Jeffords to Buy Blue Grass Farm, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-30


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JEFFORDS TO BUY BLUE GRASS FARM LEXINGTON". By.. January St Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords of Philadelphia an- etasiag a deal with Col. Loahl Lee Ilavgin for 3vs, acres o; hs Mount Brilliant Farm, which contains 1,100 acres, There tiny purpose to establish a thoroughbred horse nursery, making it the home of Golden Broom and their brood iaares. Whether it is a part of the nl. in to transfer Man o War and the mares owned by Mr. and Mr-. Samuel I». Biddle to this faun from Uaylaads has not bee* stated. The land i first ■ lass ai.d represeat* part of what formerly was known as the Coyle farm, the Woods farm and the Thomas farm, on I luflinans hill road. The Thomas fana was owned by the late Major B. G. Thorns* ami was tiie farm to wlm-h he resBBVed his horses after be sold Oixiana to Major Thomas .1. C.u-on. It will he accessary to erect stallion stables, brood mare and yearling haras and to build paddocks AM of this work will be c Dieted by the late summer or early next fall, when the removal of tiie horses will take place The fourth foal of the BtasSB at Short Orass Farm came last night. It is a fine, big bay colt. In Peaaaat — Intrigue. EBsil Her:, says it is the lust foal that good mare has yet prodaced. Al Smitha of Athens has leased to W. A. Shea of New York the following marcs, to he bred to Tea Caddy: Alabama. Dorval, Ftirieuse, F.nis. Queens Laud and Winifred A. 0

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