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1 j !LEE BILL HEARING TODAY Women Among Delegation to Speak Against Measure Aimed at Destruction of Racing. FRANKFORT. Ky.. January Ill.- I: is planned to have several Woman -peakiis in favor of racing at the hearten °" he Ijee anti -betting bill Friday afteruoon in he senate chamber, when the committee on judiciary will conduct an open Ioruin on the measure. Miss Elisabeth Daingerfield. custodian of Man o War, and Mrs. BVsaheth Kane, who ia manager of August Relmonts Nursery Sto.k larni. t* th in Fayette County, will BCtOBB-aaa] a delegation which is coming here to urge the legialatBre to defeat the anti-racing act. The plans of those who are advocating the passage of the measure nave not been disclosed, but it is known that the "Committee to Aholi.-h Rao-Track Cambling of Louisville, of which Helm Brine i- chairman, will he represented. There !iae been rumors today that Senator I*ee may offer a siih-litnte for his bill iu which some of the features now embodied ate cliuiin.iteii. and Which would make it more like the measure ottered two years age by Senator H. H. Sims of Wortli-ington. Ihe Sims bill, a short instrument, merely repeated the exesBpttea clause in the aati-gaaabtiag ■tatate under which operation of French pools and pari-mutuels waa permitted. Representat ie Arch L. Hamilton, chairman of the house committee, plans to call his committee to meet at the same time that the senate i-nimit tee hold- it- hearing en the Lee hill, though no ami -racing bill is now before the house. He also has requested niat all person- who are coining from Lexington to appear at the hearing leave there in time to be here by noon Friday, so that the beariag will not be delayed. It i- probable that both houses will adjourn for the week Friday, and some of the members of the committee will want to conclude the hearing in time to leave on late afternoon trains. a