Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-30


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, , : 1 : , , I , i I , . I t I I i • HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. SUNDAY. JANUARY 29. 1922. Oriental Park 1 mile. Fifty-ninth day. Cuba American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather cloar: temperature 80 ___ Stewards, J. Hachmeister. C. H. Lansdale and K. Burke. Judges, C. Cornehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary, Martin Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.. •Indieatos apprentice allowance. ETQQrT/d FIRDT RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-old3 and OcrO 4 t upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i~ii ;i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S~~ 00880 KING WORTH wit ll 112 10 l l*a y * H • J Maikop L Letoaratau | 2. 3 6-5 3-5 59730 GOLDEN RED w 7 112 2 I ::• 4U 1 SB F Hunt H E Davis 3 3 3 fi-; 3-5 00101 BERRETTA wit 4 mr. ll t 4 2a 2 ;t3 ; Fields .1 C Dawaoa a 5 E I 1 59737 HUMPY w 4 ll:: I :, 5i El :." 4 W Kasnay L Crist s-r, 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 59014 ACCLAMATION vu 6 112 7 I 21 aj 0* W J DomickJ Kindle | 1922.sh81 B07S0fLEENRACK w E 110 8 8 71 6= G" G" J McBride AV B Cross 20 20 20 8 4 K0014fLADY PRBEMEN w S 301 1 G 8 f • ■ 7- J Smifn J Hooker Jr :; 20 30 8 4 59200 THORN BLOOM w 8 lit 4 I !• 8 8" 8. J Chalmers H AV Plant 20 30 31 I 4 58715 itRst troop w 7 no u ll ll H K** • P MerbneeS Brown 15 15 15 I :: 5134:. BIGNAL CORPS wit 1 10S .; 7 Cj 7- V 10* II AValcoff 1 M Black 8 8 8:: 8-5 StaOOtHAZSL R. w r M Mi EM MP 10* U 11 B JoafaJl Q Johnson ao 20 2 8 4 fMntaei field. Time. 24°, 50, 1:18".,. Track heavy. mutuels paid. King AAolth. 4.08 straight. $.-.. place, 3D show; tlolden Red, .10 place, .30 akaw; Berretta, $ .» akaw. K.Hiivaleiit I..... kin;: adds King Worth. 025 to ItK straight. 188 to UK place, 115 to 100 show; Qaaana Red. 105 to rmi place, i.". to loo show: Berretta. 14S to 100 siu.w. Winie r — Br. g. by KeaJIwatth — Mitten, by King Brie tralaed by R. I». Carter; bred by Mr. Daniel F. Fgan. AAent to peat at 2.21. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. KING WORTH set a good pace from the start, raced in the best going all the Way and fini died gamely GOLDEN RED ran well and finish d in re,.. lute faahioa. BERRETTA tired. HUMPY, as u.iml. began slowly and finished fast. Scratched 50012 Itedl.-nd. 115. CTQQITrr; SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mi.o. Jan. 8. 1020— 1 :1 1—0— 102. Purse 00. 3-ycar-oldr. JuO 4 «-P Claiming. Net value to winner 50; r.coond, 00: third. 0. Index Horace AWtPPBt i "_■ ~;. Btr Pin Jocheys Ownera Q~~H c p 3 50000 HUTCHISON wbios t, » I 1* 1» Il L Penman R L Baker _:,_~2 3 4-5 2-ri" 59787NAAlS o w M0 4 1 4"i 41 V :" A Picfcena P G Julian 8 I S I 8. 80800 ARTICLE X w 112 1 I 3] 3* ::■ V P Moore O L rooter I 4 4 8-5 4-5 .-■9787 -i n GIRL w x E I . ■ ■ •". V i- B Scheffel c i Wear ; g k 2 I 50780* ELLAS O w 104 7 S !J 2* C :. N Swart K R Doyle I 13 12 •". I 50758*FLYCAST WB M 3 8 RSI V 1 Prible T Hoffler 1 : Jj 1-57-10 5000S*SMILING LAD w lo:. :; :: 7 ». 0*71 I! BrydgesLlndsay Stable 0 4 2 1 ..:t;8s ►DIVERSITY wa 103 I 8" V V 8 c. Pielda r J Kearaa rj 2 a l 1-: Time. 24,. 80%, 1:13".,. Track heavy. miitiioN paid, Hatckiaoa, .18 straiaht, .30 place, .80 show; NaTiaco, .00 place, ?:. «hi show. Article X., ?7.7o show. Bqniralent booking odd lint, hi oa, 153 to Rio "straight. •;:. to 108 place, 4.". to 100 show; Nariaea, 230 io 100 place, 150 to 100 hew; Article N . 383 to 100 ahow. Winner B, . by Wrack Fraacea M., by liligrane trained by A. Tkoaaaa; bred by Mr 8. K. Nichols. Went to poet at 2:48. At post 1 saiaate. start feed and fast. Woa pulled up; second and third driving. HUTCHISON sprinted into a long lead after rounding the far turn and was eased up at the end. N.vvisco panned ARTICLE N. after entering the homestretch and finished faet. The latter raced gamely, but was tinm; nt Ihe finish. DIVERSITY appeared aaabte ta extend himself iii the going. ELIAS O. ran a good half before tiring. RTnTlQTjR THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. fJan. 24, 1917— l:05/s— 5— 102. Purse 00.~ 3-year-O-JO 6 ? olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses awi PPStji in % BtrliB Jockeys Owaers H c~ P s 7 -! 7 «; 7f7* OLD SINNER wii .*. 1"S c, :; i" l y- v D Prible s"ifi7iTl .7w ?. ii 1 TT 50701 **BLAZEA WAY w it 10 104 ; t 31 ::• S : ; ptdds C ,- D Stable 3 I 2 4-5 2-.". 00704 JUDGE RDROAV W8 4 103 I 2 V 2* fi V L Penman R L Raker 4 4 4 ft-a t ■ 5!i«7 MELA/IN aim l 7 :."- I1 c i-i: Bcheffel Ai D Suggs | Sj 1 1-2 50724 «RILLT roots WS 101 :: " 4 E* ■"- 5- J Parle Fi M Baarea IS IS l" i U 50781* JACOBEAN w 4 103* 7 I ■ I .; •" .1 Malbea M D Bell I I »i I 1 09040 COUNT BORIS WBB 7 MO IS 7 7 7 7 F Hunt H E Davis N M 1 4 2 Time. 25. 50 %, 1:04. 1:11. Track heavy. mutuels paid, old sinner. 1922.sh.50 straigkt, .00 place. .00 show: BlaaBaway, 1922.sh.18 place, .00 shoe : Jadoe Badrow, .88 show. Bqniraleat booking odd — Old Sinner. 375 to 188 straight. 86 to 188 place, 50 to 100 show; P.Iaze-away. 55 to 108 place. ;;, ;,, |gg sh..w: Judge Badrow, 45 to RW lata. Wiaaer— B. g. by Voa Troaap — La Btaaloa, by Bniperor of Norfolk tralaed by R. Rites; bred by Mr. Edward Cebriaa. Went to poal at 3:15. At po-t 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon handily: second and third driving. OLD SINNER took the lead oajekly and drew away after going a naartcr. but had to be ridden out at the end. BLAZEAWAY raced well and finished in resohrte fa-hion. JUDGE BFDUOW rau a go.,d half and tired. MBLYIN was always BBtpaced. Bcrateked 58028 Osgood. 104. Overweight — Jacobean, 3j i.ouniN. _ —J 877 FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile- ar.d 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. £■50 a 4 3-year-olds and upward. Clain.ing. Net value to winner 50; second, 00, third, 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt % k % Btr Pia Jockeys Owners O HO P ~ 50028 *GEX . J A AIRS m 4 101 1 I I* V IS 1] Is D Prible RrTghoiise Stabbl G h 21 fi-". 59741 JNV OTOXXM.. w IMS 7 I 2 2 2* S* 2s L Penman P Delbarrio 2 1 1 4-5 2-5 58011 *TIM. .1. MOGAN w 7 Ml 2 I ::• P 3» ::•:•- J ChaimeraG AVarwicl; _ 3] 21 1 1-2 50000 WHIPP*ORWILL wB 7 111 .". 7 :■ 4: 4- I* 4- B AtkaonBridtyard Stable 3 3 :: H-5 ::-5 5085 l»A UDREY A. w 4 102 4 3 ■- •:" l"l 6" P Moore G Smith ". •". .". 2 1 .-.»«:! DIXIE GIRL W I Ml v S "■ and 5 V 8] B Josiah H M Paul I I I :: 8-1 .-.«7K0 CARAWAY wa 8 101 : I 7 8 • 7 71 7 1.1 Carroll .1 Kindle M 10 N 1 1 50728TO" 1LONG v. sit 5 104 . 8 s- 7- 8 s s is Scbeffel !• R Doyle M lo 10 4 3 50707* DON MANUEL 1 wa 3 M 1 I 9 Pulled np. N Swart P. H Rice 20 M M 8 4 Time. 24T5. 50U. 1:1*%, 1:46, 1:49%. Track heavy. S2 mutuids ].aid. George James. 3.40 straight. .88 place, 1922.sh08 show: Jokaay OCounell. . Il place, .00 show; Timothy J. Hogan. .08 show. Boairaleal booking odd- Georye James, 530 to 100 straight, 140 ta P« peace, 0o to Pm» show; Johnny OCoanell, 5S to Umi place, SO to 100 -hew; Tiaiotby J. Hogan. loo to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Drntsrhlaad T*nnr Boec, by Oraiai trained by C. Bariiagaate; bred by Mr. A. Neal. Went to post at 3:45. At poal 1 minute. Start good and slaw. Wan driving: second and third the same. GEORGE JAMES took the lead at once aad saved ground oa all the tarns, but tired in the teat qearter and finished next to tke inside rail in tke worst goto*. JOHNNY OCONNELL race.i in rteeeel parsnit and was in the middle of the track and waa wearing the winner down at the end. TIMOTHY J. HOGAN raced gamely, bat never threatened the two leaders. Bcrateked :.*7s!t speedy Lady, 104. rrQQrrQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-4 Kiln. Jan. 30, 1921— 2 :033/-,— 4— 118. Fifth Running ZAYAS OJLrO 4 O HANDICAP. S5.CS0 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,355; second. 00: thiid. 00: fourth. 00. Index Horses ~ A AVtTPS t~i t .- :.-4"~S t rTin" Jr.cko.vs Owners ~ O H C P S SObIOTbTLlY BARTON w 4 115 I 1 Il Il 1 1 l» W Keteay Goldanple Stable 1 fi-r, 6-5 1-4 out 50705GEN. MENOCAL v. s 1 li: v I 2 2 r* 2 2. K WUaon C « - I Stable -6 0-51 1-3 out 60700*SEA PRINCE WB 5 IOC I I t 4 :;a ::■•::•■ B KenadyH E Swan 18 3 1 out 5y7«8 THE PIRATE m I MO 3 3 ::• V i 4 4 I. Penman Roaadate Stable 5 5 5 8-5 out Time. 2525- 502i, 1:17, 1:43%. 2:12=5. Track heavy. niBtaebj pBtd, Bitty Bartea, ;.lo straigkt, S3. 30 place; Geaeral Meaoral, .90 place; no show mutuels sold. Bqaivaleat booking adda — Hilly Harton. 205 to 10O straight. 5 to 100 place: General Menocal, 43 to 108 place. Wiaaer — I?r. c, by Huon — Mary La Pus. by St. Savin tralaed by F. M. Bray; bred by Mr. A. L. Ferguson. Went to po-t at !17. At nasi 1 minute. Sail good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BILLY BARTON sot a good pace from start lo finish and was under restraint at the end. GKN-BRAL MENOCAL raced gamely, bat appeared to labor in the going and was tiling all through the last eighth. SKA PRINCE raced well aad finished gamely. THE PIRATE quit and finished fused up. Scratched— 50082 General J. M. Genua, 120. ETQQTi« SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and £0 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. £0r£pc9 a t_y 3-ycar-o!ds and upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. jade* "iirTTsos ~ aAVI pp~sr~;.~"Tst"~Fin Jrx-keys Owners 0 H 5 P S "" 58881 *BIANCA w 8 SO t 2 lJ 1» !• V V H BrydgeaE P Baxter 3 :: 1 fi-3 3-5 5O000*BULGER MOM f 1 i". t* 21 i" 2- .1 Maiben R Dolz S 5 5 I 1 B0040*MEDU8A WBTM4 »i I Bl 4- 2 P. :: .1 Smith T Trovato 0 6 4 2 1 50484 ilss I 1 1. A P.! TV ws 4 : 7 3 I ;■ S* 4 4 4* , Terrat AV B Cross I I 8 i M 00S08*McADOO W M Mt 1 . 9 S- 7- .". E* G l«ields ftliasdalll Stable x 8 S :: 8-5 80001 AV G. McCLTOCK w 4 MS S 1 7 !i 9 : n- s MoGxaw J S Waggtea I 8 8 :: 8-5 500S1* FORBID w .", lU s E 0* |i fe Tr, 7„ j Chalmers.! P AVaite 4 4 4 8-5 4-. 5t011*ROCKPORT WB8M0 :» I V 1* V y 9* N Swart AV C Daly 2 8J Ej I 1 2 50200 MUGIVAN w E RO 7 7 8* m ; p | a Try on A Tempest 10 10 M 4 2 Time. 25A, 51A. 1:18. 1:46, 1:4S%. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Biaaca, .70 straight, ?5.M place, ..30 show; Bulger, .20 place, .10 show; Medusa. .40 show. Bqulvaieal hookiag adds WlanXS. 835 to 108 straight. 150 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; Bulger. 200 lo loo place, 105 to 108 show: Medasa, 70 tr. loo show. AAiiiner — B. m. by Assagai — Alpaca, by Fremont trained by R. B. Allen; bred by Mr. Walter O. Parmer. Weal to post at 1:40. At poal 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won cantering; second nnd third drrrnng. BIANCA tor.k tke lead aaiekly aad kept hscroaaBBg her advantage to win in a canter. RFLGEB ran w+ll anrl shook off MEDUSA when the latter challenged at the head of the homestretch. MEDUSA raced gamely, but tired in tke atretek. KOCKPOKT was far bark all the way. xQSStfl SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Jan. 18, 1920—1 :505i— 6— lOfiT Purse 00. 4-year «-?«_ 0 3" olds and upwn.d. Claiming-. Net valun to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. leder Hafaaa ~ AWtPPSt 4 "J~*4~strTin Jkckays Owners 0 H c p ri 50700 TTa/.KL W. w 4 1"5 1 2 1- I 1- l1 !■ B Kenn.ly.S T Baxter 15 6 S 2 1 50101 MARY J. BAKER m IMS :: :: 41 :;nk :;- 23 27 I, Penman R J Paul I r, I 8-5 4-5 00140* MILDRED W 810814 1 :•- 4- 4 4 :• J Maiben J J McCafferty 4 4 4 7-5 7-10 1 50004 *BRYNL1MAH WB 18 Ml ii I S» 5s B* B* 4" B Ethsjffel J Lowe 8-5 8-5 K-5 3-5 1-4 OOOSlSIBOLA w 7 lot | 4 BJ M 21 A2 5* F Wilson T A Hears 2 2 2 7-101-3 00140*DOLPH w 5 107 SS8SSC0N Swart AV H Hall 8 6 « 2 1 Time, 04%, 49«i. 1:17, 1:45%, 1:59%. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Basel AV.. 1. 10 straight. ,10 place, .80 show; Mary June Baker. .10 place. .KO show; Mildred. .10 show. BqatraaBBt booking odds— Hazel W., 455 to 100 straight. 205 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Mary Jane Baker. 235 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show: Mildred. 105 to 100 show. AAinner— Ch. f. by Everett — Lukeramus, by Luke Ward trained by S. T. Baxter; bred by Mr. I. E. Clark. Went to post at 5:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: second and third the same. HAZEL AA". raced into a long lead while rounding the first turn, tired badly in the last eighth and just lasted long enough to beat MARY JANE BAKEB. The latter finished fast and gamely and would have won in another stride. MILDUED raced gamely, but tired in the stretch drive. BRYNLIMAH was always outrun. SIBOLA quit in the last quarter. Scratched— 598302Little Dear, 05. Overweights— Hazel W., 3 pounds; Mildred, 1% pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922013001/drf1922013001_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922013001_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800