoi. 82.49 show. Bqaivalent booking adds— Acosta, 2SS le l x straight. 85 te 199 place, 23 to 189 show; Old retka, 88 to 108 place. 29 te 199 ■bow; Keltoi, 29 !•• 108 show. Winner Br. c, by /■ b • Nantuia. by Bl Bimonias 1! trained by W P. Piaaegaa; bred by Mr. W W. Harden I. Went to post at 2:91. At post 1 minute Start goad and slow. Won easily; accead and third diiv ing. ACOSTA easily paased OLD FOLKS in the stretch and won in a ranter. The bitter was aracb ased ii fining the early pace and taking the had aid gae way wh-n tbe winner ch albngcd. KELTOI raced sanely, bal tired badly in the last qaarter. KINO B. made ap groaad. MARGARET NASH qall after making the early pace. Scratched 59785 Lbarlotta Smith, lot: 59913 Naeaai K.. 105. Overweights Miss Hope. 1 ad. CrOQ/fi-T SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mil-. Jaa, 8. 1020—1:11—6—102. Purse S700. 3-year-olds and tJuv 4 upwaid. Cbiming:. Net. valuo to winner 350; second. 00; third. 0. Ind ~ Horses"" AWtPPSt .4 % % Str Fin- Jockeys ~ Owneni ~~ f~ H 0 P K_ 59797 »GALLOU-BERRV w 1 tea 1 [ y 1 - 1 " 1 ; F Hunt Ituliar.a Stable 5 .7 5 2 1 59737 2 HA RAN a 5 112 3 2 21 2" 2i 2 A Pickens B C Griffith 1 8-5 8-6 2-5 1 5 59736*SEVILLIAN a I 112 E I S» S" .1 Smith I .1 Smith 33 4 4 8-6 7-18 .••H !7 T. BELGIAN II. a 8 112 R 8 :. 1- 4-5 P Wilson N K Moody 2 2 8-6 7-161-1 .-■!,7t :; CATOCT1N a •. 1U 2 7 i :.; V ii Myers I Bromddaa - I I I v: ■ :.!; ;.". GEORGE W. wa I Io: 8 8 7 ■ S . .1 Connors M Sell 11 28 ." 9 8 4 I7960*PRECIOUS J*WELwa 6 187 1 3 6* i 7- ", .1 Carroll II E Davis IS IS IS I I 5!»!K1 COL LILLARD a 5 U2 7 6 8 8 8 8 E AtksonM Cardenas 69 H 68 M M Time. 23, 47-,. 1:13/,. Track fast. 82 matnela paid. Galloa-Berry, 890.48 ctraight, 87.08 peace, -SI 7n show: Haraa, . :: h place. 82.79 show ; Sevilli in. S4-70 show. Bqairaleal booking odds— Gallon-Berry 1420 to 1 " Rtraight, 250 t.. P» place. 133 to loo show; Haran, 50 to 1O0 pine. 35 t,, 100 show; Sevillian, i::.". to 100 show. Winner — B, g. bj Galatiae Kate Kittleberry, by Cerasaa trained by H. F Bet is; bred by Mr Joseph l.. Seagram. Whu to f -: 1 : 2:58. Al post 1 minnte. Btarl good and slow for all bat TOT BELGIAN II. Won driving; second and third tl inc. GALLOC BERRY set a fast pace from the atari and won all tie- way, bal waa tiring at the end. HARAN racial in closest parsait, finished more gamely than usual and was wearing the winner down. SBVILLIAN ran well t hn iigliou; . THE BELGIAN II dwelt when the hairier was Kpmng and waa as good as left. Hen dosed a great gin. Scratched — 5001 P White Crown. 112: 59726 Guardsman, 112: 59349 Jap Mama, 109; 51720 Pokey 1? . 112. fr nkQ£ Q THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlo::g.:. Jaa. 24. 1917— 1:05/6— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year-OtJUUO olds and upward. Ciaiminff. Net vaiue to winner 50; second, C0: third, 0. Indei Horses AWtPPSt % k % Str ria Jockeys ovs. ZZ0-!1 r p s .!P;kT7i iTist ctiNsiL vTii 5~7lt :; 1 13 13 I . 1 I W Kelsay J J McCafferty -1 21 2] 4-5 2-5 59667 GOLDEN FLINT wb I 109 n s ,_ V 8" -1 F Wilson Brooklyn Stable "• 6 5 2 1 59787 *• WAR MAP wa 5 184 E 5 3 -!l 3j 3" T Barns E V Malreaan 6-5 C-5 8-6 2-6 1-6 59«95*LU1 HEME w 5 M8 2 2 _ :: 2. I. B Scheffel 1 P 8*0 ter 8 8 8 3 1 59794 = *SUNROSE a 7 MS I t ,: I I N Bwari J Kelly 2| 7-5 2-5 59695 PRASCUELO « s ll:; 1, 7 BJ 5 1 • J DomickJ I Healy W 1" l» 4 2 59441 POCATELLO wa 5 184 1 :; 8 8 7 ". I: SmwodT Doylfl • 18 4 .*:»:;I7 NORMA J. waa I Id 7 . • .- 8 8 R McGran J Hendrick . 38 . 12 fi Time, 22,. 47,. 1:00/,. 19%. Track fast. miitiiei. paid, ln-t Coasal, 87.00 straight, 84.29 place. 82.70 show; GoMea Flint. 99.49 place. s:!.t:u Bbow; War .Map. 82.80 show. Buuivalenl i.e.. king odda First Coasnl, 250 to P« Rtraight, 11u to KM place, :5 to 198 ■hew; Oolden llint. 220 te 108 place. s., 1,, KM shoe.: War Map, .» lo Pm» show. Winner j;. g. by Zeaa s.uis Geae, by Peek Band trained by J. J. McCafferty; bred by Messrs. While A Garaett. Wenl to pest at 5:26. At post 1 minute. .Start geod and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FIKST CONSUL set ami extreme lj fast pace and Iii hi the race safe all the way. GOLDEN FLINT immediately dropped back, then closed and immense gap and finished with 1 rash. WAR MAP raced gamely and out finished LUI-MEME for third place. Tin latter raced prominently all the way. Scratched -50442 Chieca, 119; 59949 Count Boris, Pii . Overweights- .Norma J.. 1 pound. ECOQafhO POWETH RACE— 5 1-2 Fariesnrs. Jn.n. 94, 1017— 1 OOi— 5— 102. Turse 5700. 3-year- O « y O 9 £2 sMs. Al!ov;n"e-. Vet value to winner 6559; tocond. S100: third. 0. Index "Horses " 7 W i 1 PS I " [ ~ j" " "•" ," S t T F i ■ ■ Jock ya 0 H P P S 58499ZLADY ASTOR w 105 2"; 4» 8 3l 1* R Bcbeffel W F KnebeUtamplO 10 s ;! s-5 59522 : LIT. BLACK 8H*P wit no 1 1 |t l* l 2* T Burns .1 W Pangte 2 2 2 7-101-:; 59798COMFJDIE DAMOUBs 165 I I 33 3j - 3 ! s McGraw J v G H Keene2] 2] zl. 1 S-6 59645 ARTICLE X. a 186 5 i •■• 1- aj !;i G Fields i . Foster 5 6 5 2 1 59721 HUTCHISON wa 118 1 5 S 5* C ■"- L Penman R L Baker I 3 :: 1 1-1 .■" !7-:." QUESADA am M9 I 2 2- _ IJ C W Kelsay Goldapple stable 3 I I 1 1-1 Time. 23-.,. 43. 1:01, 1:07. Tracl fast. .c2 mutuels paid. Lady Astor, 821.40 Ktraight, 85.76 place. 8998 show: Little Black Sheep, f 3 JO place, 82.69 show: Coaaedie d Amoar, 83.08 boa F.iuivalent booking odd: — Pady Astor, !i7n to 169 straight. 1 63 to Phi place, 88 to 169 show; Little Black Sheep, 86 to Put place. :;n te 198 show: Coaaedie dAaaoar, 59 to Hx» show Winner— Br. f. by sweep— Martha Lee, by Marta Santa trained by w. it. Piaaegaa; bred by Mr. w. x. Thtaaes. Weat to post at 9:51. At liost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Waa driving: seeond ami third the same. LADY ASTOR was outpaced in the early stages, bat was taken to tbe outside in the stretch drive and. fini-hing with a rush, gut up la wia in the closing strides. LITTLE BLACK SnEEP set a fast pace, but swerved in the stretch ; .ml tired. COMEDIE DAMOUR eeyed ground when entering the homestretch and finished fasl and close up. ARTICLE X. and QUESADA showed speed, but tired badly. Overweights -Qnesada, S pounds. vQfil H FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile. March 23, 1919 — 1:38 Vi — 5 — 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and 0«_T©JB-T_r upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S.650: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt M ~:i~Str~Fiii Jockeys Owners H C P S " 59749 LOVELINESS w 1 H7 2 r~~ .-~~ l7:. 1, A MciThlinJ O and G H Keenel 4 4 S-5 7-10 59491 APPROVAL wa 7 184 1 4 1- 1 V _- 2»1 i: Scheffel W P McCaffrey 8 S 8 3 8-5 59647RAMKIN am 4 M8 3 2 2** l*| 3» S1 ■ W Kelsay I. Alexander :; 3 :: 1 1-2 59997FOSTER BMBRTwa 6 167 t 5 6 I 5j 51 4- D Prihle W H Ball I 6 5 2 1 59742*HARLOCE w 7 M9 4 3 ■ ■ I 8*6* A Terrat .: II Moody 4 4 4 8-5 7-M 59 799* MUMBO JUMBO v S lOii 5 I . t, i; X Swart T Doyle 1 1 1 l-"i l-*i Time. 23. 47. 1:19, I:392it Track fast. 82 mutuels paid. Loveliness. 822.19 straight. 911.99 place. .10 show; Approval. .10 place, 91 Miuu : Rwmkls. .46 show. Fquivalent I king odds— Loveliness. lgOG to 199 straight. 495 to 100 place, 255 to KM show; Approval. 155 to 100 place. 89 to 100 show: Pamkin. 70 to 169 shew. Winner — Ch. f. by Charles EdwariP-Spanisii Maid, by DisgsnM trained by G. 11. Keene; bred by Messrs. j. o. 6 ;. h. Keene. Went to post at 4:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. LOVELINESS came through on the Inside in the stretch and. taking the lead, held APPROVAL sale at the end. APPROVAL was much used in setting a fast pace and tired. PAMKIN moved up gamely after entering the homestretch, but tired in the final eighth. MPMPO JUMBO dropped to the tear in the last quarter and ran far below his real form. POSTER EMPRY ran a good race. Scratched— 59991 Haywood. 189; 69742 Panile.v. 114. PQO-t -f SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6, 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. OelgO A -I- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. index Harses AWtPPSt 44 % % Stella Jacheye Owaera O H O P 9T"" 69799a* ALP VEZINA w 7 in; | 1 V Jk ;,ii 1". 1 Ci Fields Ashland Stable 5 5 5 2 1 69799* BACCHANALIAH w4 9a 2 1 1- 1 1 | 1- 2" B Scheffel J De E.strampes 6 H i BJ 66 59629* H M. STEVENS wa 6 101 7 ! Ki1!; :o, 71 3k I Prible G K Allen 3 3:: 6-5 3-5 59997 •HUNTRESS wU Mil I 6aa : .■ gal 2" 4 N Swart J J McCafferty 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 59799 FELIX M. WO I 194 M 7 6*1 5» fil 8* V J Maiben L V Coakley 5 5 5 2 1 ."..PICS TOSS UP w»4M8 I « 2 21 :;- am gat W Kelsay Maryland Stable 15 15 15 6 I 59999* •ROCKPORT wa 9 188 5 5 8" i;1 6*81 7*1 R MeAaegrW C Daly 5 5 5 2 1 69799BIBBLER wa 6 188 4 3 4i 91 9 9 V A McLhiinM J Daly 15 15 15 « I 59797*WAR TAX ami 88 1 in s1 B1 88 : 3 H T Hums F" Delbarrio 12 12 12 .. aj 59724t* LISZT WB 4 M 9 1111 11 11 11 lo- C Frost C H Neill ■ M 20 S 4 599991 *TTM. .1. HOOAM w 7 Eg 3 I V 41 71 M| 11 R Kllis G Warwick 20 20 20 8 4 f.MutUd held. Time, 23-;3, 47. 1:13, lAV/s, 1:44%. Track fast. mutiils paid. Alf Vezina, 5.30 straight. 87.49 place. .90 show; Bacchanalian. .70 paaea, 94.98 show: Harry M. Stevens. S3. 70 show. Equivalent booking odds— Alf Yoziu.i. li 5 to 100 straight, 270 to 100 place, 145 to 100 show; Bacchanalian. 290 to PHI place. 145 to KM show; Harry M. Stevens, 85 to 100 show. Winner — P. g. by Key Hindoo — Pally, by Gigaiiteum trained by K. Lee; bred by Messrs. Lawrence and Comstock. Went to post at 4:45. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ALF VEZINA 1 dosed a gap steadily and. wearing the pacemaker down in the stretch, got up to win in the final stiide. PACCIIANALIAN set a fast pace, but tired near the end. HARRY M. STEVENS closed a big gap after l eing crowded back on the first turn. HUNTRESS rated into second place but failed to stay. TAWASENTHA quit in the stretch. Scratched— 597 9aTawasentha. 91; 59726-Cork. 103; 59769 Audrey A., 101. Overweights — Toss Up, 2 pounds; War Tax, 1,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922012701/drf1922012701_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922012701_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800