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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 828 FAIR GROUNDS. NEW 0BLRAN8, La., January 28.— Todays work-oats here incladed Hie following: Weather dandy; traek siaddy Thrte-Eighths Mile. 7fJ8-Blue Jeans ....8S-:-, §*24-Lady Bretnkas»44 822-Blue Paradise 48 K28-Maliel Inrtls .:. -. 82S-Beoere Blue ..:!«r-.-, BSg-Miracle Man 88% 819-Creal 48 814-8ister Flo ... 88 821 -Daniel .".7.-, 778-8iesta :i9-.-. 819-GaleU :::» 8*»-8quire Charlie -".7:;.-. 817-J. Rnfoa in 8ag-Trantala 37. 823-Lighter "»:. 824-Trollus 41% Half Mile. 835-ArehiTe 5-" B2S-Matehes Mary S5 825-Boaiina-o 54 and13-8toU 5:;., 828-Hich ..Kt 5.1 -;, 8a8-Wireleaa 34 Bag-Morssoa BMer 34% Five-Eighths Mile. •*»24 Fred Kinney 1:16% 988-T. J. IMetgtl : 7 825-Marvin May 1 :«* 834-War Sate .l:08j4 824-Hordeck 1*89% Three-Ciiiarters Mile. S24-tockroa«n ...1:21 838-Ookla Belle 1:25 824-Forest Major 1*2S% 894-P*toral Bwaial:20% 828-Maleiber .... 1 :22 8293-Bao*iulua .... 1 :22% 828-Bed Iaf ...1:21 828-SeourgenuiB .1:24 B22-81ippery Kim 1:18*% 824-Taa Son ...1:24 Beven-Eighths Mile. S25-Bv Gosh 1:41 812-8t. Isidore ..1:43 823-Berringtoa ..1:4: 82S-The Wil I:4S4g One Mile. BSjg-Bygoae Days 1:51 824-Lady Lillian l:56ys 828-Joha Arbor ..1:55 822 Marsdale 1:55, 715-Kingfisber ..1:33% 824-P. G. King ..1:54 824-K/s Champi-ni :5i 820-United ferde 1 AH-i The traek was deep with mud iliis morning and no fasi work was asked of ike horses. Iuited Verde ran v«-!l in the gi ♦