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|. • i , , LEADING THREE- YEAR- OLDS OF 1921 1 GREY LAG AND OTHERS OF HIS AGE FORMED A FORMIDABLE BAND OF RACERS DURING LAST YEARS CAMPAIGN The thirty chief money winners among the ■■■■■ year-old* of I9:.l reaatitate a fonaidabie baud of racer- of the brand that brings delight to lb* miml of any owner The Baacocaa Stable** crack coil Gny Lag led with admirable triumphs in tm !; .■:•!•- a* tin Bebaeal Stake*, Brooklya Haadicap. ia which be defeated aaeh great racers as Joha i. Grier, Bxtemiaatar, Leeaarda II., Aadacioaa, .Mad Hatter ami Other* ; Dwyer Slake-, in which he ran a mile and an eighth in the record time of 1:49 with 11:? pounds up: Devonshire International Stakes and other important stake race* in who ii .!•• di-played all the ojaali-ne- raqalaite in the piakeap ! the great race hone, and won ,3BC Next to bba wa* tin- bow dead PreakaeH* Stake* wiaaer BrooaMpaa, rto*eij followed by sporting Blood, a good ami Meadily tarproviag colt, wIhIi wound up a highly creditable career bj .-. baada-dowa victors ovei Black .servant. Haraphny, Gny Lag and Behave Tfoanelf in the La tenia thamplonslilp stake-. Thea eaaie Behave IToarself with the Boved eord "t oae rhtory out of eleven r.i.e-. bal that rictary achieved in wiaaiaa the all-coveted Keatackj Derby. W .1 SaUaoa** Bae filly Canfal folly api • d bet exalted repatatioa a- a two-.vear-ohl ami. beaidea wiiming pa* rare* lhaa *bj other tin-, yea old ia the thirty li-t. waa Dfta in money won. Sixth place ••11 ta the K. It. Bradley star Black Bervaat, ■• fa»t ami high-cia** colt whicb was not overly fortunate. Ii is one of the open secret* "i raciag that owinr Bradley BMaat •• wia the Bveatacky Derby with him and oal] failed to do hi bcau-e Jockey ThoBtpaoa on Behave Y.iui-i-if -iiot his raeaat up near the tateh and rehhad Black Bervaat of a race aafely won. li coat Bradley a great *nai in the future book- that should have been WOa, and rider Thompson rode no more. haatlbil and Ki.e- bnad, two capital colt*, were Mveath and eight! . with Touch Ale Not and Copper Demon hard after tbeaa. Reside- the furegning. Hruilery loll Ann. II B. Cob-man. Bit of White. Brother Batch, Flaaahette, Clio t ho. Xaa | I." Baby Onad, c.-o- a-. Tryater and Bangoaa woa eapecial distinction mi brilliaat performance-. In fact, poae of the thirty failed to qaalify in a n.i. safareative of a right to inclusion in what mii-i h.- a t : .-mendou-ly -trong baadhap divisiofl in 1922. Ben aie the roi orda of the thirty: Horse. Col. and Sex. Rcdigr e. Owner. st-. 1st. Id. gd Dnp. Won. Grey l ng eh. c. Star Shoot Mis- Minnie Rainoca- Stable. i. !♦ i 1 1 tC2.SM •Brooaaapaa h. c. Rioomstlck- Spun Glaa* H. P. Whitney.. :t 2 » t 1 -t 1 l«m Sporting BlOOd . . . b. c. Hair Play -Felicity H. C. Kisher...14 I 7 J 1 4S.H10 Behave Yourself c. Marailion Miss Ringlet* B. R. Bradley. .11 1 2 6 S 49.800 a: fill br. f- Wrack UiBdfnl W. .1. Salmon. -J1 Ill I J .". 29.K0 Black Servant br. p. Black Toaej Padnla E. B. Bradley. .12 4 .". 1 l- l7.47." Knobble b. r. Wrack Cold Ram-oca* Stable .21 v ,; h :, •j;,,,-, »i Pirehraad eh. ,-. UcGee -Babdne I s. Hawkia*. ..Id •; _■ » N 34.4ian Toii.-ii Me So ch. c. ce;— Dainiy iiame Gneatree Stable 8 I • 1 i 21,245 topper Demon b. c. Orinoiidale Lady Bedford .... Qaiacj Stable. . .22 •" •"• In 1 21,143 Prudery h. f. Peter •»" Polly Pliader* H P. Whitney.. :i 2 2 1 " 20.100 Holly Ann eh. f Supermini Priacesa Xett ....8. I. Jeakina 20 s 4 1 ]; 18.184 II. E. ColeaaaB....k4k. g. Celt — Augusia Tictoria B. K. Nichol*. . . .12 •"• 4 1 2 17.:;-H» rryater blk. «. Heter Han Trys, H p Whitaey..M : 1 •• :• 17.L7." Bit of White b. f. Sunstai Hreiuny II K. R. Bradley.. 11 I :: u -J 17.117 Hilly Bartea br. c. Haaa— Mary Le Baa Uol dapple Staple. 4 2 • 0 !• 17.0M Brother much b. v. Vulcain Barbie K C. AraaM... ■" - • 1 J 10,37? Kiamlietc b. f. Durbar — La Ilainbee P. A. Clark..., • 4 • 1 1 15,021 Buaga Back ch. ■. Valcaia- Mary On H. Dattner :?4 s. 7 4 13 j.-.o.-:; Bygoae Bay* b. g. Ilrtaart Pnllin Bergerea C. .1. BreckaaOterSB • - ." 7 14. raid Chateau Thierry . ,b. f. Ecoiien Tin ivsa I. Saaford 17 tt 4 4 A HJ.7SI4 Cho Che eh. r. .lack Atkin -Eaglish Bather ..P. B. Coaraoa..l2 i 1 •_ :; il.ih.i Golden sphere eh. c. Oliver GeWhaalth 8. of lafraace.Beatraai Stable. 12 8 :t 4 2 11,070 Baby Graad b. c. Graaite- Babe 1. K. L. Beaa. .15 7 ". 0 ■• 11.1:1 Rangoon or. g. Light Brlgadi — Lardella I. N. Camden.. 14 : .". _ u 10,750 Nancy Lee ch. f. Broomstick- Naughty Lady ....!. A. Clark.... .". 1 1 L 1 10,420 Hon Homine b. e. Sweeji -Sue Smith Xalapa •- 8tb..ll 4 1 :i : 10,333 Crocus b. f. Broomstick -Inaugural H P. Whitney.. :. : 2 0 • 10.150 K. ot ihe Heather. .hr. p. Ogdea— Madchea w. V. Caaey....S] u 4 :t 15 ».P72 Devastation br. g Wry. k -Treeless S. Petit is 7 :, 1 ;, P.500 •Dead.