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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 26. 1922. - Fair Grenada 1 mile. Twenty-second day. Baaiaeaa Mens Raeiag Association. Winter Meeting of 50 days. Weather cloudy; temperature 50 . Stewavaa, E. C.~ BaTithTM. Harfartaa. A. c. idi"iTnd_L7~M7~l folates. Judges," J. B, CaaipheU aad Joseph McLennan. Starter, A. B. Dade, Baciag Secretary, Joseph klcLeaaaa. Racing starts at 2:13 p. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. Q7QQ TOSt RACE— 3-8 ma. Jan. 19. 1922— 34:l-,— 2— 114. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. 0 t/ 4 *J *J KaMeaa, Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses A Wt"pTst t u i Str Fit: Jockeys Owners O Hi 0 P S .- »«.- «• MARJ* r. ii : WOOD vTTil i i lj i . h .i Barfcej M coode i ; 1 8-6 4-5 69979 *ST. ANGELINA w 114 g 2 F M Bnxton A Marrone I I S 23 6-5 886979* KEWPIE S w 111 1 1 .; G W frolll* .1 Lavitl T-T. 11-T.L 4-5 2-5 HE7gL3UPERBUM w 111 5 I 5 IJ J I Mnr.l! T Criffin f» M U S 2 69*88 PINAQUANA w HI 11 3 IJ S* E Bcohie Waldech stable 28 M 28 11 •. r,9«;7G ILLUSIONIST a 113 I . - 1. Lyhe G Mnyherry 2] :: 2 4-.". z: ;.«:»»:« JOSEPHINE C. w 114 7 7 7 7- t ParrtonJ .1 Morphy M 28 28 s 1 ."JMiot; PINKIE will I s si K CltHettiA Simons I 28 21 ! ELIZABETH BRICE w lit IN iiV.e E Pool s Skinner 28 38 38 VZ u MILTOIL w 114 1 ■ • 1 no E Ambrose H T Griffin :-" 2" 12 MOJItJ REJECTION v. 114 1 I: 11- 11 .1 Zoeller .1 B Nash • » M 12 S BESSIE LEIGHTON m 114 18 11 12 12 - P e I! Roxoacher 13 12 R 3 g-a ICoiipled in betting: no separate place or -how betting. jSent oat in entries as Siiperglaria. Time, 24, 37. Track heavy. Winner P. f. by WoraUeightea Argoa Bsber, by Baber trained by I. M. Glide; bred by Mr. I. A. l.vuel. Went to pot at "J 11. At pool ."• minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; seeond and third driving. MARJORIE Wool, away fast, rasbed into the bad at once and. although swerving oat badly in the last eighth, held ST. ANGELINA safe. The latter raced in closest narsail all the way and finished aaately. KEWPIE S. had ao aUshaps and only ran fairly c-;i iii the going. SUPERBUM ran a good race. PINAQUANA showed speed, bal tired ILLUSIONIST was always oatpaced. Scratched 5971* Corto. Ill: .vt ;7; Maacotte, 114: 59533 Lady Brettenham, 111; Sunny Iittcrow. 111. Oieiwcbihti niasioalKt, 1 ponad. CrOCdTafn. SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1913— 1:11— 6— 116. Purse ,000. 3-ycar-olds *J*jO"s ard apward. Claiminr. Net value to winner 00: second. S200: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt M A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 MS14 THE DECISION wit . l"s"la ! .- s- r 1= ~ SchwUA Swenke l." 1". 1". »; 3 Mr8StzJAGO wa 8 181 I : -, : IJ 2* E Pool W D Bernhardt 3 •". 4 g-fi t ". C98S7 K !,i ■-. 1 WS ■ 3 :- ; BrenlngG ! io g 18 10 1 z 89717 ANTICIPATE ■ E 11". 8 10 •- S i 1 .1 D MneyJ T. Earl S 7 7 2J 8-5 *9M7* LITTLE PAT8Y wa 3 K "11 II S "1 .1 PeychrdMarks A ODowd 15 28 1". 3 59789* ACTRESS wa 4 187 11 _ l3 1 •_• _ . C Lang T Harriaon i I 3 7-r. 7-b *9*S4 GREENLAND a I 11" I ■ I 7! 7 7- i; Scobie Cain ft Sanford 1i 15 1 5 2] *9Stl**PANSY WB4 M 7 G 7.P I P .1 Walla.. I, .1 Kahn 38 38 12 I S9717**HELEN ATKIN wa 7 182 1 I .; "• :•- A Wilson .1 T Buckley 2J 3 1!-."1 1-i r !t7: : ACE of ACES wbSIM i 1 1« - ll 10- 10- , Coney C A Applegate I 12 18 t 2 .%!»7."V7 LINE BOI w* 5 181 I 8 SJ a 111 11 !■ CltilettlJ Randolph M 28 ID B 4 Time, 24. 49.,, 1:17%. Track heavy. Winner -I., g. by King James — Verdict, by Tyraal trained by A. Swenke; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxaard i. Went t" po I al L:ll At post 3 Miaates. Btarl rood and slow. Woo easily: second and third driving. THE DECISION, away well, followed ACTUESS closely and took the tend in the btsl eighth to wia gong away. JAGO was bard rldoea in the stretch. Hnished tamely and outstayed BOLO. The latter raced prominently all the way. ANTICIPATE was going fast at tl ad. LITTLE PATSY eioned a log gap. HELEN ATKIN retired «rhea reaching the stretch. ACTRESS qait after leading to the stretch. Scratched ..!7.". i Back Pay. 189; 59752*Marphy, 111: aaTSSJerry, Pis: 899*9 Lady BathiaUf, 86; B9831 Marie Maxim. 114. pTQO/Tk-| THUtS RACE— 3-4 Milt. fFeb. 9. 1918— l:ll/5—C— 116. Turso ,000. 3-year-olds •JilFOUi and upward. Claiming. Hot value to winner 00; aacoaJ, 00: third, S1C0. Pidex Horaw AWtPPSt .4 / , Str Pin Jockeys Owners Q~H C P 8 99957 ~~I i li W [SING TOM wa Tv: S 1 ." ; M" Ill3 J Owens M~f~ Sh "7d7 l ~ :I~~J~ ~ i B9789*LAD1 LUXURY w 7 111 S 3 V -.. t- 2« J Wallace E .1 Ball 2 2 7-.", ;.!ti!i:»MHKi;v MOORE w 5 114 11 C S* V. 7 • :: J ;; Scobie I; C Mnrnaa 13 13 1". I .-.9717 PAUL CNNBLLT a 7 ill 7 7 7 5j m 4 !l .1 BarkeR Twyman M "I". 1 E z ■93999 RAS a 1 VM 12 2 J | : ■■ i: Pool Elorisant Stable 8 IS 1.7 I 3 997I7*MALVOLIO wa 7 MS 3 1 l 1 3j •- c Lang Wdel * ""dolph 5 18 10 i 2 99199 RAGAZEA wa 8 M8 2 S i 81 Sj 7 J D MncyBradfield ft Ky •• I I - I i 99717 1 HILANDERER . r. I 102118 5 I. 7: g s- A WUaoa .1 C Cahn 1" IS 1- :. 2J 99763*HILLSDALE a 3 81 S 8 » :i- 1"-" :i- .1 PeycbrdJ R Skinker 1 28 28 8 4 59873 *GOODH ART wa 3 93 S 10 M -in • . . id i; BreningJ I. Holland 8 U 12 •". 2| 999399 PICK WICE wa 8 113 1 11 11 11 11 11 L Lyhe .1 A Coburn 18 4 2 1 Time. 24,. 50,. 1:17*,. Track heavy. Winner B. r by GoMea Maxim— Little NeO, by Cederatrome trained by M. M. Shields; bred bj Mi T II Mo pfa Weal to no - si :!: i7 Al post 5 minutes Start good and slow. Won ca-ily: second and third driving. PROMISING TOM ra bed into the bad after rounding into the stretch and won in a canter. LADY ti XUR1 raced close np rrom tlie start and Oaished gamely. MICKEY MOORE came rasl through the last traatfer. PAUL CONNELLY made up groaad and gnislied well. HALVOLIO tired badly. KA-i.a/./a was in the worst part of the track all the way. PICKWICK miked. Scratched- 58696 Birdie o.. Kid: 89752 Rosa Lee, 84; 58897* Plain Bill, 199; .Viral Fort Churchill, IU. 50756 Herald, 108. Overweights- Ragaaaa, •_• poaads; Philanderer. 1%; HUtedale, 1; Goodhart, ... rrQQ4T|* FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11, 1916—1:37*—5—106. Louisianne Purse. Purse « CrC3" SI. 500. 4-ycnr-olds and unward. Allowances. Net value to winner SI. 000; second, 00: third. 50: fourth. S50. Index Horses AWtPPSt t _■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners V II T ir_S~ 59959 MANOR VRE wa »i NS ! J 1* Is li IJ I J McCoy iTTxVrdlile Stable ,7Tl; l-:. 1-- 1-4 ."»7-r; DUKE JOHN w 6 182 I 1 2 2 P -- . C Lang i: T Zollicoffer 21 31 3] 1 1- |58719NEDDAH wa MS 5 G r IJ 4J 3« A Wilson M Gerahel 18-518-61 1-2 99959 BLARNEY STONE w I 106J 3 G 7 ".: ."•• :; 4s R Pool Rehser Pros G . 5 8-6 7-10 I 5970DTAB DHONNR wa 6 hV 7 ! 9 GJ 8s :. ".".1 D Mneyt; Drumheller M s 7 2 1 .".!.;?! KIRAH W5 S7 . . 7 7 7 6* .1 Wallace o Wendol 28 38 38 18 I 69992 MYSTERUS GIRL w S 183 17. BJ 7 B MarinelilG Drumheller hj 8 7 2 1 •jCoanled in bettiag; ao separate place or show betting. Time, 25-,. 51. 1:17%, 1:45.,. Track heavy. A inner— tii ■•. by gweepei Heradli, by Adam trained by II. Data; bred in France by Mr. Herman 1 1. Por.veai. Went ti i « -t at :.:.4. At peal L minutes. Start goad and slow. Won handily: second and third j driving. MANOEVRE raced lata a good lead al once and easily held sway for the entire race. DUKE JOHN raced in closest pursuit tbroaahoot and gaished gamely. NEDDAM raced gamely, but tired and [ * was barky to be third. BLARNEY STONE was eased ap oat of third place la the last few strides after . having NEDDAM beaten TABLEAU DHONNEUR i|iiit. MYSTERIOUS GIRL ran well for three-ijiiarlei -. Overweights Blarney stone. :._■ poaads; Mysterious Girt. i*. - ■TQQAO FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:3740— 5— 106. Purse 91,999. 3-year-olds. %3%3J3iy Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. " I ndTx Horses A Wt PI St i - _■ : , Str Yi Jockeys Tvnels T T 0 P B~ 59999 STOCK PTK Sfn 108 I S S 2*1 1] r [3 c; ~ -rolIP "LTivhi I :; 19-66-9 3-5 59799*GRAS8 TREE ar* r82J ." G S* _: A Wilson W D Bernhardt I M 10 4 8-3 69991 *CHARLINE ar K I 4 7» 7 7! S] 3" G BreningC W Clark :; 31 2J 1 1-2 .".!»7i: tiiaci: foster wr 183 i l 4- 41 B» Q 4- c Lang E K Bryaoa -44 7-57-10 ."!i7;-: T. VENGEANCE wa 181 2 2 S19" 8 I v B MarinelliC .1 Casey I N S I 8-5 99799 PLUNELLA wa 1 1 7 8 81 S 41 4] • .1 McCoy I I. BradfteM IS 28 28 I 4 ,r !»6! « TRICO wa 87 6 7 8 I 8 I 7; J Wall-ice J J Bulmer »i 1 12 .". 2] 99991 ♦BILL CLOCK wa 183 2 3 I I1 :;: 7- I i: Bcohie .1 Dundee t; M s I s-5 Time. 252j. o0«5. 1:19. 1:48. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. c. bv Peter Qaiace — Stick Pin. by McGee trained by It. II. McD.iniel: bred by Mr. J. C Milauil. Went to peat at :?:..s. At 3 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won driving: seeoad and third the Mane, stock PIN, rloar ap from the start, ihamaai of BILL BLOCK in the first three-quarters and 1 took the lead, but lost ground by coining wide in the stretch and had to be ridden hard near the end to outstay GRASS TUFF. The latter ran a good race and mad" a game finish. "II A PI. INK closed an immense gap after saving much ground when coining into the stretch. GRACE POSTER was brought extremely wide on the stretch turn and tiled near the end. BILL BLOCK quit badly si ml as if unfit after . hading to the far tu u. Scratched -59991 I Little Ammie. • !: 59981 Veiled Colleen. !IL: ..!»«0S Ferguson, 107. Onrwciglits Iluiielia. : pounds; Cliarline, 1: Grass Tree. :, _.: The Vengeance. 2; Bill Ploek. 2. - ETQOfhd SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Kilcs. Feb. 13. 1915—1:44—3—1040 ?!7000~AddcL 4-ycar~ e_f iJOxf-t olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 5221; third, 14. Index Horses AWtPP St t % % Str Fia lecheyo Owners f H C P S~" ■ 9979 8 Al . E X JR. am 5 188 6 8 S 12 1 1 1 ~ 1"» M SrifewUA w"javkson i~ i ij J iT 9M97**W. H. BUCKNER W 7 108 1 1 21 2» 21 -" - A Wilson J OBryne 6-5 6-5 1 2-5 1-6 58199 JACK REEVES w a 11! :. 7 7 7 fi1" B" S PuIlmanC Oddo 15 91 20 7 3 59799* YOUNG ADAM wa6U4 3 4; : - r.1" ::. 4" B Pool I F Devereaux ■ 10 10 4 S-3 9999V*LORENA MOSS »:i I 101 7 4 :: 4 | 4i 41 B« C Lang J Cunniffe ■ 7 7 BJ 1 69959 HARVEST KING wf. MM 2 2 1 - 1 2 0-° 6" H J PurkeJ M iooile E 7 19-51 1-2 99T99 K1TTV M. w I 85 " I Vs 9» 7 7 7 G BreaincM OWeill SO SO 30 12 C Time. 25,, 51, 1:182. l:47i. 1:55. Track heavy. Wlaaer Ch. h. by Pallot — Bioaaiwiag, by stalwart trained by K. Pitt; bred by Mr. A. P. Hum-Jihrey. Jr.. Went to post at 4:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third I the same. ALEX JR., saving mucn ground on the tuins. raced into a good lead in the stretch, but tired 1 and Just lasted to win. W. H. BUCKNBB, probably best, lost much ground by racing wide on the turns, but finished fast. JACK REEVES saved much ground on the turns aud closed au immense gap. YOUNG ; , ADAM had no mishaps. LOPENA MOSS tired. HARVEST KING quit after making the pace to the far turn. ■liallhtd 69991 Little Ed, 106: 69721 Trantula. 109. Overweights -Kitty M., 1 pound: Harvest King. 4. CrC Qr|k!r SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13, 1315— 1:44«S— 3— 104. Purse ,800. 4-year-iJ •Jf O J tP olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third, 00. "index Horses AWtPPSt U % % Str fia Jockey OwnerT O H C P S- r 97ri*hT!N : TROJAN wa 4 t*I 7 5S1 l» 2«lla ll G BreningC Morton i 10 S ~, TT 69794 WOODTHRU8H wit 7 111 1 I 5*15* 4 ".- «■ FChvettai: Williams 4 I 4i X-.7 4-7 r»9717*ETTAHE wa 7 188 I :: 1 2- 1 * 2* V B Pool Winfrey Pros 8-5 2 7-5 9-61-4 59758 *SERBI AN w I 1-v.i 2 1 2 :; ::" 41 1- A Wilson II Neusteter 8-5 2| 2| 4-3 1-:; .-■ i«ii PHELAN wa 4 110 4 l i; # v ;, r," 11 j BdorhaW B Jones IS 28 28 I E 69918 ANNA GALLUP w 5 MM 1 I V V 71 • M BchwtaA Swenke 8 12 12 4 8-5 .-.!,7."i7 T. COLN PAWN" w 6 pit; :, 7 x S » s 74 B MarinelliC Knight 10 1.7 1.7 I 2i 59769 LA KROSS wtW I 6 7- 7" t* 8 R McDottB .1 Crawford IS 20 25 10 5 Time. 25-V,. 51. 1:18, 1:47. 1:69%. Track heavy. Winner — P.r. g. by King Jam s— Poliemia. by Wagner trained by C. Morton: bred by Mr. Henry T. Osnard. Went to post at 1:45. At peal 1 minute. Start gooil and slow. *Woa easily: mi ond and third driving. KINO TROJAN moved up Cast after going a half mil" and. standing a hard drive, took the lead and drew away in the last seventy yards. WOODTHRU8H was taken wide and rioacd a gap in the last qaarter to jel ag la the Baal strides for ateoad place. BTTAHE eel the pace and had aa mishaps, hag was tiring at the end. BERBIAN was done after going three-iiuarters. PHELAN ran moderately well. Scratched— 56757 Sammy Jay. 1»7. Orerweiahti — PaeJaa, 1 pound: La Erase, 2.