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GUARANTEED VALUE OF 0,000. foacy it is of a saaraateed eaah ralae of and is a prize of goodly proaortioaa what the eoo- •iitioris foreraias racing in tiiis stale sire eon-hideied. there being no revenues received fioin betting, all aMaeyt Car aniateaaatee of the BBOM heiai d-ieii fnin the adnii-sjon- j.iid at the sate. When it is waia tw that the tea tore Whiefa has been kept alive lliioiigh all tin- nids of raeiaaj ha* been worth a- little ns K,123 ihe BM i ion ot Whi-k l.iooui II. in ItU there Mould appear to he caaae foi congratulation oa the pari of racing eathnsiaata that the race N on Morh a substantial hasia a* H eajoy* at iweaeat. Between Dry Monopobs mad i-loiv in 1887 aa4 the eominanding perforin hoc of t;iey Iag in 19".l there aere ■ aoai atilf contest- for the priae. Oa ;,ll tint I few oca -ion-, the races for it were aaoaapj the be-t of the year. it w.i- lot year* i ue first of tne big apriag handicaps over a long rlistaare of rroaaal, and antedating the hfetro-politaa Haadkap b fire year* ata* the meiiuim which brought together lor the fir-t time each yooi Ihe Ite-t ho- -.s in training. It was so in Drj IfoaapoieB year, ai.-l al-o arhea The Bard beat Hsaovor and Exile ia 1888, as well as in 1«S9 nnd 1st, i when Exile al.l Patttawaj II., reapoetieeiy, electrifieil the ereal tbraag* hy smothering their opponents. Inis waa the p.iiod when public betting was lejjal and winter books wee made. The odds agaiael the various candidate- were posted weekly f i oin the moment Hugo Nblntyre assigned the weight* for the GraYeeeaal featare, or I, G. K. l.iwiei.c made piibll. the resnit of his .iiidginent in comic, lion arith the Bawaraaa, ahhrh was the disfiaguiKhiag feature of the aariag meeting of the Coaey 1-iand Jockey tluli. ! . ,